But Kate Stine had another similar job earlier, as editor of The Armchair Detective, the first elaborate quarterly crime-fiction fanzine that I came across, and the first to have much of a presence on newsstands, from the earlier years of Allen J. Hubin's stewardship. By the time I came across it, it was publishing generally interesting (if at times a bit potted) articles on all sorts of crime-fiction writers and historical trends, and considerations of film and related media, book reviews...and, frequently, at least a little new fiction in most issues in the early 1990s...a time one could also find, on better newsstands, Stephen Brown's Science Fiction Eye (originally co-edited and -published by Dan Steffan, and which became SF Eye for its last two issues), dealing with sf but also fantasy and as much related matter as possible, and Bob Morrish, John Scoleri and Peter Enfantino's The Scream Factory, a magazine about horror and related matter in all media. While TAD was meant to be encyclopedic, touching on every sort of crime-fiction they could pack in (most other CF critical magazines to follow often started out with a more limited focus, even if, for example, Jim Huang's The Drood Review, the first version of Clues, before Elizabeth Foxwell's revival, or Steve Lewis's initial newsletter form of Mystery*File began with a similarly wide remit), SF Eye tended toward explorations of the bleeding edge as much as possible, as it was in part a vastly more elaborate extension of the intentionally modest-looking one-sheet Cheap Truth, the original organ of the nascent Cyberpunks. TSF seemed to take from both column A and column B, seeking to report on the
full range of horror (in fact, one of the best-loved issues was about "the Worst in Horror" through the decades), but also expressing special love for the more flashy sorts of horror, including the better work offered by the nascent Splatterpunks and other practitioners of even more copiously bleeding edge materials. And SF Eye and Scream Factory both ran at least some fiction as they went along, as well...these weren't the first fantastic-fiction critical magazines to have a certain heft to them, by any means; Armchair had taken some of its inspiration from such earlier magazines about fantastic fiction as Amra, George Scithers's heroic fantasy critical fanzine, The Arkham Collector, the second and less elaborate magazine from August Derleth's horror and fantasy specialist book publishers Arkham House (their little magazine of some decades before, The Arkham Sampler, had been more a mostly-fiction title), as well as such fairly elaborate productions as Inside SF/Riverside Quarterly, Science Fiction Review, and the later Fantasy Newsletter; the recently late Douglas Fratz's
elaborate long-running critical magazine in sf/fantasy circles, Algol, later Starship, took on as professional an appearance as it could, with very handsome full-color covers, before being folded into editor/publisher Andrew Porter's more frequently-published competitor to Locus, Science Fiction Chronicle (among other magazines of note during the decade were NonStop and Lawrence Person's Nova Express, while the best guide to the exploding "zine culture" was Mike Gunderloy, and eventually his partners' and successors' Factsheet Five, taking its title from a reference in a John Brunner story). The Scream Factory eventually folded, giving way to the more criminous bare*bones; the short-lived newsmagazine Horror and the rather more durable critical magazine Necrofile followed (and Paula Guran's email newsletter DarkEcho), as well...but while they lasted in the '90s, the most exciting and diverse of the critical magazines were our cited trio (and that they all presented a bit of fiction didn't hurt, in my estimation)...with the few issues of Damon Knight's return to critical magazine editing, and writing criticism, being the notable counterpoint as described below:
Friday, December 28, 2012
FFB: MONAD: Essays on Science Fiction [except when they are about fantasy or are poems about a writer's life, and such], Number One (September 1990), edited by Damon Knight (Pulphouse)
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the paperback edition |
Knight had begun writing criticism along with his earliest published fiction (and cartoons and illustration), in the 1940s, the critical writing sparked by the example of Frederik Pohl's reviews, and Knight's mostly published in the better examples of the more "sercon" (serious and constructive, which could be taken at face value or imply an earnest dullness) fanzines of the day, as well as in Knight's own fanzine, Snide. In the 1950s, Knight and Lester del Rey co-edited and published two issues of Science Fiction Forum, as a more purely critical little magazine/fanzine, but apparently did no more till Knight revived the title Forum as that of the house organ of the Science Fiction Writers of America, of which he was a primary founder and its first president. While some projects like this one ran indefinitely (Inside Science Fiction became Riverside Quarterly, and lasted forty years in all), many more have been mayflies (Harry Harrison and Brian Aldiss's SF Horizons managed two similarly impressive issues in the mid-'60s). Others, such as the titles mentioned above, had intermediate-length runs, and made names for themselves at least in certain circles...anyone who suffered through my squibs on this blog knows that I'm tempted to try to trace as many of those as possible, but I will desist for a moment (noting only, for example, that SF Eye had roots in Bruce Sterling's one-sheet zine Cheap Truth as well as editor/publisher Stephen Brown's work on such earlier, more conventional critical magazines as Douglas Fratz's Thrust).
