Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday's Overlooked Films and/or Other A/V: the newly augmented links

Thanks as always to all contributors and to you readers...there are a few more citations to be added a little later this morning or early this afternoon, including those from Steve Lewis and the gang at Mystery*File, but the Very Slow Machine I'm working with has a tendency to get hung up on Yvette Banek's illustrations among other things...so I'll be switching to a somewhat less underpowered device for the later links and the M*Fers! Please let me know if I've missed yours in comments...
Bill Crider: The Iron Mistress (1952) (trailer)

Brian Arnold: Blacke's Magic

Chuck Esola: duBeat*e*o

Dan Stumpf: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves; the Robin Hood legend

Eric Peterson: Rock Radio 103 WIQB

Evan Lewis: The Three Musketeers (1948)

Iba Dawson: Me and Orson Welles

Jackie Kashian: Mary Jo Pehl (Cinematic Titanic, MST3K); Andrew Kole, Provocateur

James Reasoner: Blue Light

Jerry House: The Black Cat (1934)

John Charles: Black Belt Jones; Hot Potato; Black Samson; Three the Hard Way

Juri Nummelin: The Collector

Kate Laity: The Devil and Miss Jones

Patti Abbott: Lord Love a Duck

Pearce Duncan, Jeff Segal, Jason Cavallaro, How Did This Get Made?: Drive Angry

Randy Johnson: Red Sun (1971)

Rod Lott: Nancy Drew, Reporter (1939)

Ron Scheer: Pale Rider

Scott Cupp: Ladyhawke

Sergio Angelini: Hysteria (1965)

Stephen Gallagher: Douglas Fairbanks and me

Todd Mason:
National book-chat television. There's a dearth of it today, in the US, particularly now that Oprah Winfrey has closed down her self-celebratory "Oprah's Book Club" along with the rest of her weekdaily herself-fest, to retire to new levels of self-adoration on the second cable channel that was meant to be hers (as Oxygen was at its foundation, as well), OWN. The only remaining chat show host on the networks who makes a point of mentioning his reading habits is Craig Ferguson, of CBS's graveyard series, probably in part due to he himself being a novelist (how good or bad, dunno yet); Ferguson is a big fan of Lawrence Block, and has had him on the show several times.

But, at least on C-SPAN, there's no shortage of bookish events, with their Book TV weekends and various other author-readings, interview sessions and seminars. Of course, C-SPAN has chosen to make their website harder to use over the last several years (it was no picnic before), but, for example, the three-hour In Depth series can be accessed this way and thus, which latter is how I dug out Katha Pollitt's fine session from some years back. Such other C-SPAN series as After Words are also accessible at the site, even though C-SPAN will tend to go for "media-savv" and "colorful" figures, including the Ann Coulters and the Michael Moores, at least as often as someone more substantial. Noam Chomsky's been on...but not so very often...and C-SPAN is a bit smug about how they favor nonfiction books...until they land a fiction writer or poet who redounds to their sense of Tone.

And while C-SPAN generally does a good job (though the sound quality of some of their archived material leaves something to be desired), I had a very pleasant time today listening to (I suspect) a gray-market (at best) archive of the soundtrack of an episode of Lewis Lapham's PBS series from two decades back, Bookmark, the episode featuring Paul Fussell, having just published his book Wartime and discussing it with Studs Terkel and Lapham. Bookmark was perhaps my favorite chat show so far, of any kind, and it ran for a couple/three seasons on PBS around the turn of the '90s, and was as necessary a weekly catch as China Beach, a scrap moreso than Twin Peaks.

Walter Albert: They Dare Not Love

Yvette Banek: Without a Clue

Related matters:
Brent McKee: Rob

Ed Gorman/Lee Pfeiffer: The Bates Motel (revival)

Evan Lewis: Hopalong Cassidy posters

George Kelley: Barry Lyndon

Ivan G. Shreve, Jr: Sanford and Son

Jack Seabrook/Peter Enfantino: Batman in the '70s

Michael Shonk: The Firm and the Future of Television

Prashant Trikannad: Peter Benchley's Jaws and The Deep; General Electric comics

Todd Mason: tv notes; The Best Television Political-Drama Series...that I've seen...


  1. That's right, blame me. Ha!

    Sorry my pix cause you grief. :)

    But at any rate, it looks like a great line-up again today, Todd.

  2. No, indeed...your pages are gorgeous, Yvette...but with the primary PC down, trying to use the laptop to keep the blog going is Trying. And thanks for being a part of the interesting range...about to get bigger in the next hour, as I get Scott's and the MYSTERY*FILE and perhaps a few more entries in...

  3. Mine's up, Todd, after a small break.


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