Wednesday, May 4, 2011

in honor of Joanna Russ's memory:

This coming Sunday (May 8 at 14:00 EDT) [Mother's Day, no less--TM] there will be an informal Twitter chat on the subject of feminist and queer science fiction in memory of Joanna Russ, under the hashtag #FeministSF. All are welcome, and if anyone has any ideas for questions or prompts to help guide the chat, please contact one of the co-organizers, myself (@thefuturefire) or @traciewelser, or make the suggestion under the hashtag.

(If you haven't taken part in a Twitter chat before, just search for the hashtag; it should all become clear.)



[please also see my expanded entry on Russ...]

1 comment:

A persistent spammer has led to comment moderation, alas. Some people are stubborn. I'm one.