Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tuesday's Overlooked Films and/or Other A/V: more links

amnesia film The Ipcress File
Below, the links to this week's reviews and citations; As always, please let me know in comments when I've missed yours or someone else's...and, as always, thanks to all our contributors and to you readers...a few more might be added over the course of the day.

Anne Billson: Ten Places You Wouldn't Expect to See a Severed Head (a still from Re-Animator might upset some offices NSFWly) (insert discussion of severed heads Yes/bare breasts No here)
Where's Poppa?

Bill Crider: Where's Poppa?  [trailer]

Brian Arnold: the 2013-14 television season

BV Lawson: Media Murder

David Vineyard: Welcome to the Punch

Ed Gorman: Crime Wave

Ed Lynskey: Locke

Elizabeth Foxwell: Hell is a City

Evan Lewis: Tarzan of the Apes (1918 film)

George Kelley: The Wild Wild West (the tv series)

How Did This Get Made?: Ernest Goes to Jail

Iba Dawson: Love and Engineering; The Battered Bastards of Baseball

Ivan G. Shreve, Jr.: High Pressure; Flight from Glory; Lightning Strikes Twice; The Bachelor PartyJohnny Cool

Jack Seabrook: Alfred Hitchcock Presents: "The Right Kind of Medicine"

Jackie Kashian: Myq Kaplan

Jacqueline T. Lynch: A Women's Vengeance

Jake Hinkson:  Leigh Brackett, screenwriter; Carl Dreyer

James Reasoner: Clutch Cargo

The Musketeers of Pig Alley
Jerry House: The Musketeers of Pig Alley

John Charles: The Terror Within; Dead Space

John Grant: Candellight in Algeria; Blood

Jonathan Lewis: The Abominable Snowman

Laura: Command Decision; Hit the Deck

Lucy Brown: Hobson's Choice

Kate Laity: Blitz

Martin Edwards:  Crimefest 2014; Happy Valley; Hinterland 

Marty McKee: Pier 5, Havana; Tarzan Goes to India 

Mystery Dave: Knights of Badassdom

Patti Abbott: Me, Natalie
Me, Natalie

Randy Johnson: The Deadly Mantis; Reptilicus; Tequila Joe (aka E venne il tempo di uccidere); Harlan Ellison's Watching

Rick: Robert Vaughn

Rod Lott: Evilspeak

Ron Scheer: The Gunfight at Dodge City

Sergio Angelini: The Top 20 Amnesia Mystery Movies

Stacia Jones: The Rose and the Jackal; Pennies from Heaven (the 1981 film) 

A New Leaf
Stephen Bowie: Amy Aquino

Walter Albert: Broncho Billy and the Baby

Yvette Banek: A New Leaf


  1. Todd, nothing from me today. I haven't seen an old or overlooked film in months.

  2. Fantastic crop of films today - thanks as always Todd, not least for the great stills (that shot from the Griffith film, with such composition in depth, in its own way was truly groundbreaking)

  3. Thanks for the benisons, Sergio...both here in comments and your review column (and I've added a few reviews). It is a striking sequence in the Griffith, indeed...even down to the naturalistic makeup. Imagine the impact on first viewing.


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