Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Week's Links: Tuesday's Overlooked Films (and/or Other A/V): 1 Feb

Thanks as always to all who participate, as reviewer and/or reader! If you're the latter, would you enjoy also being the former? Please let me know (and certainly let me know if I've missed your post this week). TM

Bill Crider: Ishtar
Brian Arnold: The Goodies
Cullen Gallagher: "The Other Fritz Lang: Cowboys, Swashbucklers, and Guerrillas in the Noir Master's Non-Noir Films"
Evan Lewis: The Great Train Robbery (1903)
James Reasoner: The Long Voyage Home
Jerry House: Daughter of the Dragon
Juri Nummelin: Dreams That Money Can Buy
K. A. Laity: Old Acquaintance
Paul D. Brazill: Grace of My Heart
Scott Cupp: Seven Footprints to Satan
Todd Mason: Look Around You

And links of related interest:
Brent McKee: US Television 1970-74
Dan Stumpf: The Scoundrel (at the Mystery*File blog)
Ed Gorman: The Alaskans and The Window
Elizabeth Foxwell: G.K. Chesterton stories on BBC Radio7
George Kelley: Pioneers of Television
Ivan Shreve: Buck Privates
Megan Abbott (on Family Affair) and Sara Gran (on overused iconography and dramatic business) at Abbott/Gran
Patti Abbott: Another Year
Pearce Duncan: Horror Movie Reviews
Stephen Gallagher on Chiller and Murder Rooms
Vince Keenan: Sharky's Machine


  1. Dang, some dude called "Evan Parker" seems to be impersonating me.

  2. A thousand pardons, Mr. Lewis! Evan Parker is a free-jazz saxophonist, and I had you in correctly at first, then noted my long-standing error in my blog-link roll, and cursed my fiddly, harassed, ice-stormed memory--and "corrected" the wrong spot. All fixed...or quite soonly!

  3. I'm enjoying making the rounds checking out these links, Todd.

  4. Looking forward to a Cramner post, should you choose. I might even get your name right.

  5. Nice collection of links. You are monopolizing my day here,

  6. Keeps you from having to contemplate the martyrdom of Pat Nixon. Or those of us in the ice-storm zone.

  7. Todd, this week's Friday's Forgotten Books entry is up at the Little Known Gem site, here.


A persistent spammer has led to comment moderation, alas. Some people are stubborn. I'm one.