Friday, October 7, 2016

Friday's Forgotten Books; the links to the reviews for 7 October 2016 (new addition)

The weekly round-up of books and related texts the contributors feel haven't yet received sufficient attention, at least (sometimes this is less true, either because the work in question has gotten its due to some degree, whether as an impressive item with a sustained reputation, or a disappointing obscurity...or even the rare item that has a much better following than it deserves.)  This week, I fill in for Patti (Patricia) Abbott, who's attending to other business; she'll probably be hosting again next week at the Pattinase blog.

Patricia Abbott: Let Him Go by Larry Watson 

Sergio Angelini: Cakes and Ale by W. Somerset Maugham

Yvette Banek: Picture Miss Seeton by Heron Carvic

Bare Bones crew: EC Comics, November 1951

Elgin Bleecker: Old Hellcat by T. T. Flynn

Brian Busby: The Keys of My Prison by Frances Shelley Wees

Bill Crider: Fantastic, February 1958, edited (after a fashion) by Paul W. Fairman

Martin Edwards: The Skeleton in the Clock by "Carter Dickson" (John Dickson Carr)

Will Erickson: Clive Barker's Shadows in Eden edited by Stephen Jones

Curt Evans: "So You're Going to Write a Mystery" by Kurt Steel; correspondence, including critique of Kurt Steel,  from Raymond Chandler

Barry Gardner: Caught in the Shadows by C. A. Haddad

John Grant: The Agony Column by Earl Derr Biggers

Rich Horton: Their Husband's Wives edited by William Dean Howells and Henry Mills Allen

Jerry House: Quicker Than the Eye by Ray Bradbury

Bernadette Inoz: The Wrong Man by Jane Jago

Margot Kinberg: The Good Boy by Theresa Schwegel

Tracy K: From Russia with Love by Ian Fleming

George Kelley: General Murders by Loren D. Estleman

Rob Kitchin: Slicky Boys by Martin Limón

B. V. Lawson: The Hand in the Glove by Rex Stout

Steve Lewis: What's in the Dark? by "Ellery Queen" (Richard Deming in this case); Post-Mark Homicide (aka The Widow Gay) by A. A. Marcus

Neer: Epitaph for a Spy by Eric Ambler

John F. Norris: recent vintage acquisitions; The Hex Murder by Forester Hazard

Mathew Paust: The Glass Character by Margaret Gunning

J. Kingston Pierce: the cover paintings of Paul Rader, as for Find My Killer by Manly Wade Wellman

James Reasoner: The Comstock Lode by Tom Curry

Richard Robinson: Superman for All Seasons by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale

Gerard Saylor: Lights Out by Ted Koppel

Kevin Tipple: The Territory by Tricia Fields

"TomCat": The Moai Island Puzzle by "Alice Akutagawa" (translated by Ho-Ling Wong)

Prashant Trikannad: books by weight: a quartet


  1. Mine's up now, Todd: QUICKER THAN THE EYE by Ray Bradbury.

  2. As always, thank you for including my work.

  3. Thanks for hosting, Todd. (Almost used an exclamation mark, but am under doctor's orders to cut down on the hysteria)

  4. Thanks, folks! Jerry, yours now added too...and perhaps sometime today, my own...

  5. This looks like a great set of links. Thanks for including mine, Todd. And for hosting this week.

  6. Todd, will you please add my actual FFB Post fo rtoday? I just posted it. Here's the link:

    The Hex Murder by Forrester Hazard

    Thanks for your usual stellar "subbing" job!

  7. Todd, it's very kind of you to include my non-FFB post.

  8. Thank you, folks...and I've also finally caught up with your entry, John.

  9. Thanks, Todd. Our business went well. Whew!

  10. Excellent news...may all continue thus!

  11. Thanks for doing such a great job holding the for Todd :)

  12. Thank you, Sergio! Holding forth is one of my favorite things to do...oh, wait...


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