Friday, May 4, 2012

...a fistful of fantasy magazine covers...

Another Hannes Bok:

And a brace of Boris Dolgov covers:

...And a duo of Lawrence Stevens...


  1. Great covers. Love 'em. Mags today are far too sophisticated to use covers like that, more's the pity.

  2. Thanks! Though I dunno, Bill...certainly, I think Bok would've had no trouble placing the first painting today.

    And certainly some of the recent, rather avant-garde covers for WEIRD TALES issues (or those for BLACK STATIC) share some sensibility with these...

    Seems to me Dolgov split the difference between Bok and Ed Cartier and Lee Brown Coye in much of his work...

    More, more recent work forthcoming soonly...

  3. Centipede Press will be publishing an enormous book on the art of Hannes Bok later this year. It's supposed to have all his pulp magazine art.

  4. I think you'll like the new covers, too, Patti.

    Indeed, Walker, I'd read that, I think from you previously as well as elsewhere. The problem resides in which vital organ to sell to afford the Centipede Press volume...though that will (one hopes) settle any questions about who else's covers Bok did.


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