Sergio Angelini: Widows by "Ed McBain" [an 87th Precinct novel]
Mark Baker: The Last Coyote by Michael Connolly [a Harry Bosch novel]
Yvette Banek: Death in the Stocks by Georgette Heyer

the BareBones staff: E. C. Comics, June 1951
Joe Barone: The Tumbler by Peter Bowen
Les Blatt: There Is No Return by Anita Blackmon
Elgin Bleecker: The Case of the Sun Bather's Diary by Erle Stanley Gardner [a Perry Mason novel]
Brian Busby: The Cashier by Gabrielle Roy
Bill Crider: Dead Horse by Walter Satterthwait
William Deeck: Campaign Trail by the Gordons
Martin Edwards: The Davidson Case by John Rhode
Will Errickson: Résumé with Monsters by William Browning Spencer; The Landlady by Constance Rauch; the Horrorscope series by Robert Lory
Curt Evans: Helen Reilly and her daughters, Ursula Curtiss and Mary "McMullen" (and brother James Reilly)
Fred Fitch: Drowned Hopes by Donald Westlake
Paul Fraser: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1950 edited by Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas; Galaxy Science Fiction, December 1950 edited by H. L. Gold
Ed Gorman: Bone Justice by Elizabeth Fackler
John Grant: The Bone Magician by F. E. Higgins
Rich Horton: The Spy in the Ointment by Donald Westlake
Jerry House: Rocket Jockey by "Philip St. John" ("Lester del Rey")
Tracy K: Shot in Detroit by Patricia Abbott
George Kelley: Thrillers: 100 Must Reads edited by David Morrell and Hank Wagner (previous review that sparked this one)
Margot Kinberg: Our Trespasses by Steph Avery; Ngaio Marsh Award shortlist/judging
Rob Kitchin: The Dirtiest Race in History by Richard Moore

B. V. Lawson: The Cape Cod Mystery by Phoebe Atwood Taylor
Steve Lewis: The Case of the Sun Bather's Diary by Erle Stanley Gardner [a Perry Mason novel]
Todd Mason: the spoken word/reading albums (and files) of Theodore Sturgeon
John F. Norris: All for the Love of a Lady by Leslie Ford
Juri Nummelin: SF Pornography [an index] by Kenneth R. Johnson
Mathew Paust: Lies My Mother Never Told Me by Kaylie Jones

Mildred Perkins: Those Across the River and Necromancer's House by Christopher Buehlman
James Reasoner: Dropsie Avenue: The Neighborhood by Will Eisner
Richard Robinson: The Allingham Case-Book by Margery Allingham
Mark Rose: My Father, the Pornographer by Chris Offutt
Peter Rozovsky: Peter Rabe's novels
Gerard Saylor: Rough Riders by Charlie Stella; Anything Goes by Richard S. Wheeler
Steve Scott: "Labor Supply" by John D. MacDonald; "Salute to Courage" and "Tank-Town Matador" by John D. MacDonald; Elmore Leonard on John D. MacDonald
Kerrie Smith: Weekend with Death by Patricia Wentworth

Raquel Stecher: Into the Dark by Mark A. Vieira
Richard Strauss: The Mysterious Traveler Mystery Reader, September 1952 edited by Robert Arthur
Kevin R. Tipple: Holy Moly by Ben Rehder
"TomCat": The Secrets of Terror Castle by Robert Arthur [a Three Investigators novel]; Nothing Like Blood by Leo Bruce; locked-room mysteries, an anthology proposed
Prashant Trikannad: forthcoming novels