The (usually) weekly assembly of links to blogposts, reviews, essays, podcasts and other items of interest about audio/visual work, usually first-rate and deserving of one's attention but sometimes less so and sometimes deserving of obscurity, up to and including opera, stage drama, conventions, museum exhibits, videogames (and boardgames), and more. Terribly sorry for some weeks and some days delay; it really has been one damned thing after another of late..Thanks to all who have produced the items linked to below! And please let me know if I've missed yours or someone else's.
Remembrance of Roger Moore, Dina Merrill and others will be found among the blogs and posts below.
A. J. Wright: Whispering City; Marilyn McCoo
Alice Chang: Dark Souls; PlayStation 4; Persona 5; Ori and the Blind Forest
the Allan Fish Online Film Festival 2017
Anne Billson: Diamonds Are Forever (Cat of the Day)
The Big Broadcast: 21 May 2017
Bill Crider: Our Miss Brooks (1956 film) [trailer]; She's All That [trailer]; Return of the Lash; The Man in the Iron Mask (1939 film) [trailer]; Mainly Millicent: with Roger Moore as James Bond (1964)
Dan Stumpf: Return to Warbow: Sing and Like It; The Hustler
Dana Gould: Eddie Pepitone; Ken Reid; Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?; Lizzie Borden
David Cramner: backgammon in film and literature; Aldous Huxley on TechnoDictators
David Vineyard: This Man is News
Earl Green: Trying Times (courtesy Brian Arnold)
Elgin Bleecker: Naked City (1948 film); Line of Duty
Elizabeth Foxwell: Shield for Murder: 99 River Street; George V. Higgins speaks (1985); House by the River; David C. Raskin: Lie Detection and the Judicial System (1975 lecture)
Evan Lewis: The Maltese Falcon and related matter: The Adventures of Sam Spade: "The Kandy Tooth"; The Maltese Falcon (1941 film); Satan Met a Lady; The Maltese Falcon (1931 film); &...Star Trek Continues: "Pilgrim of Eternity"; The Brasher Doubloon
The Faculty of Horror: The Descent
George Kelley: Cabaret (current stage production); The Grace Kelly Collection
Hal Horn: Underrated 1987 films
How Did This Get Made?: Stealth; My Stepmother is an Alien
Iba Dawson: The Get-Down; Turner Classic Film Festival 2017: Ntrate; Pre-Code Films
International Waters: Graham Elwood; Guy Branum; Caroline Mabey; Lucy Pearman; host Dave Holmes; Bil Dwyer, Ophira Eisenberg, Tom Bell, and Holly Burn
Trials of O'Brien: "Picture Me a Murder" A one-season series for Peter Falk; early tv work, in this episode excerpt, for Joanna Pettet (long-term media crush), Jessica Walter, Alan Alda, Charles Grodin, Claude Akins; series semi-regular Elaine Stritch, as Falk/O'Brien's receptionist, doesn't appear in this first 9 minutes of the episode (a battered but watchable teaser to encourage you to buy gray-market copies)
Ivan G. Shreve, Jr.: Spotlight Scandals; the color episodes of The Andy Griffith Show; The Mysterious Airman; Trials of O'Brien; Never Let Me Go; Calvin and the Colonel; Feel My Pulse; Afraid to Talk; Crime Does Not Pay: "A Thrill for Thelma"; Blondes and Redheads: Pre-Code Comedy Classics, Volume 2; Swiss Family Robinson (1940 film); Early Women Filmmakers
J. Kingston Pierce: Roger Moore; more on Moore
Jack Seabrook: The Alfred Hitchcock Hour: "The Gentleman Caller"; "Return of Verge Likens"; "Bed of Roses"
Patricia Abbott: 30 Rock; 1984 (1984 film); Late Night with David Letterman; A Quiet Passion
Patricia Nolan-Hall: Ricardo Cortez; Simon and Laura; Five Stars: Barbara Stanwyck, James Cagney, Laurel and Hardy, John Wayne; A Tree Grows in Brooklyn; Dial M for Murder (1954); Little Boy Lost; Me and My Pal; The Far Country
Paul D. Brazill: Dog Soldiers; Last Cab to Darwin; Len and Company
The Projection Booth: The Lost One; The Ninth Configuration; Who is Arthur Chu?; Mommie Dearest; Wanda Whips Wall Street; Rick Marx; Tami Stronach
Raquel Stecher: The Beguiled; Dancing Lady; What's Up, Doc?; The China Syndrome
