Tuesday, July 1, 2008

index: ASSA #2

ASSA, No. 2, 2008, Edited and published by Juri Nummelin. 2 Euros/issue postpaid. ISSN 1797-0431. 24 pp, sextodecimo. Cover and
illustrations: clip and found art.

2 * Tomittajalta * Juri Nummelin * ed
3 * Ruohikon Madonna * JT Ellison * vi (trans. Juri Nummelin, hereafter JN) ("Madonna in the Grass" FLASH PAN ALLEY 7 May 2007)
6 * Breikkausta * John Weagly * vi (trans. JN) ("Breaking" FLASHING IN THE GUTTERS 2006)
8 * Linnuille ruokaa * Patricia J. Hale * vi (trans. JN) ("Bird Feed"
10 * Viiskymppia kerta, muru * Pasi Karppanen * vi
11 * Minun sankarini * Patricia Abbott * vi (trans. JN)("My Hero"
14 * Lopusta alkuun * Salla Simukka * vi/ex?
15 * Aariviivat * Tapani Bagge * vi/ex?
16 * Jalleennakeminen * Todd Mason * vi (trans. JN) ("Reunion"
[forthcoming chapbook edited by Mildred Perkins])
18 * Joe Novak ja helpon tapausksen tapaus * Juri Nummelin * vi
20 * Halvaantunut tappajasimpanssi * Pearce Hansen * vi (trans. JN) ("Paraplegic Killer Chimp" POWDER BURN FLASH 1 April 2008)

Please forgive any misspellings or misconstructions (beyond the regrettable lack of umlauts). What Finnish needs is more syllables in its words, much as Hawaiian does.

The various English language sources are webzines/blogs save the chapbook, which I'm not sure has a working title yet.

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