Friday, March 22, 2019

Friday's "Forgotten" Books and More: the links to the reviews: 22 March 2019

Now available again, as of this week
in QP &  ebook from Down & Out Books
This week's books and more, unfairly (or sometimes fairly) neglected, or simply those the reviewers below think you might find of some interest (or, infrequently, you should be warned away from); certainly, most weeks we have a few not at all forgotten titles...if I've missed your review or someone else's, please let me know in comments...a number of more obscure works this week by major CF writers, including a new edition of the first collection by FFB founder Patti Abbott...

David Vineyard: "Flowers for Violet" by Cleve F. Adams, Clues Detective Stories, May 1936, edited by F. Orlin Tremaine


  1. Might take a look at your fonts, most of it is (almost?) too small to read...

  2. Yes. Blogspot loves to fail in various ways when it takes a mind to. I ended up running the fonts through Gmail and repasting that into Blogsplggio.

  3. Also, it's telling me at the moment that No One, zero, has looked at this post...making your noting of the typographical weirdness an act of remote viewing in the psychic manner...

  4. Oooo, I feel all floaty and stuff. Hand me that plate of brownies, will ya?

    Looks fine now on my iPad.

  5. It should, Rick...I was in the process of fixing it when you good idea why it wanted to collapse the font size of all but every tenth line, but it's done that before, and resists all attempts to remove the variant typeface coding. It's charming. The Gmail trick works rather well, but usually needs some fine-tuning...but it's a very quick fix.

    Matt, I'll suggest it's more of a Gestalt. I see the "hit" counter is shaking off its stupor as well...

    Thanks, folks.

  6. Some good stuff here -- many thanks! And many thanks for the mention.

  7. Thanks for collecting all this information, and thank you very much for the link.

  8. De nada, Jose, y gracias a ti tambien!

  9. Thank you, Jack--glad your quest for info paid off thus!


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