Ren Zelen: Something Wild
Rick: The African Queen; Five Stars: Cary Grant, Deborah Kerr, David Niven, Katherine Hepburn; Young Sherlock Holmes; Billy Wider; Marlowe;
equestrian films
Rod Lott: Wolves at the Door; The Circle; Rest Stop: SST: Death Flight; SnakeEater; SnakeEater II: The Drug Buster; The Belko Experiment
Ruth Kerr: Night Nurse; You Can't Take It With You; Five Stars: Ida Lupino, The Nicholas Brothers, Thelma Ritter, John Wayne; Stella Dallas; TCM Classic Film Festival
Salome Wilde: A Woman's Face (1938 Sweden and 1941 US); Laird Cregar; Five Stars: Barbara Stanwyck, Jean Gabin, Ida Lupino, Lauren Bacall, Peter Lorre; Nazi noir: The Murderers are Among Us; Turn the Key Softly; noir and the Oscars; Finger of Guilt (aka Intimate Stranger)
Scott A. Cupp: Arsene Lupin; The Giant Claw; The Neanderthal Man (1953 film); Reaper: Pilot
Sergio Angelini: Last Resort; The Woman in Green; The Marseilles Contract
Stacia Kissick Jones: Johnny Guitar; Gas-s-s-s
Stacie Ponder: The Fog
The second pass (with additions and corrections) for this Friday's crop of reviews of books, and magazines and more, that the contributors feel might warrant more attention than they've received or received of late (except for this which are warnings). A few contributors will probably be added over the course of the day, as they upload their reviews...if I've missed yours or someone else's, please let me know in comments. Thanks, everyone! Todd Mason
Sergio Angelini: Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch
Mark Baker: The Miser's Dream by John Gaspard
Yvette Banek: Put Out the Light by Ethel Lina White
Les Blatt: Arsène Lupin: Gentleman-Thief by Maurice Leblanc
John Boston: Amazing: Fact and Science Fiction Stories, May 1962, edited by Cele Goldsmith
Bill Crider: The Best of Keith Laumer; Dragon Society and Dragon Venom by Lawrence Watt-Evans
Jose Cruz, Peter Enfantino and Jack Seabrook: EC Comics, March 1953
Scott Cupp: The Willful Princess and the Piebald Prince by "Robin Hobb" (Megan Lindholm)
William Deeck: The Dogs Do Bark by Jonathan Stagge
Martin Edwards: High Seas Murder by Peter Drax
Will Errickson: Surrogate by Nick Sharman
C. C. Finlay: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1957, edited by "Anthony Boucher"
Paul Fraser: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May/June 2017, edited by C. C. Finlay
Barry Gardner: A Superior Death by Nevada Barr

Rich Horton: Rodney Stone by A. Conan Doyle
Jerry House: Adventures into the Unknown, #1, Fall 1948, edited by Richard Hughes--the first horror anthology comic (some Classics Illustrated issues and similar work preceded it...)
TracyK: Murder...Now and Then by Jill McGown
George Kelley: The Prentice-Hall Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy edited by Garyn G. Roberts
Joe Kenney: Dragon Hunt by Dave J. Garrity; Moonraker by Ian Fleming
Margot Kinberg: Fatal Enquiry by Will Thomas
Rob Kitchen: Dietrich and Riefenstahl: Hollywood, Berlin and a Century in Two Lives by Karin Wieland; The Dead of Winter by Rennie Airth
Marvin Lachman: Net of Cobwebs by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
B. V. Lawson: Miss Pink at the Edge of the World by Gwen Moffat
Evan Lewis: The Maltese Falcon comics adapted from Dashiell Hammett's novel, illustration by Rodlow Willard
Steve Lewis: Straits of Fortune by Anthony Gagliano; The Burglar Who Traded Ted Williams by Lawrence Block; The Fast Buck by Bruno Fischer; Catastrophe Planet by Keith Laumer
Gideon Marcus: Galaxy Magazine, June 1962, edited by Frederik Pohl
Phil Noble, Jr.: Filming Live and Let Die by Roger Moore
Matt Paust: Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's by John Elder Robison
James Reasoner: Trouble at War Eagle by W. C. Tuttle
Richard Robinson: Killer in the Rain by Raymond Chandler
Gerard Saylor: Doc by Maria Doria Russell
Dan Stumpf: Alder Gulch by Ernest Haycox
"TomKat": The Weight of Evidence by Roger Ormerod