Friday, March 8, 2019

Friday's "Forgotten" Books and More: the links to the reviews, 8 March 2019 (International Women's Day)

This week's books, unfairly (or sometimes fairly) neglected, or simply those the reviewers below think you might find of some interest (or, infrequently, you should be warned away from); certainly, most weeks we have a few not at all forgotten titles. ...if I've missed your review or someone else's, please let me know in comments...

Patricia Abbott: The Veiled One by Ruth Rendell

Paul Bishop: the Hatchet series by "Knox Gordon" (Michael Kasner)

Les Blatt: Rim of the Pit by Hake Talbot; Chicks on the Case interview

Elgin Bleecker: Last Year's Man by Paul D. Brazill

John Boston: Amazing: Fact and Science Fiction Stories, November 1963, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli

Ben Boulden: Novels reissued in 2018 

Brian Busby: The Arch-Satirist by Frances de Wolfe Fenwick

Bob Byrne: Not Quite Dead Enough, a Nero Wolfe novel by Rex Stout

Martin Edwards: The Chief Inspector's Statement by Maurice Proctor; The Birdcage by Victor Canning 

Peter Enfantino: Atlas (pre-Marvel) Comics Horror, February 1952

Peter Enfantino and Jack Seabrook: DC War Comics, July 1974

Will Errickson: Child of Hell by William Dobson

José Ignacio EscribanoMaigret Defends Himself by Georges Simenon (translated by Howard Curtis)

Curtis Evans: Black as He's Painted by Ngaio Marsh

Paul Fraser: Astounding Science-Fiction, July 1943, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.

John Grant: The Archivist by Martha Cooley

Aubrey Hamilton: Body Scissors by Jerome Doolittle

Rich Horton: The Blind Worm by Brian M. Stableford; Seed of the Dreamer by Emil Petaja; Trading in Danger by Elizabeth Moon; "When It Changed" by Joanna Russ

Jerry House: The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Sixteenth Series edited by Edward L. Ferman; Hopalong Cassidy, June 1948

Kate Jackson: Death in Store by Jennifer Rowe; Justice Hall by Laurie R. King

Nick Jones: Trilogy in Jeopardy by Henry Kane; Calamity in Kent by John Rowland; The Little Sister by Raymond Chandler (UK first editions)

Tracy K: Tears of Autumn and The Shanghai Factor by Charles McCarry

Colman Keane: They Don't Dance Much by James Ross(Elgin Bleecker's recent review)

George Kelley: The Century's Best Horror Fiction edited by John Pelan

Joe Kenney: The Godfather Killer by Dan Brennan

Margot Kinberg: Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz; International Women's Day

Rob Kitchin: Clinch by Martin Holmén; 1000 reviews 

Richard Lamb: Tribute to My Father: Hugh Lamb

B.V. Lawson: Dover One by Joyce Porter

Evan Lewis: Davy Crockett, Frontier Fighter (1951); True Crime Comics, May 1947; Otto Penzler Auctions: Dashiell Hammett; Raymond Chandler

Steve Lewis: "Shaman" by John Shirley, Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, October 1988, edited by Gardner Dozois; The Dutch Shoe Mystery by "Ellery Queen" (Frederic Dannay and Manfred Lee); "Peaches for Mad Molly" by Steven Gould, Analog Science Fact and Fiction, February 1988, edited by Stanley Schmidt 

Francis M. Nevins: The Black Angel by Cornell Woolrich 

Jess Nevins: Women writers who influenced H. P. Lovecraft...

John F. Norris: They Walk in Darkness by Gerald Verner 

Scott D. Parker: Mascarada Pass by William Colt MacDonald

Matt Paust: Night of Camp David by Fletcher Knebel 

James Reasoner: The Derelict of Skull Shoal: a Doc Savage novella by "Kenneth Robeson" (Lester Dent) 

Richard Robinson: The Case of the Substitute Face (a Perry Mason novel) by Erle Stanley Gardner

Gerard Saylor: The Bling Ring by Nancy Jo Sales

Steven Silver: "Can These Bones Live?" by Ted Reynolds, Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, March 1979, edited by Stanley Schmidt; Death's Master by Tanith Lee

Victoria Silverwolf: Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, September 1963, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli

Kerrie Smith: A Stranger in the Family by Robert Barnard

Kevin Tipple: The Branson Beauty by Claire Booth 

"TomCat": Death Behind the Door by Norman MacClure

Katherine Tomlinson: Once Upon a Star edited by Anthea Lawson

Danielle Torres: Nothing but the Night by John Williams

David Vineyard: "The Great Ego" by Norman Daniels, Startling Stories, Spring 1944, edited by Oscar J. Friend


  1. Todd – Any chance of adding a Paul D. Brazill novel to today’s list. It is a book that is not old and probably not forgotten but perhaps overlooked? Thanks.

  2. I think I could stand the strain, Elgin...thanks.

  3. Thank you! And thanks for doing the list and helping Patti.

  4. Thanks for pulling these together, Todd, and thanks for including both of my links for Charles McCarry books.

  5. Thank you both, Jack and Tracy! Seemed only sensible, Tracy...


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