Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tuesday's Overlooked Films And/Or Other A/V: the links

Thanks as always to this week's reviewers and citers of insufficiently-encountered Audio/Visual presentations, at the links below, and to you readers...at least one or two more are likely to arise over the course of the day and be added here. If I've missed yours or someone else's, please let me know in comments...thanks again.

Bill Crider: The Assassination Bureau (trailer)

Brian Arnold: The Return of Captain America (1960s animation); Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD

Ed Gorman: Dave Zeltserman: Touch of Evil; Ed approves of Michael Shonk on Amos Burke, Secret Agent/Burke's Law

Evan Lewis: The Overlooked Films of Jean Lafitte - Part 1

Francis Nevins: Dark Passage and The Fugitive

Geoff Bradley: Hustle (Season/Series Four, 2007)

George Kelley: Dark Shadows (the original series)

Iba Dawson: Green for Danger

Ivan G. Shreve, Jr.: George Lindsay, in Mayberry RFD and otherwise

Jack Seabrook: Robert Bloch on TV: "Water's Edge" (The Alfred Hitchcock Hour)

James Reasoner: Borderline (1950)

Jerry House: Ricky Nelson, on The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet and otherwise

John Charles: The Return of Chandu

John F. Norris: Sleep, My Love

Juri Nummelin: The Raid (aka The Raid: Redemption, to make way for the forthcoming US remake)

Kate Laity: The Pillowman; James Conway on Algol: Tragödie der Macht

Michael Shonk: Amos Burke, Secret Agent

Patti Abbott: A Letter to Three Wives

Prashant Trikannad: The Barretts of Wimpole Street (1957)

Randy Johnson: The Dangerous Days of Kiowa Jones

Rod Lott: Moon Zero Two

Ron Scheer: The Hi-Lo Country

Scott Cupp: The Wasp Woman

Sergio Angelini: Keeper of the Flame (1943)

Stacia Jones: blogging software/site blues

Walter Albert: The Bargain (1914)

Will Potter: May Day follies

"Zybahn": The 4400 (pilot)


  1. Proofreading Police Report: John Charles' post is on the Return of CHANDU - a Bela Lugosi serial.

  2. Thanks Todd for the link though I didn't think of the post as part of this series as I'll be reviewing each episode over the next couple of weeks. I normally limit my a/v reviews to anthology or anthology-styled tv shows. But if you're up for it I'll try to post more on Tuesdays.

  3. No worries in any direction, Z (and any likelihood we'll have a real name from you in the future?)...I'll take links to them as you post them, unless you object.

  4. No objections, T. And my real name is Frank.

  5. Just Frank. "Zybahn" is my online persona. I took it on six years ago when I quite smoking, & though I did not use any zyban (I went cold turkey) I liked the sound. Since "zyban" was taken on many sites I threw in the h.


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