Sunday, May 11, 2014

Saturday Music Club on Mother's Day: Music my mother introduced me to...

The Glenn Miller Orchestra: "Serenade in Blue"

Joe Turner: "Honey Hush"

The Flamingos: "I Only Have Eyes for You"

Peggy Lee: "I Love Being Here with You"

Fats Domino: "Jambalaya"

Dinah Washington and Brook Benton: "Baby, You've Got What It Takes"

Loretta Lynn: "Harper Valley PTA"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello, Julian. I'm not sure I understand the nature of your request. I'm certain I don't understand why you would want me to remove my reminiscence of a friendly acquaintance of mine...there's certainly nothing libelous or even remotely not elegiac about the post in question.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Glenn Miller is the sound of the world I was born into. I still have a worn-to-death copy of that Flamingos single from high school years. Together they bookend the formative years of this farm boy's pop music memory. Fats and Peggy Lee are in there, too. Thx.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you, Ron, for your kind comment...glad I could trigger some fond memories.

  7. Well, I'll go this far to indulge this request, assuming you are Julian Taboada and are making it for the reasons you've put forward in comments here: I've removed the references to Mario's family in the quotation from the newspaper obituary, which as you note remains online. The post is about Mario and what he meant to us at Rara-Avis, and as such, I think that should be preserved.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


A persistent spammer has led to comment moderation, alas. Some people are stubborn. I'm one.