Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday's Overlooked Films and/or Other A/V: the links

Below, today's set of reviews and citations of audiovisual works and related matter, with the posts at the links... as always, thanks to all the contributors and to all you readers for your participation. And, as usually, there are likely to be additions to this list over the course of the day, and if I've missed your, or someone else's, post, please let me know in comments...thanks again.

Bill Crider: King Solomon's Mines (1985 film) ...and trailer 

Brian Arnold: ComicCon and web culture; Dear John (tv series)

BV Lawson: Media Murder

Dan Stumpf: My Name is Julia Ross

Elizabeth Foxwell: Walk East on Beacon

Evan Lewis: International Crime (a film of The Shadow)

George Kelley: Star Trek: TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds"

How Did This Get Made?: Stop, Or My Mom Will Shoot

Iba Dawson: The Tall Target

Ivan G. Shreve, Jr.: TV (and blog) stuff; Lum and Abner

Jack Seabrook: Alfred Hitchcock Presents: "Heart of Gold" (Henry Slesar)

Jackie Kashian: Alex Edelman on David Foster Wallace and podcasts

Jake Hinkson: Bunny Lake is Missing

James Reasoner: Necessary Roughness

Jacqueline T. Lynch: I'll Be Seeing You

Jason Bailey: Miami Connection

Jeff Flugel: Donovan's Reef

Jerry House: Captain Midnight (serial and television series)

John Charles: The Alien Factor

Kate Laity: Pete and Dud at the Art Gallery; Noel Coward: Live on Mars

Kliph Nesteroff: What's My Line?

Laura: The 2013 TCM Classic Film Festival

Lucy Brown: Genevieve

Martin Edwards: Broadchurch finale

Marty McKee: Hunter: "City of Passion"

Mystery Dan: Dinosaur

Patti Abbott: I Love You, Alice B. Toklas

Prashant Trikannad: MGM and other English-language cable channels in India

Randy Johnson: Enter the Lone Ranger; The Deserter (aka La spina dorsale del diavolo); April's films

RGJ: Selena Mead 

Rick: Julie Adams

Rod Lott: The Diabolical Doctor Z; The New Original Wonder Woman

Ron Scheer: The Great Sioux Uprising

Sergio Angelini: Alfred Hitchcock Presents: "Memo from Purgatory" (Harlan Ellison)

Stacia Jones: A Star is Born (1954); May Movies on TCM

Stephen Bowie: The Play of the Week: "The Dybbuk" and "The World of Sholom Aleichem"; index

Todd Mason: Speakeasy: Alison Brie; TKPCS: Gillian Jacobs; The Nerdist Writers' Panel: Crime Drama

Yvette Banek: Radioland Murders


  1. Mine will be up and running soon, Todd. Thanks for your patience with us late starters. :)

  2. Never fear...I'm endlessly tardy. (Or worse.)

  3. Okay, Todd. I'm all set for today. :)

  4. Yes, the too-retro sleeve of the LP saps the verisimilitude, but nonetheless, si muove.

  5. Terribly sorry, Randy! I was interrupted several times, but still, inexcusable.


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