Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday's Overlooked Films and/or Other A/V

Thanks to all contributors (of the critiques of films that are linked to below...some readers of the notes I send out to various lists have noted today that they are uncertain as to what the names and titles imply when they see the weekly lists) and readers...there will be a few more entries, I suspect, including my own (squeezed by morning meetings and such vagaries...).

Bill Crider: Dark City

Brian Arnold: One Magic Christmas

Chuck Esola: Lisztomania

Dan Stumpf: The 3rd Voice

Evan Lewis: The Rider of the Law

Geoff Bradley: Tough Love

George Kelley: A Perfect World

Iba Dawson: Enchantment (1949)

James Reasoner: Zorro's Black Whip

Jerry House: Rage at Dawn

Juri Nummelin: My Friend Ivan Lapshin (aka
Moy drug Ivan Lapshin)

Michael Shonk: The Best of B.L. Stryker

Mike Tooney: Edward D. Hoch and Hollywood

Patti Abbott: The Pumpkin Eater

Philip Schweier: films of The Shadow

Randy Johnson: The Last Musketeer

Steve Lewis: The Vicious Circle (1957) (aka The Circle)

Ron Scheer: Bend of the River

Scott Cupp: The Laughing Dead

Tina Silber: Nero Wolfe (CBS 1959...never aired)

Todd Mason: Wainy Days

Sergio Angelini: The Mirror Crack'd

Walter Albert: Life in the Raw

Yvette Banek: All That Heaven Allows

Related Matters:

Prashant Trikannad: Lady and the Tramp

Stacia Jones: December Cable Movie Highlights


  1. Okay, mine just went up, Todd. Thanks.

  2. Mine should be up sometime today, Todd. I posted it to the dasshboard on Sunday. the webmaster actually does all the posting. Which is how I always seem to be late. Reviews are there, just not posted.

  3. Thanks, folks. Sorry I've had so little time today to interact...


A persistent spammer has led to comment moderation, alas. Some people are stubborn. I'm one.