Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday's Overlooked Films and/or Other A/V: the links

A certain holiday approaches. As always, thanks to all the contributors of reviews and citations linked to below, and to you readers...if I've overlooked your A/V write-up, please let me know in the comments. There might well be further additions over the course of this very busy day...and, happy (post!-)Channukah, and (pre-)Christmas, (and the solstice and other solstice holidays!) to their celebrants...this will be back next week, but I won't be surprised if some of the regular contributors will be otherwise occupied.

Bill Crider: Will Penny [trailer]

Brian Arnold: Cuento de Navidad (aka The Christmas Tale)

Elizabeth Foxwell:  Please Murder Me

Evan Lewis: The Stranger (1946)

George Kelley: Batman: Gotham Knight; Justice League: The New Frontier

Iba Dawson: Holiday (1938)

Ivan G. Shreve, Jr.: Arch Oboler

James Reasoner: The Twelve Dogs of Christmas

Jason Zinoman: Maria Bamford (and Jackie Kashian)

Jerry House: 30-Second Bunnies version of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

John Charles: Destination Moon

Juri Nummelin: Django

Kate Laity: Broadpod

Laura: Lady in the Dark

Mike Tooney: Alfred Hitchcock Presents: "Not the Running Type" (script by Jerry Sohl from a story by Henry Slesar)

Patti Abbott: Send Me No Flowers

Prashant Trikannad: Detour

Randy Johnson: The Left-Handed Gun

Richard Pangburn: Merry Christmas, 2116 and other Bradbury drama and prose

Rick: Steve McQueen

Rod Lott: Saint Nick

Ron Scheer: The Red Pony (1949)

Scott Cupp: Night of the Eagle (aka Burn, Witch, Burn!); Going Postal

Sergio Angelini: Stalag 17

Stacia Jones: The White Shadow (1924; directed by Alfred Hitchcock)

Walter Albert: A Date with Destiny (aka The Mad Doctor)

Yvette Banek: Five Quirky Christmas Movies


  1. Todd, I am running late but I should have my post ready in an hour's time. Many thanks...

  2. Cool, Prashant. I'll try to snag it post-haste.

  3. Any time, Todd. It's "Detour" (1945) a film worth seeing again.


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