Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday's Overlooked Films and/or Other A/V: the overlooked links are still coming

Bill Crider: Across the Pacific (trailer)

Dan Stumpf: Victory (1940)

Elizabeth Foxwell: James Bond and the CIA

Eric Anderson: Dead Silence

Evan Lewis: Muddy Waters, "Got My Mojo Workin'"; Hank Williams, "Hey, Good Lookin'"

George Kelley: Doctor Who: The Complete Specials

Iba Dawson: Liberty Heights

Ivan G. Shreve: Ida Lupino-directed and -starring episodes of The Twilight Zone

Juri Nummelin: Mikey and Nicky

Kate Laity: The Passion of Joan of Arc

James Reasoner: Soldiers of Fortune

Jerry House: The Roy Rogers Show

Michael Shonk: Pushing Daisies

Randy Johnson: Arena (1989)

Rod Lott: A Serbian Film

Scott Cupp: Chandu the Magician

Steve Lewis: Too Many Winners

Tise Vahimagi: "Prime Time Suspects: Theatre of Crime (US)"

Todd Mason: Anthony Braxton recalls his Arista recordings (see below*)

Yvette Banek: American Dreamer

Related matter:

Howard Waldrop and Lawrence Person: Cowboys and Aliens

Walker Martin: PulpFest 2011

*Anthony Braxton has been one of the most adventurous of free-jazz composers and performers, and his work for Arista was never a great commercial success, but the artistic triumphs of much of it are monuments (he's particularly proud, with good reason, of his compositions in the For Four Orchestras album, released as a boxed set of vinyl in quadrophonic, with one 40-musician orchestra per channel). Braxton, who at one point made most of his money playing chess while continuing his working on his music, also talks a bit about chess and mathematics and what they mean to him.
Todd Mason (and thanks to Richard Robinson for continuing to nudge me toward the Mosaic sets, that this footage is up in part to promote).


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