Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday's Overlooked Film and/or Other A/V: more links

Baby Face
Below, today's set of reviews and citations of audiovisual works and related matter, with the posts at the links...a particularly good set today (and lots of remembrance of Ms. Funicello beyond what's linked to below).  As always, thanks to all the contributors and to all you readers for your participation. And, as usually, there are likely to be additions to this list over the course of the day, and if I've missed your, or someone else's, post, please let me know in comments...thanks again.

Bill Crider: The Great Race [trailer]

Brian Arnold: Standing in the Shadows of Motown

BV Lawson: Media Murder

Dan Stumpf: Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Elizabeth Foxwell: The Man Who Cheated Himself

Evan Lewis: A Few Dollars for Django (aka Pochi dollari per Django) 

George Kelley: Breakfast at Tiffany's (including On Point on the new stage adaptation)

Iba Dawson: Baby Face (1933)

Ivan G. Shreve, Jr.: new releases in classic home a/v 

Jack Seabrook: The Hitchcock Project

Jackie Kashian: Joseph Keckler's I Am an Opera

Hell Drivers
Jacqueline T. Lynch: Lady in the Lake

James Reasoner: Longarm

Jerry House: Remembering Annette Funicello

J. Kingston Pierce: crime-drama pilots

John Charles: Capture that Capsule! (aka Spy Squad)

Kliph Nesteroff: The Spike Jones Show: "Pilot"

Laura: Hell Drivers

Lucy Brown: Lucky Partners

The Music of Chance
Martin Edwards: Marple: "The Pale Horse"; Arne Dahl: "The Blinded Man"

Marty McKee: The Black Hole

Michael Shonk: Dante (1960-61)

Mystery Dan: Rise of the Guardians

Patti Abbott: The Music of Chance

Prashant Trikannad: The Next Three Days

Randy Johnson: The Murderer Lives at No. 21; Django and Sartana's Showdown in the West
Las seins de glace

Rick: The Mickey Mouse Club dramatic serial "Annette"

Rod Lott: The Alligator People

Ron Scheer: Alburquerque

Scott Cupp: Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland

Sergio Angelini: Las seins de glace

Stacia Jones: Dreams of a Life

Todd Mason: Remembering Roger Ebert--tonight on the World Channel (PBS-affiliated network); some Dan Aykroyd films, a brief rundown...;  parody series This American Wife: Public Radio Pledge Drive

Yvette Banek: The VIPs


  1. Todd, thanks very much for including my post on the Russell Crowe movie. I had something else in mind but couldn't quite finish it in time. I'll have it ready for next Tuesday. Still finding my blogging feet.

  2. Well, thank you for participating, Prashant! This film seemed reasonably overlooked, certainly compared to some...


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