Monday, August 27, 2018

on your better newsstands now


  1. It's great to see that some magazines still exist in a physical format. I buy several of them but in the Trenton area there are no "better newstands". There is a slimmed down Barnes and Noble a half hour drive from my house but even they cannot be depended on to stock the same magazines each month. I get all my magazines by subscription now even though the postal service ruins the covers.

  2. No newsstands here either except in a few indie bookstores that no longer carry most of these. Sad.

  3. For some reason, I've been fortunate enough to live near at least one B&N or college/university bookstore (often also a B&N under a different corporate division) and occasional comparable arrays still. About the only things I buy for myself these days. Maybe I help inspire the periodical clerk in Cherry Hill.

    Walker, as with F&SF, at least a few of these can be bought with envelope services...I was shocked at the rough treatment of my first AHMM subscription in 1978...I soon learned that the fulfillments house (the company that labels and mails subs) can be the malefactor almost as often as the USPS.

  4. I've only even heard of 7 of them. I like the cover on The NoRMAL SCHOOL.

  5. Now you have me wondering which seven...The Normal School does have some good covers...On Spec and Boulevard are old favorites for me thus...


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