Friday, October 31, 2014

Friday's "Forgotten" Books: the links

Note that "Bill Crider: Texas Vigilante"
is not the title of this book...

Below, the links to this week's selections of insufficiently appreciated and overlooked books (with a few warnings mixed in), with the reviews and citations at the links below. Primary host Patti Abbott will be back to the task next week, if I'm not mistaken. And if I've missed your or someone else's item for this week, please let me know in comments. Thanks very much!

Sergio Angelini: Some Must Watch by Ethel Lina White

Yvette Banek: Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James 

Joe Barone: To Love and Be Wise by Josephine Tey
aka Some Must Watch

Leigh Buchanan: Cemetery Dance  (courtesy Ed Gorman)

Brian Busby: Harlequins and the Current Canadian Crises: The Corpse Came Back by Amelia Long; Firebrand by Rosemary Aubert

Bill Crider: A Night in the Lonesome October by Roger Zelazny

Martin Edwards: Murder of a Lady by Anthony Wynne

Curt Evans: Suffer a Witch by Nigel Fitzgerald

Ray Garraty: Anarchaos by "Curt Clark" (Donald Westlake)

Ed Gorman: Patricia Highsmith writing for Fawcett Comics 

Rich Horton: Random Harvest by James Hilton

Jerry House: The Goddess of Ganymede by Mike Resnick

Randy Johnson: Blood Kin by Hank J. Kirby

Nick Jones: The Green Man and The Anti-Death League by Kingsley Amis

George Kelley: The Black Lizard Big Book of Locked-Room Mysteries edited by Otto Penzler

Margot Kinberg: The Dying Light by Alison Joseph

Rob Kitchin: Night Soldiers by Alan Furst

Kate Laity: Meaningful Conversations by Richard Godwin 

Heath Lowrance: John Constantine: Hellblazer by Jamie Delano et al.

B.V. Lawson: Murder Intercontinental edited by Cynthia Manson and Kathleen Halligan

November,. 1956
Evan Lewis: Wyatt Earp by Davis Lott (a Big Little Book television tie-in)

Steve Lewis: The Deadly Welcome by Ken Rothrock; Death Walks in Scarlet by Hugh Desmond

Barry Malzberg and Richard Moore: The Getaway Car by Donald Westlake

Neer: Books for Halloween; books about Indian royalty

John F. Norris: The Mask of Fu Manchu by Sax Rohmer

John O'Neill: Science Fiction magazine edited by Robert A. W. Lowndes 

James Reasoner: The Essential The Tomb of Dracula, Volume 1 by Marv Wolfman, Gene Colan et al.

Karyn Reeves: Essays and Poems by G. K. Chesterton

Kelly Robinson: Books for Halloween

Richard Robinson: The Dragon of Lung Wang by "Marion Harvey" (Edward J. Clode)

Gerard Saylor: Eight Black Horses by "Ed McBain"; Rogue Officer by Garry Kilworth

April 1956
Ron Scheer: The Spinners' Book of Fiction, assembled by the Spinners Club (an impressive lot; see below) 

Dan Stumpf: Night of the Black Horror by Victor Norwood;  Warlock by Oakley Hall

Kevin Tipple: Texas Vigilante by Bill Crider

"TomCat": The Forest Spirit by Jakob van Schevichaven   

Prashant Trikannad: "The Day Time Stopped Moving" by "Bradner Bruckner" (Ed Earl Repp), Amazing Stories, October 1940

Tracy K: Death is a Lonely Business by Ray Bradbury 

David Vineyard: Courier to Marrakesh by Valentine Williams







Gertrude Atherton, Mary Austin
Geraldine Bonner, Mary Halleck Foote
Eleanor Gates, James Hopper, Jack London
Bailey Millard, Miriam Michelson, W. C. Morrow
Frank Norris, Henry Milner Rideout
Charles Warren Stoddard, Isobel Strong
Richard Walton Tully and
Herman Whitaker
With a dedicatory poem by
George Sterling
Illustrated by
Lillie V. O'Ryan, Maynard Dixon
Albertine Randall Wheelan, Merle Johnson
E. Almond Withrow and Gordon Ross
Initials and decorations by
Spencer Wright


Published in behalf
of The Spinners' Benefit Fund
Ina D. Coolbrith
First Beneficiary
Copyright, 1907
by Paul Elder and Company


  1. Todd--Sergio's link opens Yvette's review.

  2. Thanks, Deb...sometimes, Firefox and Blogger don't like to play well together.

  3. Thanks very much for including my review, Todd. I appreciate you putting this all together.

  4. Not at all, Tracy...thanks for contributing!

  5. Mine is up, Mike Resnick's THE GODDESS OF GANYMEDE.

  6. I remember the Saturday morning I bought that 30th Anniversary Amazing. I'd had to wait until I got my paper route money.

  7. Yow. Sorry it wasn't just a scrap better. But, oddly, Cele Goldsmith seems to have let Sam Moskowitz take over the 35th anniversary issue...

  8. Please add my link to the list:


  9. OK, Ray...but of all Westlake books I've encountered, that's the only one I hate (hate) despise (hate).

  10. Hey, might continue to add comments, but as long as you continue to be anonymous, they're going away as soon as I see them.

  11. Thanks very much Todd, great hosting (but OK, I'll nitpick as the reference to Hitchcock in the SPIRAL STAIRCASE cover might be confusing for those who don't know that THE LADY VANISHED was based on a book of hers) Cheers mate :)

  12. Not a the tumult of the day, I conflated the two fixed, thanks.

  13. My God, it's the end of Daylight Savings. I already get up in the dark (7:30) and now it will be darker (um, more dark) and then dark again by why, 4:00? Does all this mean more reading time, or less?

  14. Blaming the bad link on Blogger and Firefox is pretty lame, why don't you just fix the link?

  15. Richard, the reading time is what we make of it, I gather...I hope the eyes are now back to something like normal. It's the other tasks we set for ourselves, I guess, that will determine what we get to do with literature...and the tasks that life sets for us.

  16. Todd, thanks for featuring The Spinners' Book of Fiction.

  17. Not at all,'s an interesting example of such a project, and features some major and interesting talent of the time...I wonder how many Benefit books have preceded it. Thanks for drawing our attention to it.

  18. OK, "Blaine" the carper, I blame the interaction of the two programs because at times it will cancel links or "colonize" them unexpectedly. And, sadly, it isn't always obvious when this has happened. But if you weren't trolling, you would've noted that the link was fixed as soon as I was aware of the problem.

    So, since your current function seems to be to complain about matters that actually don't affect you in any vital way, our conversation might just be at an end.

  19. "Blaine" left a rude and probably factually incorrect message about the link to Sergio's review not working for him (presumably) anyone else having any problem with that link or the others? I fixed it as soon as Deb noted it, and it works fine for me now...but I would like to know if it is not working for anyone else at the moment. Thanks.

  20. Okay, I made a mistake and I apologize. It's Rob Kitchin: Night Soldiers by Alan Furst that still opens to I'm surprised no one else has noticed it. And sorry if you think criticism is being rude.

  21. Well, first, thanks for pointing out which link you actually was corrupted through the same bug as Sergio's had been, and is now fixed. Secondly, I'm sorry you think simply making snotty and previously anonymous remarks can be classed as criticism; criticism has some substance to it. Acting as if a blogger Owes you a post when and how you like it falls into another category.


A persistent spammer has led to comment moderation, alas. Some people are stubborn. I'm one.