Sergio Angelini: Green for Danger by Christianna Brand
Yvette Banek: Mystery of the Dead Police by Philip MacDonald
Mark Baker: The Last Detective by Robert Crais
Les Baxter: The Dream Detective by Sax Rohmer
Bernadette: Flipped for Murder by Maddie Day
Elgin Bleecker: Down There by David Goodis
John Boston: Amazing: Fact and Science Fiction Stories, November 1962; December 1962, edited by Cele Goldsmith
Brian Busby: Grandma's Little Darling by Stephen R. George

Alice Chang: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards
Bill Crider: A Winter Spy by McDonald Lloyd; A Room to Die In by "Ellery Queen" (Jack/John Holbrook Vance, in this case); Baseball Stars of 1957 by Bruce Jacobs; Touchfeather by Jimmy Sangster
Martin Edwards: Turn the Light Out as You Go by Edgar Lustgarten; The Announcer aka A Voice Like Velvet by Donald Henderson
Peter Enfantino, Jack Seabrook and Jose Cruz: EC Comics, April 1954; DC war comics, April/May 1971
Will Errickson: Unholy Mourning by David Lippincott; The Possession of Joel Delaney by Ramona Stuart
Curtis Evans: Ruth Sawtell Wallis, No Bones About It and more...
Paul Fraser: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1978, edited by Edward L. Ferman
Barry Gardner: Mallory's Oracle by Carol O'Connell
John Grant: Night Film by Marisha Pessl
Rich Horton: That Girl from New York by Allene Corliss

Jeanne (hosted by Kevin Tipple): Sofie Kelly: Magical Cat mysteries
Nick Jones: 1950s/60s British SF book jackets by divers hands
Tracy K: Murder on the Blackboard by Stuart Palmer
George Kelley: The Big Book of Rogues and Villains edited by Otto Penzler

Joe Kenney: The Coming of the Terrans by Leigh Brackett
Margot Kinberg: Blacklands by Belinda Bauer
Rob Kitchin: Birds in a Cage by Derek Niemann
Richard Krauss: "Perilous Expedition" by "James Elton" (John F. Watt?)
B. V. Lawson: The Long Shadow by Celia Fremlin
Evan Lewis: Death Takes an Option by "Neil McNeil" (W. T. Ballard)
Steve Lewis: The Flaming Man by M. E. Chaber
Marcia Muller: Laura by Vera Caspary
Neeru: "Anthony Gilbert" (Lucy Beatrice Malleson): Murder Comes Home; Death Casts a Long Shadow aka Death Takes a Wife; A Nice Little Killing
John F. Norris: Murder Under Construction by "Sue MacVeigh" (Elizabeth Custer Nearing)

Matt Paust: Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
(Sergio Angelini on this book & film)
Mildred Perkins: The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
James Reasoner: Lair of the Beast by John Peter Drummond
L. J. Roberts: The Seagull by Ann Cleeves
Gerard Saylor: The Out is Death by Peter Rabe; Castle Danger: Dead End Follies by Anthony Neil Smith
Victoria Silverwolf: Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, November 1982, edited by Cele Goldsmith
Kerrie Smith: Murder in Little Shendon by A, H. Richardson
"TomCat": Full Crash Dive by Allan R. Bosworth
Samuel Wilson: "Black Prince" by Francis Beverly Kelley
A. J. Wright: William C. Morrow
Mark Yon: New Worlds Science Fiction, November 1962, edited by E. J. Carnell
You missed mine, Todd. Just a gentle reminder. :)
Thanks, Yvette. I tend to go alphabetically, and it wasn't up when I started, so I'm going back up from the middle to see if I can catch late "Regulars" along with those I tend to add...Elgin Bleecker and Will Errickson, for examples of columns A and B...though Elgin wasn't so much Late as not contributing last week.
Thanks as ever for making Fridays so much more fun!
Todd – Thanks for doing the FFB list today.
Thank you, Elgin, for contributing to that!
Sergio--they'll be less fun without your contributions!
Thanks again for including me in such great company!
Thank you, Will. Never a problem.
On behalf of my wife and our family, thank you, Todd. Means a lot. Thank you.
Life has more than its share of tough times for most of us, but it seems as if you all have been getting far more than your share. Anything we can do....
Todd, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving with good food, good company, good books, overlooked films and/or A/V, and underappreciated music!
You, too, Jerry! Thanks!
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