Friday, October 25, 2019

FRIDAY'S "FORGOTTEN" BOOKS AND MORE: the links to the reviews and texts; 25 October 2019

This week's books and more, unfairly (or sometimes fairly) neglected, or simply those the reviewers below think you might find of some interest (or, infrequently, you should be warned away from); certainly, most weeks we have a few not at all forgotten titles...if I've missed your review or someone else's, please let me know in comments. And see the citation for Rudy Rucker, for a sort of farewell from the late, and brilliant, Michael Blumlein.

Patricia Abbott: The Widower by Georges Simenon (translated by Robert Baldick) 

Stacy Alesi: The L List: Fiction Reviews 1983-2013

Frank Babics: Digits and Dastards by Frederik Pohl

Brad Bigelow: Mrs. Rawleigh and Mrs. Paradock by Neil Bell 

Paul Bishop: Stephen Mertz's Cody's War series and more... 

Les Blatt: Death Has Deep Roots by Michael Gilbert; The Lacquer Screen by Robert Van Gulik 

Elgin Bleecker: Silver Street by E. Richard Johnson 

Joachim Boaz: Margaret and I by Kate Wilhelm 

Ben Boulden: Some Die Hard by Stephen Mertz

Brian Busby: Hotter than Hell by Mark Tushingham

Bob Byrne: "Murder is Corny" by Rex Stout (from his collection Trio for Blunt Instruments, 1964) (reprinted as "The Sweet Corner Murder")

Larry Clow: Come to Grief by Dick Francis

Bill Crider: William Campbell Gault

Keith Dettmar and Jonathan Lethem: "The Best of Acappella" by Lenny Kaye, Jazz and Pop magazine, December 1969

Martin Edwards: A Case in Nullity by Evelyn Berckman 

Peter Enfantino and Jack Seabrook: Warren horror comics, May-September 1969, edited by Bill Parente 

Will Errickson: Off Season by "Jack Ketchum" (Dallas Mayr)

José Ignacio Escribano: The Moai Island Puzzle by Alice Arisugawa (translated by Ho-Ling Wong) 

"Olman Feelyus": Terminal Beach by J. G. Ballard; We All Killed Grandma by Fredric Brown; Prisoner of Fire by Edmund Cooper; One-Way Ticket by Dolores and Bert Hitchens; Stolen Documents by S. Beresford Lucas; U-Boat 977 by Heinz Schaeffer 

Barry Gardner: Storme Front by W. L. Ripley 

John Grant: Criminal Damage by Margaret Yorke

Audrey Hamilton: The Dark Garden by E. R. Punshon; The Winter Garden Mystery by Carola Dunn 

Bev Hankins: Blueprint for Murder by "Roger Bax" (Paul Winterton); The Case of the Missing Servant by Tarquin Hall; The Unexpected Guest by Agatha Christie (1954 play) as novelized by Charles Osborne (1999)

Rich Horton: Father Goose: His Book by L. Frank Baum; Charles Stross short fiction 

Jerry House: The Peter Quint stories by Erle Stanley Gardner from The Saturday Evening Post: "The Last Bell on the Street" (3 May 1941), "That's a Woman for You" (31 May 1941), "The Big Squeeze" (15 November 1941), edited by Wesley Stout"Four Doomed Men" by "Geoffrey Vace" (Geoffrey Cave), Oriental Stories, Summer 1931, edited by Farnsworth Wright

Kate Jackson: Scales of Justice by Ngaio Marsh: The Chinese Chop by Juanita Sheridan 

Tracy K: Paper Son by S.J. Rozan 

Karen/"Kaggsy": U.S.A.: The 42nd Parallel by John Dos Passos 

Colman Keane: Goldilocks by "Ed McBain" (Evan Hunter); Enough of Sorrow by "Jill Emerson" (Lawrence Block) 

George Kelley: The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volumes II A and II B, edited by Ben Bova with the Science Fiction Writers of America 

