Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Short Story Wednesday: the links to the reviews: 18 January 2023

Patti Abbott is on vacation, happily not too immediately threatened by mudslides in California, and I'll go ahead and gather the Short Story Wednesday items for the next week or so. TM

Patricia Abbott: Antarctica (in part) by Claire Keegan


  1. One the small pleasures of watching US tv (Eastern Time) at 4am is THE CBS MORNING NEWS anchored by Anna-Marie Green; the mild joy of watching reportage of the somewhat mealy-written tribute being paid to Lorne Michaels by PEN, the writers/editors/publishers organization, a Service Award to be bestowed upon him for "uproarious and fearless political sketches that Changed TV Forever" with a presumably 3 or 4ish-AM-entered chiron reading "Honoring Michael Lorne" also shortly thereafter slapped down with the first report I've picked up about the San Mateo County (where my parents spent their last years and I worked remotely some years earlier with good folks at KCSM-TV, the tiny College of San Mateo PBS station martyred by the Shrub Bush FCC) mass-shooting of 8 people, 7 immediately fatally, rounding out the weekend of Cali wholesale human targeting.

  2. Sorry, "political and social sketches" was the citation as read off by Green.

    I suspect the chiron will be corrected for the 7AM CBS NEWS online version:

    ...while that will have more details of the Oakland shootings (only one murder at this hour).

  3. And I plead the hour in writing "Anna" instead of Anne-Marie Green.


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