Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday's "Forgotten" Books: the 2015 Bouchercon edition with some Hallowe'en links

Cover by Ed Emshwiller
With Patti Abbott and many of the other regular contributors decamped to North Carolina for the Bouchercon (the annual world convention, at least as held usually in the US, of crime-fiction fans and professionals), this week I've assembled the links in my usual late morning/early afternoon fashion (apologies to those accustomed to the emergence at the crack of dawn), and we have two reviews of works by contributor and worthy subject Bill Crider and two of Gil Brewer's The Red Scarf (clearly the toast of the Continent this week) among the other largely impressive works discussed below...Patti will be hosting again next week.

Sergio Angelini: The Red Scarf by Gil Brewer

Yvette Banek: The Fourth Bear by Jasper Fforde

Joe Barone: Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline

Les Blatt: The New Adventures of Ellery Queen by "Ellery Queen" (Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee)

Brian Busby: Murder without Regret by E. Louise Cushing

Bill Crider: The Crackpot and Other Twisted Tales of Greedy Fans and Collectors by John E. Stockman

Scott A. Cupp: Spicy Adventures by Robert E. 

William Deeck: There's Death in the Churchyard by William Gore

Martin Edwards: The Corpse with the Sunburnt Face by Christopher St. John Sprigg

Will Erickson: The Body Snatchers by Jack Finney

Curt Evans: The Furnival Mysteries by Annie Haynes (among her other work)

Fred Fitch (The Westlake Review): Jimmy the Kid by Donald Westlake; The Snatchers by Lionel White and other related work

Barry Gardner: Box Nine by Jack O'Connell

John Grant: Bad Intentions by Karin Fossum

Ed Gorman: Blood Marks by Bill Crider

Rich Horton: Bend Sinister and The Real Life of Sebastian Knight by Vladimir Nabokov

Jerry House: The Haunted Stars by Edmond Hamilton; 31 Days of October: stories from Weird Tales

Nick Jones: Hong Kong Kill by "Peter George" (Bryan Peters)

Stephen Jones: my 10 favorite horror stories

Tracy K: Die with Me by Elena Forbes

George Kelley: Wandl the Invader by Ray Cummings; I Speak for Earth by "Keith Woodcott" (John Brunner)

Margot Kinberg: Havana Red by Leonardo Padura

Rob Kitchen: The Girl in Berlin by Elizabeth Wilson

Kate Laity: Callimachus and Other Plays by Hrotsvita; "Sermo Lupi ad Anglos" by Wulfstan II

B.V. Lawson: Night and Fear by Cornell Woolwich

Evan Lewis: Murder at Midnight by Richard Sale

Jonathan Lewis: Island of Fear and Other Stories by William Sambrot

Steve Lewis: Marked for Murder by "Brett Halliday" (Davis Dresser); State's Evidence by Stephen Greenleaf; Secret of the Second Door by Robert Colby 

Todd Mason: Help! magazine (February 1962) edited by Harvey Kurtzman

Patrick Murtha: The Expedition of Humphry Clinker by Tobias Smollett

Neer: An English Mystery by Cyril Hare

Frances M. Nevins: The Honorary Consul by Graham Greene; The Case of the Screaming Woman by Erle Stanley Gardner; Maigret and the Toy Village by Georges Simenon

John F. Norris: The Giant Rat of Sumatra by Richard L. Boyer

Juri Nummelin: The Red Scarf by Gil Brewer

John O'Neill: the current small press and other fantasy-fiction magazines

Matthew Paust: Some Came Running by James Jones

James Reasoner: Spawn of the Desert by W. C. Tuttle

Karyn Reeves: The Island of Dr. Moreau by H. G. Wells

Richard Robinson: Twenty Blue Devils by Aaron Elkins

Gerard Saylor: Little Elvises by Timothy Hallinen

Bhob Stewart: The Book of Wit & Humor (Volume 1, 1953) edited by Louis Untermeyer

Dan Stumpf: The Maze by Maurice Sandoz; There is a Serpent in Eden (aka The Cunning) by Robert Bloch

Kevin Tipple: The Prairie Chicken Kill by Bill Crider

"TomCat": Cold Blood by "Leo Bruce" (Rupert Croft-Cooke)


  1. Me, neither, Kevin. And I see the predominant color here is green.

  2. Politics, envy, your choice. Certainly not much money.

  3. As usual, Todd, a fantastic job filling in for Patti.

    And I remember buying every issue of HELP! when it came out, as well as the paperback collections. One of many magazines that deserved a much longer life.

  4. Thanks, Jerry. Fighting with my own inability to type and the spell-checker's "corrections" hasn't been that much fun yet today.

    The more I read of HELP!, the more its flavor seems to match that of what I've read of P.S., the nostalgia/humor/pop culture magazine from Mercury Press...even down to the flaws. Both should've been able to flourish, but no...

  5. Thanks for hosting Todd - and how cool that Juri and I picked the same book! Say I said hello, will ya? I tried but ...

  6. I was also a big fan of P.S., Todd. It may be that my liking a magazine is the kiss of death.

  7. Undercapitalization does it that much faster, Jerry...both those magazines, with a little more money to throw around (and a better title for P.S.) probably would've been hardier. They both had to build new audiences in a way that their stablemates did not (at least when we consider F&SF and to some extent the crime fiction titles at Mercury Press, and the horror comics at Warren...particularly when the Ackerman magazines at Warren and EQMM at Mercury had already reached much of the audience the more durable magazines could tap into).

    OK, Sergio! That kind of matching happens from time to time, and if Juri doesn't see this, I'll try to remember to drop him a comment directly (or you could, on FaceBook) to let him know of the WordPress/Blogger hassle. And thanks for contributing!

  8. Todd, thanks for taking over for Patti. We're taking good care of her and Phil here in Raleigh. Lots of books everywhere (free!)

  9. Thank you, George...plenty of Abbotts to look after, and indeed books to lust smoking, now.

  10. Todd, that's a good-looking cover on Patti's second novel.

  11. Agreed! Arguably third published novel.


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