Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Tuesday's Overlooked Films and/or Other A/V: more links

Below, the links to this week's reviews and citations, including a few "make-goods" for bad links last week. As always, please let me know in comments when I've missed yours or someone else's...and, as always, thanks to all our contributors and to you readers...a few more are likely to be added over the course of the day.

Anne Billson: Woman or Doll? How to Spot the Difference (Only God Forgives, et al.)

EQMM's Fiction Podcast 
Bill Crider: Ladyhawke [trailer]; Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine's Fiction Podcast

BV Lawson: Media Murder

David Vineyard: Keoma

Ed Lynskey: The Face Behind the Mask

Elizabeth Foxwell: Trifles

Evan Lewis: What's My Line?: "Dale Evans and Roy Rogers"

George Kelley: Kenneth Turan's Must List

How Did This Get Made?: Easy Rider 2: The Ride Back

Iba Dawson, et al.: Tribeca 2014
The Constant Gardener

Ivan G. Shreve, Jr.: Pay Cable Weekends

Jacqueline T. Lynch: Wagon Train: "The Fort Pierce Story"

Jackie Kashian: Emo Philips and his documentarians

Jake Hinkson: Caged
Splendor in the Grass

James Reasoner: Splendor in the Grass

Jeff Flugel: Fathers in film

Jerry House: The Jack Benny Show: "Sherlock Holmes" (radio)

John Charles: Repo Man

John Grant: Murder is News; Moderato Cantabile (aka Seven Days...Seven Nights)

Jonathan Lewis: Naked City: "A Death of Princes"; The Giant Behemoth

Kate Laity: Dellani's Tea Time

Laura: The Mississippi Gambler; Strange Lady in Town

Lucy Brown: Annie Oakley (1935 film); They Won't Believe Me; Happy Valley

Son of Kong
Marty McKee: Firefox

Mystery Dave: Chisum

Patti Abbott: Louise Fletcher among the indelibly tagged...

Paul Brazil: Wild BillSightseersThe Angels’ ShareHarriganRedemption

Pilot Viruet: 10 Potentially Great TV Shows That Never Aired

Prashant Trikannad: Hour of the Gun; Three Men from TexasThe Five Man Army

Randy Johnson: Each Dawn I Die; Two Brothers, One Death (aka Dos hombres van a morir)

Rick: the Five Best Movie Robots
We Are the Best!

Rod Lott: I, Frankenstein

Ron Scheer: A Family Musicale

Sergio Angelini: Audio drama

Sharon Elizabeth Doyle: Cagney and Lacey

Stacia Jones: We Are the Best!; Supermensch

Stephen Bowie: Stanford Whitmore
Hold Your Breath

Steve Lewis: Horror Express; The Man They Could Not Hang

Todd Mason: The Thrilling Adventure Hour; Wits; Risk; Annabelle Gurwitch and Barbara Ehrenreich

Walter Albert: Hold Your Breath

Yvette Banek: 1930s Film Posters; Son of Kong


  1. Hi Todd, I have posted a review of a few western films I saw last weeks. Many thanks.

  2. Thank you, Prashant! Sorry, should've checked yours, and a few others I didn't intentionally skip...crowded morning.

  3. Todd I hope to have something new to post this afternoon. Running late as usual. Sorry.

  4. Never a need to apologize, Yvette! We'll be here.

  5. Okay, mine's finally up. Phew!! :)

  6. May we request that you add share buttons to your posts to make it easy for the terminally lazy to share them? Twitter especially.

  7. Todd, no need for apology. You're doing "me" a favour by posting links to all my reviews. Besides, I haven't been regular in recent weeks.

  8. Prashant, Paul, you are too kind and too modest.

    Kate--currently, the only share options are either GooglePlus only, or one which includes Twitter but also includes some funky third-party self-advertising I don't yet trust. I will attempt to get all the posts promptly tweeted and Faced...

  9. Message for Yvette Banek:

    I just tried to add a comment to your Son Of Kong post, but ran into a brick wall: the Name/URL option is gone again, and I have no other way of getting in.

    To all who read this, please spare me any instructions in Technoslavian, which I cannot comprehend anyway.

    As a gesture of good faith, I'll mention here that my Kong comment was about Ruth Rose and Ernest Schoedsack being husband and wife, as well as lifelong cronies of Merian C. Cooper, something that other commenters hadn't mentioned.

    I had a couple of other things, which I'll hold in reserve in case the Name/URL situation resolves in my favor.


A persistent spammer has led to comment moderation, alas. Some people are stubborn. I'm one.