Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Tuesday's Overlooked Films and/or Other A/V: the links to reviews, interviews, etc.; new links

The Assassin
This week's adventures in audio/visual materials that the reviewers think need at least another look (or, occasionally, actually deserve obscurity), and in this week, not a few where the reviewer hopes to buck the "critical" consensus, such as it usually is; thanks as always to everyone, and please let me know if I've missed your or someone else's notable posts.  

Anne Billson: Passion (2013 film)

Anonymous: I Wake Up Screaming; Bringing Up Baby; Like Crazy; Starter for 10; Late Autumn

Bhob Stewart: Florence La Badie; Alice Guy; Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks: "The 2000-Year-Old Man"; Sun Ra's Outer Space Visual Communicator

The Big Broadcast: 29 November 2015

Bill Crider: Idiocracy [trailer]

Brian Arnold: Simple Gifts: "A Memory of Christmas"

B.V. Lawson: Media Murder

Colin: Comanche

Comedy Film Nerds: Laura House

Cullen Gallagher: The Thrill Killers

Cynthia Fuchs: Victor Frankenstein; Spotlight

Dan Stumpf: Black Friday; The Return of the Cisco Kid  (Elizabeth Foxwell on Black Friday)

Dorian Bartolucci: The Fallen Sparrow

Ed Gorman: David Canary

Elizabeth Foxwell: The Wall Street Murder; "Imponderable"

Evan Lewis: Modesty Blaise (1982 tv pilot episode)

Gary Deane: Look in Any Window

George Kelley: Alfred Hitchcock: The Essentials Collection

Gilligan Newton-John: Young Nurses in Love; Naughty Nymphs (some NSFW imagery, particularly from the latter)

How Did This Get Made?: Hackers

Iba Dawson: film noir in color

Ivan G. Shreve, Jr.: Lured; The Long, Hot Summer; I'll Cry Tomorrow; The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

Jack Seabrook: Alfred Hitchcock Presents: "Crack of Doom"

Jackie Kashian: Suzy Soro

Jacqueline T. Lynch: The Next Voice You Hear

Jake Hinkson: The Big Night

James Clark: The Assassin (2015 film)

James Reasoner:  Tomorrowland

Janet Varney: Paula Marshall

Jerry House: The US Steel Hour: "No Time for Sergeants"

John Grant: Flood Tide; The Girl Who Came Back

John F. Norris: Sherlock Holmes (stage); "The Skeleton Dance" 

Jonathan Lewis: The Brothers Rico

Karen Hannsberry: Lynne Baggett; They Won't Believe Me 

Ken Levine: Supergirl falters; Hollywood evil tricks on writers some more; Films that begin well...

Kevin Pollak's Chat Show: Richard Benjamin

Kristina Dijan: The Rounders (1965 film); Bob le flambeur; The Driver (1978
The Driver
 1945 films; Ulzana's Raid; Film & Television Diary

Laura G: 30 favorite films; TCM Xmas films; Roman Holiday; The Girl Most Likely; The Hoodlum Saint; Murder in the Private Car

Lucy Brown: Star of Midnight

Martin Edwards: Reclaim

Marty McKee: The Horror at 37,000 Feet; Seven (1979 film)

Michael Shonk: rarely seen television series

Mildred Perkins: modern Hallowe'en cartoons

Mystery Dave: The Cotton Club

Patricia Nolan-Hall: So Dear to My Heart

Patti Abbott: Starting Out in the Evening

Pop My Culture: Rob Heubel

Prashant Trikannad: New Year's Eve (2011 film)

Renee Babcock and Jonathan Miles: World Fantasy Convention

Rick: The Bold Ones: The Lawyers; new DVD box sets

Rod Lott: Frenzy; A Christmas Horror Story; 8 Man 

"Rupert Pupkin": Shadows and Fog

Ruth Kerr: Sun Valley Serenade

Scott A. Cupp: The Brain That Wouldn't Die

Sergio Angelini: Jigsaw (1962 film)

Stacia Jones: Bad Roomies; East Side Sushi; Alibi (1929 film)
Doctor Who

Stephen Bowie: Don Carpenter and television

Stephen Gallagher: scripting the death of Doctor Who characters

Television Obscurities: 1990s favorites in US tv

Victoria Loomes: Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's

Vienna: Bess Flowers

Yvette Banek: "The Cobweb Hotel"


  1. Thanks, once again, for the link, Todd!


  2. No need to thank me, Colin...thank you for posting so much of interest.

  3. Thank you...and the dorks always did have quite a chunk of the world under their thumbs...more of them are getting vastly richer now, however, Matt...


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