Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tuesday's Overlooked Films and Other A/V: year's end edition: the links

Orphan Black
This week's selections for (usually) unfairly overlooked or obscure audio/visual presentations at the links below...and the possibility of a few more to be added over the course of the day. As always, thanks to all you who read as well as those who contribute these...and if I've overlooked your or someone else's review or citation, please let me know in comments.

**News bulletin of sorts: PBS and independent public stations in the US will have a new opportunity to run the 1990 original miniseries of The House of Cards in January and following months (thanks to BBC Worldwide Americas), the 4-part UK series the recent Kevin Spacey series is based on.

Flash Gordon
Bill Crider: Flash Gordon (1980 film) [trailer]; Dimension X

B V Lawson: Media Murder: TV Show Opening Sequences

David Cranmer: Flannery O'Connor reads "A Good Man is Hard to Find"

Elizabeth Foxwell: Four Star Playhouse: "House for Sale" (with Ida Lupino...on its 60th anniversary of first broadcast)

Evan Lewis: Kurt Russell's childhood ad campaign (1964) as "Agent Zero M"

George Kelley: Borgen; Orphan Black

Iba Dawson: Dirty Pretty Things

Ivan G. Shreve, Jr.: Coming Distractions: Turner Classic Movies in January

James Reasoner: Warlock

Jerry House: Guy Lombardo: 1958 New Year's Episode

John Charles: More Brains: A Return to The Living Dead

Some Came Running
Kliph Nesteroff: Lenny Bruce addresses UCLA, 1966

Laura: Some Came Running; Columbia Pictures in the 1930s

Lucy Brown: Musical memories

Martin Edwards: Moonfleet

Killer Women
Marty McKee: The Trial of Billy Jack; The Numbers Station

Michael Shonk: January criminous US television (including the imports)

Mystery Dave: Half-Baked

Patti Abbott: All in the Family: "Archie in the Cellar"

Pearce Duncan: A Hatchet for the Honeymoon

Randy Johnson: A Woman's Face; My Name is Pecos (aka Due once di piombi)

Rick: 36 Hours;  Circus movies

Rod Lott: Belphégor: Phantom of the Louvre; The Kiss of Her Flesh

Ron Scheer: the ten best western films reviewed in 2013 on Buddies in the Saddle

Sergio Angelini: the ten best episodes of Columbo

Stacia Jones: They Shoot Pictures, Don’t They? update

Stephen Bowie: The Invaders  

Stephen Gallagher: Social Notworking

Susie Bright: Not solely but also Holiday films

Tim Lucas, et al.: Our Favorite Discs of 2013


  1. Likewise to you and everyone, George. May it be so.

  2. Thank for including me in your roundups Todd - happy new year chum.

  3. We started into ORPHAN BLACK and found it just too implausible and weird. Another actor in the lead(s) might have made a difference, too. A recent film about cloning that holds together better and will both sadden and creep you out is NEVER LET ME GO.

  4. Sorry you didn't much care for it, Ron, though ORPHAN BLACK does improve as it goes along...a film version of such work, that the novelist Ishiguro might've drawn upon for NEVER LET ME GO, as Kate Wilhelm's WHERE LATE THE SWEET BIRDS SANG or Pamela Sargent's CLONED LIVES wouldn't be unwelcome...


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