Tuesday, March 26, 2013

more links added: Tuesday's Overlooked Films and/or Other A/V: the links

Wings of Desire
Below, today's set of reviews and citations of audiovisual works and related matter, with the posts at the links. As always, thanks to all the contributors and to all you readers for your participation. And, as usually, there are likely to be additions to this list over the course of the day, and if I've missed your, or someone else's, post, please let me know in comments...thanks again.

Bill Crider: Blackbeard the Pirate  ...trailer

Brian Arnold: GLOW: The Story of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling

B. V. Lawson: Media Murder

Dan Stumpf: The House of the Seven Hawks

Elizabeth Foxwell: The Reluctant Widow (aka The Inheritance)

Evan Lewis: Bar 20

George Kelley: Inside the Actor's Studio: "Tina Fey"; X-Com videogames; Sister Act: The Musical

How Did This Get Made?: In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale

Iba Dawson: Rabbit Proof Fence; The Sapphires

Ivan G. Shreve, Jr.: Mercedes McCambridge; Ozzie Nelson

Jack Seabrook: John Collier on TV overview

Jacqueline T. Lynch: The French Line

James Reasoner: Detour (1945)

Jeff Flugel: The Face of Fu Manchu

Jerry House: Coronet Films' instruction in young romance (your tax dollars at work)

Bhowani Junction
John Charles: She Freak (aka Asylum of the Insane)

Juri Nummelin: Kyor-ogly

Kliph Nesteroff: The Steve Allen Show (1968)

Laura: Traveling Saleslady

Lawrence Person: John Dies at the End; "The Nightmare Before St. Patrick's Day" 

Lee Goldberg: Hannibal Lecter for German Television

Lucy Brown: Flight for Freedom (1943); Bhowani Junction 

Marty McKee: The Package

Michael Shonk: The Brothers Brannigan

Charley Varrick
Mike Tooney: Tales of Tomorrow: "All the Time in the World"

Mystery Dan: Phantom from Space

Patti Abbott: Wings of Desire

Randy Johnson: M Squad; A Sky Full of Stars for a Roof (aka ...E per tetto un cielo di stelle)

Rick: Charley Varrick

Rod Lott: Satan in High Heels
Satan in High Heels

Ron Scheer: Little Big Man (and a western film roundup)

Scott Cupp: Winsor McKay: The Master Edition

Sergio Angelini:  audio drama: Dark Shadows: "The Christmas Presence"; 
Mysteries in Audio

Stacia Jones: The Fury

Todd Mason: PBS Online Film Festival;
The Big Broadcast (archived only till Sunday night, and a particularly good selection of older radio drama this week, with only the rather far-fetched though engaging Crime Club and the typically pathetic, if also amusing, I Was a Communist for the FBI at the end not up to the rather consistent quality of the rest of the week's entries, including a surprising Dragnet with a presentation of an Edgar Award at the conclusion; Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn's series Marriage is certainly of its time...and written by Ernest Kinoy).

Yvette Banek: Dave

Anon.: Cliffhangers


  1. Steve at MysteryFile just added my look at Brothers Brannagan.


  2. Thanks for including me in the usual round-up, Todd! Most appreciated!

  3. Not at all, Jeff. (Never ever "sci-fi" for sf, though. Not that you have to obey that ukase, just the world would be that much better if everyone did...)


A persistent spammer has led to comment moderation, alas. Some people are stubborn. I'm one.