Friday, October 5, 2012

"Friday's Forgotten Books": more links

The links below, to reviews of the cited books, might be added to over the course of the day as a few more titles come in; Patti Abbott will be hosting the links as usual next Friday, which will be an Agatha Christie special week, featuring a number (though almost certainly not exclusively) of Christie's books, including perhaps as close to obscurities as her popularity and prolificacy allows. Thanks to all contributors, and all you readers...if I've missed your review, or someone else's, please let me know in comments. And enjoy yourselves, Boucherconners!

Sergio Angelini: Traitor's Purse by Margery Allingham

Brian Arnold: Virtual ComiCon and Hallowe'en Countdown

Yvette Banek: A Deceptive Clarity by Aaron Elkins

Joe Barone: Aunt Dimity and the Duke by Nancy Atherton

Brian Busby: Seconds to Go by "Phil Strong" (Danny Halperin)

Bill Crider: the series: Isaac Asimov Presents: The Great SF Stories edited by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg (sometimes with an assist from Barry Malzberg)

Scott Cupp: The Strange Affair of Spring-Heeled Jack by Mark Hodder

Martin Edwards: Death in a Little Town by R. C. Woodthorpe

Peter Enfantino and Jack Seabrook: Batman in the '70s

Barry Ergang: Lucky You by Carl Hiassen

Barry Gardner: A Body in Belmont Harbor by Michael Raleigh

Ed Gorman: Stranger at Home by Leigh Brackett (ghosting for George Sanders)

Randy Johnson: Riders in the Storm by Lee Floren

Nick Jones: The Siamese Coup Affair by Sidney Weintraub (jacket by Denis McLoughlin)

George Kelley: We Are for the Dark: The Collected Short Stories of Robert Silverberg (V. 8, 1987-1990)

Margot Kinberg: Behind the Night Bazaar by Angela Savage

B. V. Lawson: First Cases: First Appearances of Famous Private Eyes edited by Robert J. Randisi
Evan Lewis: The Night It Rained Bullets by Brian (Wynne) Garfield

Steve Lewis: The Vagabond Clown by Edward Marston;  Footbridge to Death by Kathleen Moore Knight

Richard Pangburn: Sanctuary by Ken Bruen

James Reasoner: Satan's Syndicate by G. Fleming-Roberts (as Brant House)

Karyn Reeves: The Long Divorce by Edmund Crispin

Gerard Saylor: The Uncertainty Principle by Mark Kraushaar  [new video]

Ron Scheer: The Well in the Desert by Adeline Knapp

Kerrie Smith: Murder by Installment by A.C. Banntjer

Dan Stumpf: Showdown Creek by Lucas Todd

"TomCat": The Man with Bated Breath by Joseph Baker Carr

Prashant Trikannad: The Executioners by John D. MacDonald


  1. A little early - or late for last week's - here's my Monday contribution to FFB:

    Seconds to Go by Phil Strong

    Of interest, perhaps, only to those who like boxing novels... those who like bad boxing novels will be in heaven.

  2. Late as usual. I think I'm on the verge of just packing it in and calling this my 'new normal'.

    I am predisposed to be tardy and that's all there is to it. :)

    My post will be up and running soon.

  3. Hi, Todd. My FFB entry for today is Ken Bruen's SANCTUARY.

    The link is:

  4. Todd, I'd planned to carry this very cover of THE EXECUTIONERS with my post but two covers I clicked on lacked clarity. You got a good one, though, so many thanks for highlighting it as also the link to my piece. Any idea why MacDonald (or his publisher) changed the title?

  5. Thanks, folks...they'll be up there shortly...

    Prashant, for no better reason than the film's publicity. At least one edition from the decades between the films was published as THE EXECUTIONERS.

  6. Okay, Todd. I'm up and running. Finally. :)


A persistent spammer has led to comment moderation, alas. Some people are stubborn. I'm one.