Friday, June 28, 2019

FRIDAY'S "FORGOTTEN" BOOKS AND MORE: the links to the reviews: 28 June 2019

This week's books and more, unfairly (or sometimes fairly) neglected, or simply those the reviewers below think you might find of some interest (or, infrequently, you should be warned away from); certainly, most weeks we have a few not at all forgotten titles...if I've missed your review or someone else's, please let me know in comments. Even more major crime-fiction writers this week than usual...

Patricia Abbott: The Chill by "Ross Macdonald" (Kenneth Millar)

Gonzalo Baeza: To the Bones by Valerie Nierman

Mark Baker: N is for Noose by Sue Grafton

Brad Bigelow: The Fire Escape by Susan Kale

Les Blatt: Murder on the Blackboard by Stuart Palmer

Joachim Boaz: If All Else Fails... by Craig Strete; My Petition for More Space by John Hersey; All Judgement Fled by James White

Brian Busby: The Side of the Angels by Basil King

Martin Edwards: Stalemate by Evelyn Berckman

Peter Enfantino: Atlas (pre-Marvel) Horror Comics: June 1952

Barry Ergang: The Case of the Baker Street Irregulars by "Anthony Boucher" (William White)

Will Errickson: Twins by Bari Wood and Jack Geasland  

José Ignacio Escribano: Tenant for Death by Cyril Hare

Curtis Evans: the short fiction of "Dick Callingham" (Richard Webb and Hugh Wheeler)

Paul Fraser: The Best Science-Fiction Stories 1950 edited by Everett F. Bleiler and T. E. Dikty 

John Grant: Fireside Gothic by Andrew Taylor; Lady Living Alone by "Peter Curtis" (Norah Lofts); Black Widow by E. Duke Vincent

Aubrey Hamilton: The Fugitive Pigeon by Donald Westlake; Spark by John Lutz; Pest Control by Bill Fitzhugh

Rich Horton: Putting Up Roots and The Cyborg from Earth: YA novels by Charles Sheffield; Daryl Gregory's short fiction; James Van Pelt's short fiction

Jerry House: Demons of the Night and Other Early Tales by Seabury Quinn

Kate Jackson: Tour de Force by Christianna Brand 

Tracy K: Monkey Justice and Other Stories by Patricia Abbott

Colman Keane: "Freeze!" by Shoshanna Edwards

George Kelley: River of Eternity by Philip José Farmer

Joe Kenney: The Mark of Cosa Nostra by "Nick Carter" (in this case, George Snyder); Deathmate by Martin Caidin

Rob Kitchin: The Blinds by Adam Sternbergh

B. V. Lawson: Death of an Old Girl by Elizabeth Lemarchand

Evan Lewis: "War of the Gladiators" illustration by Frank Frazetta/script uncredited, Real Life Comics #50, October 1949,  published by Standard Magazines/Comics/Ned Pines

Steve Lewis: Cop Hater by "Ed McBain" (Evan Hunter)  

Richard Lupoff: The Second Experiment by J. O. Jeppson

John Norris: Tears for Jessie Hewitt by Edna Sherry; Gerald Verner's Simon Gale series

John O'Neill: Pilgrims Through Space and Time by J. O. BaileyPerilous Planets edited by Brian W. Aldiss

Matt Paust: I Don't Text While Driving, Walking or Standing Still by Roger Dale Loring

James Reasoner: "Squadron of the Damned" by David Wright O'Brien, Amazing Stories, July 1942, edited by Raymond Palmer

Richard Robinson: Citizen of the Galaxy by Robert Heinlein; If you could read only a dozen more books, which ones?

Gerald Saylor: The Truth Itself  by "James Rayburn" (Roger Smith)Greasy Grass by Johnny D. Boggs

Jack Seabrook and Peter Enfantino: DC War Comics, March 1975

Doreen Sheridan: Catch Me: Kill Me by William H. Hallahan

Steven H Silver: Wonderworks: The Science Fiction and Fantasy Art of Michael Whelan and other examples

Victoria Silverwolf: Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, July 1964, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli

Kerrie Smith: The Gaslight Stalker by David Field

Kevin Tipple: Mystery Weekly Magazine, May 2019, edited by Paul D. Marks

"TomCat": Sorceror's House and The Royal Flush Murders by Gerald Verner

Mark Yon: New Worlds SF, July/August 1964, edited by Michael Moorcock


  1. Thanks, Todd. Some interesting covers!

  2. You have the wrong thing listed for my FFB entry. Thanks.

  3. The correct FFB review for this week is this one:

  4. Thank you, Jack.

    Kevin, as I usually do, I listed Barry's review under Barry's name. It's there, and has been since I posted the list.

  5. However, I did have Barry Ergang accidentally listed just after Will Errickson rather than just fixed. Perhaps that was a basis for confusion? I listed the magazine as well since it is a little magazine that could probably stand a little more exposure...

  6. Hi,

    The link for the “Death of an Old Girl” review goes to the John O’Neill “Pilgrims Through Space and Time” review at Black Gate. I’d enjoy seeing the “Death of an Old Girl” review as my wife was reading the book not long ago. I’d appreciate if the link could be corrected.

    I really enjoy these reviews each week, thanks.

    Stephen Burridge

  7. As always, thanks for so many interesting links! And thanks, too, for the mentions of my own humble efforts.

  8. Thank you, as always, Paul!

    Stephen, thanks for the pointer...sorry that link was bad (it's always too easy to let a link slip with Blogspot, which occasionally will let a link "colonize" another, and too often can be simply a matter of not capturing the link one thought one had while pasting). Fixing now. And thanks for the regular look-in at the week's lists.

  9. Todd -- Thanks for the links to the Neglected Books Page, but my name is Brad, not Brian.

  10. Terribly sorry, excuse for that one but exhaustion on Friday! Fixing instanter.


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