Thursday, June 13, 2024

Short Story Wednesday +: the links to the reviews, 12 June 2024

Patricia Abbott's regular weekly links

Frank Babics: "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" by Ambrose Bierce, The San Francisco Examiner, 13 July 1890

Tony Baer: various forms of The Bridge in the Jungle by B. Traven

Brad Bigelow: five short novels/long novellas about the collapse of England

John Boston: Amazing Stories, July 1969, edited by Ted White

Curtis Evans: adaptations of Cornell Woolrich's fiction

Paul Fraser: An Interview with David Redd (1946-2024); "The Man Who Came Early" by Poul Anderson, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1956, edited by "Anthony Boucher"

Michael A. Gonzales: 1980s NYC bookstore culture and its environs

Rich Horton: First Person Peculiar and other writings by T. L. Sherred; "Inside Man" by K. J. Parker; "The Tusks of Extinction" by Ray Nayler

Jerry House: "You Were Perfectly Fine" by Dorothy Parker, The New Yorker, 23 February 1929, edited by Harold Ross

Kate Jackson: "The Way Up to Heaven" by Roald Dahl, The New Yorker, 27 February 1954, edited by Harold Ross; Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, October 1951, edited by Frederic Dannay

Tracy K: stories from Crime Hits Home, edited by S. J. Rozan

George Kelley: The Gist Hunter and Other Stories by Matthew Hughes

James Queally: Thuglit, the hardboiled little magazine edited and published by Todd Robinson and Allison Glasgow

James Reasoner: Casinos, Motels, Gators: Stories by Ben Boulden; Texas Rangers, June 1945, edited by ?G. B. Farnum

Steve Lewis: Spaceman! (aka Galactic Odyssey) by Keith Laumer, as serialized in Worlds of If, May, June and July 1967, edited by Frederik Pohl

Todd Mason: "The Widow's Tale" by Richard Bausch, Ploughshares, Winter 2023-24, edited by Ladette Randolph

Jack Seabrook: "Lonely Place" by C. B. Gilford (as by Douglas Farr), Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, February 1960, edited by William Manners (index) 

Victoria Silverwolf: Fantastic, June 1969, edited by Ted White

Kevin Tipple: Moon Shot: Murder And Mayhem On The Edge Of Space, edited by J. Alan Hartman

"TomCat": three "crossover" stories by Edward D. Hoch

Morgan Wallace: Round Up Magazine and the (Scottish) Fiction Magazine Group


  1. Thanks for putting all these links together, Todd. I will enjoy looking into all of them.

    I am having my first cataract surgery done Tuesday, so I am going to be busy today and tomorrow straightening up and such, but I will check them out as soon as I can.

  2. Well done, Todd! I love the variety of these links!

  3. No rush, Tracy...they'll (most likely!) still be active for a while...good luck with surgery! (and the cleanup)...I had mine just over 15 years ago...both my mother and I developed cataracts at the same time...something in the water, perhaps. And you're quite welcome.

    Thanks, George...I may be ridiculously slow in writing my own of late, but there are always gems to gather...


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