Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday's Overlooked Films and/or Other A/V: the links

Pieces of April
Thanks as always to all the contributors and all you readers; if I've overlooked your contribution this week or someone else's. please let me know in comments...as usual, there are likely to be additions to this list of links to reviews and citations over the course of the day...and particularly notable this week, the NoirCon report posts are often (at least in Peter and Cullen's cases) simply the first of several which follow...so track away!

Bill Crider: The Bowery Boys Meet the Monsters [trailer]

Carole King
Brian Arnold: Carole King, Harry Nilsson, Neil Diamond: demos and personal recordings of Monkees songs;  Monkees screentests; Pieces of April; and more

Charlie Ricci: The Rise of Alternative Rock FM Radio

Cullen Gallagher: NoirCon 2012

Ed Gorman: Anthony Boucher hips Alfred Hitchcock to Robert Bloch's Psycho (see also this)

Morning Joe
Elizabeth Foxwell: "Backward, Turn Backward" (from the Dorothy Salisbury Davis story; Alfred Hitchcock Presents:)

Evan Lewis: The Public Enemy

George Kelley: Jekyll and Hyde: The Musical; Morning Joe

Iba Dawson: Ladies in Lavender

Ivan G. Shreve, Jr.: You Bet Your Life

James Reasoner: Death Valley Days

Jerry House: Queen for a Day

John Charles: The Bubble (the last Arch Oboler film)

Juri Nummelin: End of Watch;  Death Weekend

Laura: Easy Living (1949)

Lawrence Block: NoirCon 2012, the NYC Vintage Paperback Show, etc.

Lawrence Person: Daisies (aka Sedmikrásky); "Why Doesn't MTV Play Music Videos Any More?"

Michael Shonk: More Harry O

Patti Abbott: Movie Movie

Peter Rozovsky: Project Noir Songs/NoirCon 2012

Randy Johnson: Cleopatra (1934)

Richard Pangburn: Firefly and the 10th Anniversary Reunion

Rick: Isn't It Shocking?

Two Undercover Angels
Rod Lott: Two Undercover Angels

Ron Scheer: Young Billy Young

Scott Cupp: The Gorgon 

Sergio Angelini: Two O'Clock Courage

Yvette Banek: Beauty and the Beast (aka La Belle et La Bete); East of Eden


  1. My post is up and running, Todd. Sorry if I'm confusing you with my late posts but that seems to be the 'new normal' around here.

  2. Todd: I really didn't mean END OF WATCH - a new film! - to be an Overlooked Movie. Here's the actual post:


  3. No confusion here...but since both films were hanging there and there was nothing obviously meant to be included here (and the Cocteau can always use more viewers and END OF WATCH did pretty much fizzle), I felt comfortable adding them in.

  4. Mine has been up awhile:


    Thanks, Todd.

  5. Sorry, Richard...I didn't see it up at my first pass, and depend on reminders unless I know (as with Scott Cupp) that there's a regular tendency for the posts to be delayed. Thanks.


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