Friday, July 19, 2019

FRIDAY'S "FORGOTTEN" BOOKS AND MORE: the links to the reviews: 19 July 2019

This week's books and more, unfairly (or sometimes fairly) neglected, or simply those the reviewers below think you might find of some interest (or, infrequently, you should be warned away from); certainly, most weeks we have a few not at all forgotten titles...if I've missed your review or someone else's, please let me know in comments. 

Brad Bigelow: Businessmen as Lovers by Rosemary Tonks

Les Blatt: And Four to Go by Rex Stout 

Elgin Bleecker: JFK's recommended reading list 

Joachim Boaz: Hegira by Greg Bear 

John Boston: Amazing: Fact and Science Fiction Stories, August 1964, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli

Brian Busby: The Damned and the Destroyed by Kenneth Orvis

Jason Cavallaro: Floating Staircase by Ronald Malfi 

Steve Carper: July 20, 2019: Life in the 21st Century by Arthur C. Clarke

Martin Edwards: Mystery on the 'Queen Mary' by Bruce Graeme

Peter Enfantino and Jack Seabrook: Warren Horror  Comics, May/June 1967, edited by Archie Goodwin

Will Errickson: Seeing Red by David J. Schow; help IDing horror fiction half-remembered 

José Ignacio Escribano: The Moving Toyshop by Edmund Crispin 

Curtis Evans: The Four Tragedies of Memworth by Ernest Hamilton and Ronald Knox's ten rules for crime fiction; the insensitivities of Golden Age crime fiction 

Olman Feelyus: Deadly Welcome by John D. MacDonald; The Reflection of Evil (aka Death of a Fox) by "Jan Roffman" (Margaret Summerton) 

Paul Fraser: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November-December 2014, edited by Gordon Van Gelder 

Barry Gardner: Vanishing Act by Thomas Parry

John Grant: Where Roses Never Die by Gunnar Staalesen (translated by Don Bartlett); All She Was Worth by Miyuki Miyabe (translated by Alfred Birnbaum) 

Lauren Groff: "The Empress's Ring" by Nancy Hale

Aubrey Hamilton: The Shape of Fear by "Hugh Pentecost" (Judson Pentecost Phillips); The Verge Practice by Barry Maitland; Compelling Evidence by Steve Martini 

Rich Horton: The Best Shorter Fiction in SF So Far;  Cory Doctorow short fiction; Esther Friesner short fiction; Robert Sheckley short fiction; Matthew Johnson short fiction

Jerry House: Zero Cool by "John Lange" (Michael Crichton); Three to Conquer by Eric Frank Russell 

Kate Jackson: 120 Rue de la Gare by Léo Malet (translated by Peter Hudson) 

Nick Jones: The Best of Xero, edited by Pat and Richard Lupoff

Tracy K: Pearls Before Swine by Margery Allingham 

Colman Keane: What Makes Sammy Run? by Budd Schulberg 

George Kelley: The Triumph of the Spider Monkey by Joyce Carol Oates 

Joe Kenney: Cocaine by Marc Olden; Lynch Town by Warren/W. B. Murphy

Rob Kitchin: The Blood Spilt by Åsa Larsson, translated by Marlaine Delargy 

Kate Laity: Edith's Diary by Patricia Highsmith 

B. V. Lawson: A Night at the Cemetery and Other Stories of Crime and Suspense by Anton Chekhov (edited and translated by Peter Sekerin) 

Evan Lewis: "Coonskin Davy Crockett", Dead-Eye Western Comics, June-July 1951, edited by Edward Cronin 

Steve Lewis: Goodbye, Nanny Gray by Susannah Stacey; "Murder Twist" by Thomas Walsh, Ace-High Detective Stories, August 1936, edited by Kenneth White; Too Close to the Edge by Susan Dunlap  

Gideon Marcus: Galaxy, August 1964, edited by Frederik Pohl

Todd Mason: Tomorrow's Crimes by Donald E. Westlake; The Relevance of Anarchism to Modern Society by Sam Dolgoff; the late (as of Sunday) Paul Krassner and his The Realist among other humor magazines and annuals and anthologies from them; The Realist online complete archive

James McGlothlin: The Best of Robert Bloch among
Features Robert Bloch's
"That Hell-Bound Train"
other Bloch volumes

John F. Norris: The Djinn by Graham Masterton

John O'Neill: The Year's Best SF 9 edited by Brian Aldiss and Harry Harrison

Matt Paust: The Blessing Way by Tony Hillerman 

James Reasoner: John Severin's Billy the Kid 
by Joe Gill and John Severin 

Richard Robinson: Red Planet by Robert A. Heinlein 

Gerard Saylor: Cripple Creek by James Sallis 

Jack Seabrook: "Anyone for Murder?" by Jack Ritchie, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, January 1964, edited by Richard Decker

Steven H Silver: Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke  

Victoria Silverwolf: Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, August 1964, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli

Kerrie Smith: Crimson Lake by Candice Fox 

Kevin Tipple: The Philadelphia Quarry by Howard Owen

"TomCat": The Case with Nine Solutions by "J. J. Connington" (Albert W. Stuart) 

Prashant Trikannad: Memory Man by David Baldacci

Al Tucher: The Greatest Slump of All Time by David Carkeet 

David Vineyard: Dames Don't Care by Peter Cheyney

Thomas Wickersham: Peregrine by William Bayer

A. J. Wright: Marie Bankhead Owen's works; Fannie Flagg 


  1. Thanks for the link, Todd.
    I shouldn’t have read John O’Neill’s piece—I’ve now got three volumes of the Orbit Yearbook winging their way to me. So much for trying to downsize . . . .

  2. Thank you, Paul...and there are worse addictions. Just make sure your shelves are light enough to carry...and stong enough for all the bricks of paper you put on them...

  3. As always, thanks for all the links, Todd. I am hopping right over to Rick's post on Red Planet, which I have been waiting for.

  4. Hopping is what they're here for! Thank you, Tracy...for the kind remarks and your contributions.

  5. As always, many thanks for the link and for the links to so many interesting reviews. I can see I'll have to give JJ Connington a try after all these years . . .

  6. Thank you, Paul...and there are a few I'm going to have to look at When I Think I Can. Hugh Pentecost's short fiction I've read, but never a novel, for example...

  7. I'm in a similar situation re Pentecost. I've had a novel of his on the shelves since, er, the 1990s, possibly earlier . . .


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