Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday's Overlooked Films and/or Other A/V

Thanks, as always, to all the contributors and to you who read these...if I've overlooked your contribution for this week or you'd like to join in, please let me know in comments...

Bill Crider: War Paint
Brian Arnold: "The Screwball"
Chuck Esola: Where the Buffalo Roam
Curt Evans: Miller's Crossing
Dan Stumpf: Out of the Fog
Eric Peterson: Bandits (1997)
Evan Lewis: "Superman" (1941)
George Kelley: An Education
Iba Dawson: A Single Girl aka La Fille Seule
James Reasoner: The Brothers Brannagan
Jerry House: Davy Crockett (and the merchandising)
K.A. Laity: Dead Man
Randy Johnson: The Old Corral
Ron Scheer: The Missing
Scott Cupp: Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman
Stephen Gallagher: "Impostor" (episode of Out of This World) 1962
Stan Burns: Slings and Arrows
Steve Lewis: Dangerous Exile
Yvette Banek: Castle in the Desert

Related matter:
Ed Gorman: 10 I Can Live Without
Patti Abbott: Super 8
Pearce Duncan, Jeff Segal, Mike Stamm: Gojira and its pals


  1. Ah, a few people have mentioned Slings & Arrows to me now. In my abundant free time, I shall have to make my way through the YouTube snippetry.

  2. It won't make you forget Beckett, but it's utterly pleasant.

  3. MILLER'S CROSSING is not overlooked by me. I caught that during a late night showing in the student union. One year during finals they were showing movies all night until dawn.

    I cannot recall if I went in there to avoid studying, take a short break, or really wanted to see the flick. I sure did like it though. Great color (literal and figurative), atmosphere, backstabbing, and the scary Dane.

  4. I love the Fleischer Brothers version of SUPERMAN. Good choice.

    SLINGS AND ARROWS sounds like it a good thing also. I've never heard of it before. I love backstage stuff.

  5. Miller's Crossing is fantastic Coen Bros fun and I love the vocabulary they created for it, the noirish feel and John Polito's oozing creepiness. My brother and I quote his lines all the time (apropos of absolutely nothing).

    "Which hand?"

  6. I have a set of SLINGS & ARROWS DVDs that I hope to get to during my convalescence.


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