Sunday, June 19, 2016

On Fathers Day...

My brother, Eric Mason, took this picture of our father, Robert Mason, as they got together today in San Mateo, CA, where Dad now lives. My brother lives nearby...I'm in the Philadelphia suburbs in New Jersey, so I called them both, rather than visited.


  1. He looks like a very nice man, Todd. Sorry you couldn't be with him and sorry Megan couldn't be with her Dad.

  2. Thanks! And sorry to read of your family afield. I picked up workaholism from both my parents, and do try to provide certain limited sorts of service following their better example.

  3. Todd, a belated Happy Father's Day to your Dad. That is a very nice picture of him.

  4. Thanks, Prashant. It is good to see him with a cheerful expression.

  5. My Dad has been gone over 40 years now, and I sometimes wonder what he'd make of what I became and am as a 70 year old. I miss him.

  6. Grazie, Sergio. Tutto grazie al mio fratello, il fotografo.

    Richard...sorry. But we can suspect and hope he'd be proud, if his opinion was worth worrying about. Hell, I'm not sure of what my father has made of me. I'm not sure of what I"ve made of me.


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