week's books, unfairly (or sometimes fairly) neglected, or simply those
the reviewers below think you might find of some interest (or,
infrequently, to be warned away from)--certainly, this week we have no shortage of not at all forgotten titles. Patti Abbott will host again next week.
Rest in Glory: Ursula K. Le Guin, Julius Lester, Dallas Mayr.
Walter Albert: The Alienist by Caleb Carr
Yvette Banek: The Ponson Case by Freeman Wills Croft
Bernadette: Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips
Les Blatt: The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie; The Sunken Sailor by Patricia Moyes
John Boston: Amazing: Fact and Science Fiction Stories, February 1963, edited by Cele Goldsmith
Brian Busby: The Heiress of Castle Cliffe by May Agnes Fleming
Bill Crider: The Winter is Past by Harry Whittington
Martin Edwards: The Deadly Dove by Rufus King
Peter Enfantino, Jack Seabrook and Jose Cruz: EC Comics, September 1954
Barry Ergang (hosted by Kevin Tipple): The Case of the Sleepwalker's Niece by Erle Stanley Gardner
Will Errickson: The Tribe by Bari Wood (among her other work); Dallas Mayr (aka Jack Ketchum)
Curtis Evans: The White Cockatoo by Mignon G. Eberhart
Elisabeth Grace Foley: The Caine Mutiny by Herman Wouk
Paul Fraser: Astounding Stories, February 1938, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.

Barry Gardner: Night Prey by "John Sandford" (John Camp)
John Grant: Malice by Keigo Hagashino (translated by Alexander O. Smith); Beware the Young Stranger by "Ellery Queen" (in this case, Talmage Powell)
Rich Horton: Lavinia by Ursula K. Le Guin; Rainbow's End by Vivian Radcliffe; Planet of No Return by Poul Anderson; Star Guard by Andre Norton; Rocannon's World by Ursula K. Le Guin; The Kar-Chee Reign by Avram Davidson
Jerry House: An Earth Gone Mad by Roger Dee [Aycock]
TracyK: Death Wears Pink Shoes by Robert James
Colman Keane: Crime Syndicate, January 2016, edited by Michael Pool and Eric Beetner
George Kelley: The Great SF Stories (1964) edited by Robert Silverberg and Martin Harry Greenberg
Joe Kenney: Logan's World by William F. Nolan
Margot Kinberg; Killer Instinct by Zoë Sharp
Rob Kitchin: Blood Curse by Maurizio de Giovanni
B. V. Lawson: Mrs. Knox's Profession by Jessica Mann
Ursula K. Le Guin: early writing
Evan Lewis: The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
Steve Lewis: "Dyed to Death" by K. G. McAbee; The Blind Side by Patricia Wentworth
Brian Lindenmuth: Iron Men and Silver Stars edited by Donald Hamilton
Gideon Marcus: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1963, edited by Avram Davidson
Todd Mason: The Dark Side edited by Damon Knight (et al.); SF Horizons edited by Harry Harrison and Brian W. Aldiss
Steven Nester: Hollywood and LeVine by Andrew Bergman
James Nicoll: Hammer's Slammers by David Drake
John F. Norris: The Other Passenger by John Kier Cross
John O'Neill: The Machine in Shaft Ten by M. John Harrison
Matt Paust: Present Danger by Stella Rimington
James Reasoner: "Ki-Gor--And the Temple of the Moon-God" by "John Peter Drummond"

Jack Seabrook and Peter Enfantino: DC War Comics 1971
John Self: The Ice Palace by Tarjei Vesaas (translated by Elizabeth Rokkan)
Steven Silver: "Lost Paradise" by Catherine L. Moore
Victoria Silverwolf: Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, February 1963, edited by Cele Goldsmith (featuring Le Guin's "second story")
Kerrie Smith: The Murder at Sissingham Hall by Clara Benson
Kevin Tipple: Mexico Fever by George Kier
"TomKat": The Vampire Tree by Paul Halter (translated by John Pugmire)
Prashant Trikannad: Merrick by Ben Boulden
Rest in Glory: Ursula K. Le Guin, Julius Lester, Dallas Mayr.
Walter Albert: The Alienist by Caleb Carr
Yvette Banek: The Ponson Case by Freeman Wills Croft
Bernadette: Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips
Les Blatt: The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie; The Sunken Sailor by Patricia Moyes
John Boston: Amazing: Fact and Science Fiction Stories, February 1963, edited by Cele Goldsmith
Brian Busby: The Heiress of Castle Cliffe by May Agnes Fleming
Bill Crider: The Winter is Past by Harry Whittington
Martin Edwards: The Deadly Dove by Rufus King
Peter Enfantino, Jack Seabrook and Jose Cruz: EC Comics, September 1954
Barry Ergang (hosted by Kevin Tipple): The Case of the Sleepwalker's Niece by Erle Stanley Gardner
Will Errickson: The Tribe by Bari Wood (among her other work); Dallas Mayr (aka Jack Ketchum)
Curtis Evans: The White Cockatoo by Mignon G. Eberhart
Elisabeth Grace Foley: The Caine Mutiny by Herman Wouk
Paul Fraser: Astounding Stories, February 1938, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.

Barry Gardner: Night Prey by "John Sandford" (John Camp)
John Grant: Malice by Keigo Hagashino (translated by Alexander O. Smith); Beware the Young Stranger by "Ellery Queen" (in this case, Talmage Powell)
Rich Horton: Lavinia by Ursula K. Le Guin; Rainbow's End by Vivian Radcliffe; Planet of No Return by Poul Anderson; Star Guard by Andre Norton; Rocannon's World by Ursula K. Le Guin; The Kar-Chee Reign by Avram Davidson
Jerry House: An Earth Gone Mad by Roger Dee [Aycock]
TracyK: Death Wears Pink Shoes by Robert James

George Kelley: The Great SF Stories (1964) edited by Robert Silverberg and Martin Harry Greenberg
Joe Kenney: Logan's World by William F. Nolan
Margot Kinberg; Killer Instinct by Zoë Sharp
Rob Kitchin: Blood Curse by Maurizio de Giovanni
B. V. Lawson: Mrs. Knox's Profession by Jessica Mann
Ursula K. Le Guin: early writing
Evan Lewis: The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
Steve Lewis: "Dyed to Death" by K. G. McAbee; The Blind Side by Patricia Wentworth
Brian Lindenmuth: Iron Men and Silver Stars edited by Donald Hamilton
Gideon Marcus: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1963, edited by Avram Davidson
Todd Mason: The Dark Side edited by Damon Knight (et al.); SF Horizons edited by Harry Harrison and Brian W. Aldiss
Steven Nester: Hollywood and LeVine by Andrew Bergman
James Nicoll: Hammer's Slammers by David Drake
John F. Norris: The Other Passenger by John Kier Cross
John O'Neill: The Machine in Shaft Ten by M. John Harrison
Matt Paust: Present Danger by Stella Rimington
James Reasoner: "Ki-Gor--And the Temple of the Moon-God" by "John Peter Drummond"

Jack Seabrook and Peter Enfantino: DC War Comics 1971
John Self: The Ice Palace by Tarjei Vesaas (translated by Elizabeth Rokkan)
Steven Silver: "Lost Paradise" by Catherine L. Moore
Victoria Silverwolf: Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, February 1963, edited by Cele Goldsmith (featuring Le Guin's "second story")
Kerrie Smith: The Murder at Sissingham Hall by Clara Benson
Kevin Tipple: Mexico Fever by George Kier
"TomKat": The Vampire Tree by Paul Halter (translated by John Pugmire)
Prashant Trikannad: Merrick by Ben Boulden