Index of the contents courtesy ISFDb:
- 1 • Editorial (Monad #1) • essay by Damon Knight
- 3 • Children, Women, Men, and Dragons • essay by Ursula K. Le Guin
- 29 • I Dream Therefore I Become • (1990) • essay by Brian W. Aldiss
- 37 • An All-Day Poem • (1972) • poem by Thomas M. Disch
- 51 • Precessing the Simulacra for Fun and Profit • essay by Bruce Sterling
- 67 • Beauty, Stupidity, Injustice, and Science Fiction • essay by Damon Knight
- 89 • Letter (Monad #1) • essay by Tom Whitmore

The Aldiss is an excerpt from his then-just-published book-length memoir, Bury My Heart at W. H. Smith's (the British bookstore); Aldiss had served as literary editor for the Oxford Mail newspaper from early on in his career, and had had some commercial and artistic success with his contemporary-mimetic fiction along with his fantaticated thoughout his career. The Disch is a poem, apparently originally in his1972 limited-edition chapbook The Right Way to Figure Plumbing; "An All-Day Poem" is, in part, how art helps the artist cope with the great ugliness, and small reverses, life hands us (Disch's mother is losing her fight with cancer as he writes). Bruce Sterling takes a somewhat bemused pass through the realms of modern literary theory, the post-Structuralist, post-Derrida and Bakhtin era (and this inspired an answer essay for the second Monad by John Barnes). And Knight rounds us out with a fine short essay that limns his early childhood first experiences with injustice (and the other Large Things mentioned in the title) and how he found them recapitulated in the crotchets of fellow editors and similar folk in his professional career as an artist.
Knight was one of the pioneering critics of note in fantastic-fiction circles, and remains controversial to this day (he would not stay his hand when he felt an affront to the art was being perpetrated, and Ed Gorman hasn't forgiven him for that yet). And yet Monad's three issues/volumes are a nice core-sampling of the most influential and serious critical writers active in its years (with some exceptions, such as Knight's great students Algis Budrys and Barry Malzberg, and Joanna Russ, who was already scaling back her critical writing in the face of health matters). Knight, like most of the more ambitious writer/editor/publishers in the field of the popular critical magazine, would tend to move online for much of what he wrote in this wise after Monad...as much as he continued with this kind of activity, as opposed to his writing instruction activities, as reflected by his Creating Short Fiction.
For more of today's literary choices, please see Patti Abbott's blog. Next week, I'll be filling in for her here.

I used to love THE ARMCHAIR DETECTIVE and have several of the issues you've posted here - thanks Todd.
I'm glad to have, in one form or another, the survivors we have today...but it's hard not to miss those which are gone, even as THE RAP SHEET and FILE 770 continue along with MYSTERY*FILE, for example, in electronic form.
I never got into the Science Fiction Eye but I have all the Armchair Detectives and many of The Scream Factory issues. Mystery*File has been around forever in form or another and Steve Lewis is doing a great job with it as an online magazine. I look at it everyday.
And you notably contribute to MYSTERY*FILE, you should mention if modesty doesn't forbid. SF EYE could get a bit clubbish at its worst, and sometimes the naivete of the (in other matters) sophisticates contributing was a bit exasperating, but I enjoyed it more than nearly any other magazine of its sort...and contributed to it trivially, which is more than I can say about TAD or TSF. I certainly hope you caught up with MONAD, which I suspect you'd like better.
Like Sergio, I loved THE ARMCHAIR DETECTIVE. I'd drop everything when it arrived and would read it straight through!
I can only find two of my issues of ARMCHAIR DETECTIVE now, I must have lost the rest in a move long ago. Reading them is very nostalgic.
SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW introduced me to Ed Gorman, and so many others. ALGOL had "Richard Lupoff's Book Week" the review column; and Frederik Pohl's and Robert Silverberg's columns. NECROFILE had a column from Ramsey Campbell before the now also defunct VIDEO WATCHDOG did. Fritz Leiber had his columns in FANTASY NEWSLETTER and LOCUS (and, probably, AMRA. There's all kinds of wonder that resided in those magazines...
I have to admit that I was surprised when VIDEO WATCHDOG went out of business. I even received a bankruptcy notice from the Lucas' lawyer.
I subscribed and enjoyed several of the publications mentioned. For pure pleasure, I loved getting SF Review and the other Geis publication. I need to dig up the box with those issues. I subscribed to Locus early and Mystery Scene--even the isue or two that were newsprint. Fantasy Newsletter I enjoyed. I recall Karl Wagner had a column there. The Armchair Detective I find myself looking at more now that I've had time to catch up on writers who had long interviews in TAD but at the time I had not discovered them. Science Fiction Eye I watched being born as for years I was in a writers group started by Ted White. Steve Brown was a member, as were at various times Dave Bishoff, Ed Byers, Charles Sheffield, Kathleen Ann Goonan, and Elizabeth Hand. I was sorry to see Eye discontinued after Steve and his significant other moved to Asheville, NC where they had a couple of thriving businesses to keep them busy. I would recommend Crime and Detective Stories (CADS) published in England by Geoff Bradley. The focus is primarily on British writers but includes film and radio adaptations as well as print. CADS has published more than 70 issues and is still going strong.
Walker--it's tough for a film magazine that isn't fluffy to get by, and the irregular publication schedule wouldn't encourage advertisers.
Richard--I still need to look at CADS...my chauvinism when it came to sticking with US magazines above was in part driven by not being able to find the UK equivalents in those days, except via mail order, particularly after Moonstone Bookcellars went out of business in my DC-area years (1984-96). Seems that Ed Gorman...probably with Robert Randisi, though perhaps before he got involved, even sent out a slim issue or two of the beta of MYSTERY SCENCE through DAPA-EM as a part of Robert Napier's mailing package with his fanzine...were you in on those? Even OUTWORLDS was not something I got to see, though it was wrapping up as I discovered fanzines in 1978...nor was I aware of the John D. MacDonald magazine, though I was aware of the Sherlockian items from the Irregulars and others, even by the early '90s...
Well, OUTWORLDS wrapping up is overstatement...but it was slowing down, and never much tried for newsstand distribution like most of these others did...MIMOSA was my primary Big Deal, null-newsstand fanzine in the 1990s...and I'm not sure if it was FACTSHEET FIVE or something else that put me onto the Lynches' work...in fact, I should add F5 to the citations above...
Yes, I was a member of DAPA-EM (a mystery Amateur Press Association "Elementary My Dear APA"), I joined around mailing 52 or so after moving to Washington and stayed to the end. Bob Napier, Crider, Geoff Bradley, Jeff and Ann Smith, the Len & June Moffatt, George Kelley, Art Scott and a bunch of others through the decades. I enjoyed Napier's letter zine and contributed now and then. I hadn't thought of the Moonstone Bookcellars in years. I loved that place. Once I left Capitol Hill in 87 for downtown, I could walk to Moonstone on my lunch hour. I never took the JDM zines either the Shine's or the Moffatt's and regret that. But then I always regret what I missed even though I grabbed enough to keep me occupied and amused.
Elizabeth George looks like a teenager on that cover.
Todd, I'm the odd man out wanting to get in! This was a fascinating read of sf, fantasy and mystery magazines. I'm familiar with "The Armchair Detective" though I have never read one.
Kelly--a quarter century in the past can do that. By the time I met Marcia Muller a couple of years after that photo of her, she looked a bit younger than she does there.
Well, Prashant, the vast amount of material I didn't see, but did hear of, certainly made me feel similarly...these days, you can see examples of some online, and their online heirs in the cited cases...
Richard--it's indicative of my Not Seeing them at the time than I'd forgotten there were two notable JDMcD fanzines. Nowadays, at least one blog. Moonstone Booksellers being one of those impressive bookstores that die with their owners...Gene's Books in King of Prussia, PA, being another example...I, too, have always had more than enough to read...but the unslakable thirst for more being the Collector's Deadly Sin and Not So Secret Ecstasy...
Hi Todd
Hope you are able to find this comment. Here's my FFB for today:
Satyanveshi (Seeker of Truth) Vyomkesh by Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay
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