Joe Kenney: Marina Tower by Charles Beardsley; Soldato #3: Strangle Hold! by "Al Conroy" (Gil Brewer) 

Rob Kitchin: Tokyo Year Zero by David Peace 

B. V. Lawson: Lonelyheart 4122 by Colin Watson 

Des/D. F. Lewis: Singularity and Other Stories by Melanie Tem

Evan Lewis: Dead Men's Letters and Other Short Novels by Erle Stanley Gardner

Steve Lewis: The Late Mr. Smythe by Hugh B. Cave, Dime Detective, 1 August 1934, edited by Rogers Terril; The Circle by Peter Lovesey; "The Ultimate Egoist" by Theodore Sturgeon, Unknown Fantasy Fiction, February 1941, edited by John W. Campbell; "Does Thee Murder?" by Robin Hathaway, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, March/April 2013, edited by Janet Hutchings; A Lonely Way to Die by Art Borgeau 

Mike Lind: The Skeleton in the Clock by "Carter Dickson" (John Dickson Carr)

Gary Lovisi: the Black Gat Books imprint 

John D. MacDonald: favorite and least-favorite books of 1947 

Todd Mason: editorial career retrospectives Yesterday's Tomorrows edited and annotated by Frederik Pohl; Editors edited by Saul Bellow and Keith Botsford, with new notes by KB, among related texts; Horrors: Old and Almost New

John F. Norris: The Mystery of the Creeping Man by Frances Shelley Wees

John O'Neill: Beyond Apollo by Barry N. Malzberg; Dying Inside by Robert Silverberg; The Empire of Fear by Brian Stableford 

Matt Paust: Libra by Don DeLillo 

Mildred Perkins: Dark Harvest by Norman Partridge

James Reasoner: "Satan Calls His Children" by Arthur Leo Zagat, Dime Mystery Magazine, May 1937, edited by Rogers Terril 

Richard Robinson: The Shadow: "Lingo" by "Maxwell Grant" (Walter B. Gibson and Theodore Tinsley)

Rudy Rucker: "Unrestrained and Indiscreet" by  Michael Blumlein

Sandra Ruttan: The 50/50 Killer by Steve Mosby 

Jack Seabrook: "The Hero" by Henry de vere Stocpoole, from his collection In Blue Waters (1917)

Steven H Silver: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams; The Persistence of Vision by John Varley

Victoria Silverwolf: Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, October 1964, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli 

Adrian Simmons: Amazing Stories, November 1969, edited by Ted White  

Kerrie Smith: A Month of Sundays by Liz Byrski

Marina Sofina: Almost Like Spring by Alex Capus (translated by John Brownjohn)

Simon Thomas: Vulgarity in Literature by Aldous Huxley 

Kevin Tipple: Bloody Halls by Carl Brookins 

"TomCat": Death after Evensong by Douglas Clark; The Single Staircase by Matt Ingwalson 

Bill Wallace: Curiosities of Olden Times by Sabine Baring-Gould; The Grip of It by Jac Jemc


  1. thanks so much for adding mine! My books were so "forgotten" that I forgot to submit them. :-)

  2. I do Go Look at the regulars' blogs...and even some of the irregulars'...thank you!

  3. Thanks, Todd. Will you be at the pulp show in NJ next Saturday?

  4. Actually, Partners in Peril will be next week...

  5. Gotcha, Rick...was going by the book package...

    Jack...which one? And thank you...

  6. I'm certainly not one to complain BUT...could you please kindly repair the Paul Bishop link, which presently does not take one there but to Brian Bigelow's prior post. Thank you.

  7. Thanks! Sorry, need to proof them all...that happens Way too easily with Blogspot.

  8. A belated thanks, Todd, for doing the list.

  9. Hey Matt. The Intro to my Forgotten Comic Strip is up.


A persistent spammer has led to comment moderation, alas. Some people are stubborn. I'm one.