Friday, August 12, 2016

Friday's Forgotten Books: the links to reviews and more

The weekly gathering of reviews and review  essays devoted to the "forgotten" or at least insufficiently attended-to (usually!) narratives of the past...usually books of fiction, but ranging a bit beyond that.  Either series founder Patti Abbott or I will be hosting next week, most likely. 

Sergio Angelini: Kiss by "Ed McBain"

Frank Babics: Ghost Stories edited by Aleš Haman & Irena Zítková

Mark Baker: Mrs. Pollifax, Innocent Tourist by Dorothy Gilman

Yvette Banek: Sleeping Giants by Silvain Neuvel

The BareBones Staff: EC Comics, July 1951

Joe Barone: Death of a Swagman by Arthur W. Upfield

Les Blatt: There's a Reason for Everything by E. R. Punshon

Brian Busby: The Further Frustrations of Jimmie Dale by Frank L. Packard

David Cramner: The Robots of Dawn by Isaac Asimov

Bill Crider: Agent to the Stars by John Scalzi

William Deeck: Another Mug for the Bier by Richard Starnes

Martin Edwards: The Problem of the Wire Cage by John Dickson Carr

Barry Ergang: The Tightrope Men by Desmond Bagley

Will Errickson: The Orpheus Process by Daniel H. Gower

Curt Evans: The Uncertain Glory et seq. by Molly Thynne

Fred Fitch: The Perfect Murder by Lawrence Block, Sarah Caudwell, Tony Hillerman, Peter Lovesey, Donald Westlake and Jack Hitt

Paul Fraser: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1951, edited by Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas; Science Fiction Monthly, April 1975, edited by Julie Davis

Ed Gorman: John Brunner

John Grant: The Crime at Black Dudley by Margery Allingham

Jake Hinkson: Mischief by Charlotte Armstrong

Rich Horton: Black Rock by Ralph Connor

Jerry House: Son of the Flying "Y" by Will F. Jenkins (aka "Murray Leinster")
" yellow." One pink, one tan.

Tracy K: The Case of the Restless Redhead by Erle Stanley Gardner

George Kelley: Sci-Fi [sic] Chronicles edited by Guy Haley

Margot Kinberg: State Fair by Earlene Fowler

Rob Kitchin: Rough Treatment by John Harvey

B. V. Lawson: The Last Vanity by "Hartley Howard" (Leopold Horace Ognall, a name no one would believe)

Steve Lewis: Shanghai Flame by A. S. Fleischman

John F. Norris: The Cat and Fiddle Murders by E. B. Ronald

Matt Paust: Leaving the Atocha Station by Ben Lerner

Mildred Perkins: Rise Again by Ben Tripp

James Reasoner: Snatch! by "CKM Scanlon" (George Fielding Eliot in this case)

Richard Robinson: The Long-Winded Lady: Notes from The New Yorker by Maeve Brennan

Peter Rozovsky: Odds Against Tomorrow by William P. McGivern

Gerard Saylor: Into the Valley by John Hersey

Steve Scott: The Red Hot Typewriter by Hugh Merrill; 1985 John D. MacDonald interview from Family Weekly

Kerrie Smith: The Devil in the Marshalsea by Antonia Hodgson

Richard Strauss: Hammett Homicides edited by "Ellery Queen" (Bestseller Mystery #81)

"TomCat": "The Wounded Tyrolean" by Donald Yates; The Count of Nine by "A. A. Fair" (Erle Stanley Gardner)

Prashant Trikannad: The Ghost Squad by John Gosling


  1. Hi Todd, Can you please include mine as well: Ghost Stories (1987).


  2. Todd, just a typo I'm sure, but it's Robinson, not what you typed. Thanks.

  3. Richard, you're right...thinks got a little weird this morning around here, Sorry about that!

    Frank, thanks!

  4. (As I am Robert's son, and my father is playing heavily on my mind of late, I think we have a Freudian slip here.)

  5. Thanks for stepping in, Todd.

    One thing, the link to my contribution sends the reader elsewhere. Here it is for real:

    The Further Adventures of Jimmie Dale by Frank L. Packard

  6. Thanks, Brian. Sadly, carrying over a previous link is Way too easy in Blogger.

  7. Thank you for doing this, Todd. Mine has been up since just after midnight my time.

    Instead of a repeat review from me, Barry Ergang is back with another all new review. Today he reviews THE TIGHTROPE MEN by Desmond Bagley.

    Would have brought this to your attention this morning, but my wife had a cancer doc appointment so the news already shared early this morning on Facebook and elsewhere is just directly getting to you now.

  8. Put the Ergang review in under Barry's name in the alpha sorting, Kevin...thanks. Its been up.

    And I hope this does mark a good turn for Sandi...

  9. Man, I am sorry. I did not see it. I need new glasses as my old ones are worthless and I can't use them anymore. So, I blow up typeface and even then I miss stuff.

    Everybody involved seems cautiously optimistic that the spinal tumor might be under control and that they can help her hold her own--at least for now--on the other ones. Aboiut as good as we can get these days.

    Again, I apologize.

  10. No apology offense taken! The crab can quit messing with our loved ones any time now...

  11. Thanks for hosting Todd - you're a champ

  12. It has been reported to me that the link for Barry's review does not go to my blog as it should, but takes readers elsewhere. I just tried clicking on Barry's review and it did in fact go elsewhere. It went to the review for "Into the Valley" by John Hersey.

  13. Yikes...fixing now. Bad link day, clearly. Thanks.

    Thanks, Sergio!

  14. Thank, Todd, for taking this on today. And for including my post.

  15. Thank you for fixing, Barry's link. Appreciate it.

  16. Sorry about the bad link. Minor distractions and the tendency of the computer and the Blogger program to no Not Quite pick up what one is cutting to paste, multiplied by the jumping around on the alpha list, can make for some unfortunate errors...particularly if one is rushing to get the list up and out.

  17. Thanks again for pitch-hitting for Patti Abbott! You're a Stand-Up Guy!

  18. Or at least recumbent. Thanks, George.

  19. i certainly get it. I get it even more these days as being the newly elected President of the Short Mystery Fiction Society I am doing all sorts of very public things on the SMFS blog.


A persistent spammer has led to comment moderation, alas. Some people are stubborn. I'm one.