Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday's Overlooked Films and/or Other A/V: more links

American Gangster
As always, thanks to all of the contributors of reviews and citations below, and to all you readers of them...there are likely to be additional links added over the course of the day, and if I've overlooked yours or someone else's review, please let me know in comments. It's a crowded day, but we shall persevere!

Bill Crider: Operation Petticoat  [trailer]

Brian Arnold: A Pinky and the Brain Christmas; "It's a Bad Brains Christmas, Charlie Brown"

Dan Stumpf: Hi-Life (1998)

Ed Donovan: Street of a Thousand Pleasures (NSFW video image at bottom of post--then again, Rot Lott's header for Flick Attack is not safe in very uptight workplaces, probably)

Elizabeth Foxwell: Ivy

Evan Lewis: Bulldog Drummond Escapes

Francis Nevins: Ellery Queen on radio, and elsewhere

George Kelley: Dark Crimes

Phantom Lady (included in Dark Crimes)
Iba Dawson: Bachelor Mother

Ivan G. Shreve, Jr.: miscellany 

Jackie Kashian: Craig Shoemaker

James Reasoner: American Gangster

Jeff Flugel: River of No Return

Jerry House: W. C. Fields, Ray Bradbury, and Kenny House

John Charles: Hellraiser: Inferno

Kate Laity: Short Films from Alan Moore;  "Then Little Joe the Krampus Met"

Laura: Deep Waters

Michael Shonk: TV Crime Drama Themes and Opening/Credit Sequences

Patti Abbott: Crusader Rabbit

Beware, My Lovely
Randy Johnson: Beware, My Lovely

Rick: The Questor Tapes

Ron Scheer: Nevada

Scott Cupp: Quatermass (1979);
Night of the Eagle (aka Burn, Witch, Burn!)

Sergio Angelini: The Spiritualist (aka The Amazing Mr. X) 

Stacia Jones: Ten Laps to Go

Todd Mason: What Really Happened to the Class of '65? (television series)

Yvette Banek: Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas


  1. Todd, my post is up and running for when you get a moment to link up. :)

  2. I'm not sure that my blog qualifies, but it is audio:

  3. Greetings, Todd! I've been an irregular contributor of late (apologies) but I do have one for you this week, if you can fit me in:

    Thanks again!

  4. Thanks, gentlemen. Audio materials, and live performance events (theater, conventions, etc.) definitely rate.

  5. Though I tend to segregate the purely musical out of Tuesday's Overlooked into the Monthly Underappreciated Music posts/lists.


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