I avoid the usual term "mainstream" which erroneously suggests two things: a) that all sf writers are equal in aim, attitude and ability, and b) that all other writers are equal in aim, attitude and ability, and that all their works are homogenous.

This was an excellent project that probably didn't sustain itself financially, while its editor/publishers were trying to make a living from writing...Damon Knight and Lester Del Rey similarly, in the late 1950s, produced two issues of a Science Fiction Forum that calls out for reprint or posting online, but hasn't seen any yet, as far as I know, even though Knight revived the title for one of the publications of the Science Fiction Writers of America when he co-founded it in the mid '60s. Before SF Horizons, there was PITFCS and Xero; since, we've certainly had Monad and SF Eye, and others that have had a similar ambitious remit (a few, such as Richard Geis's Science Fiction Review/The Alien Critic, Andrew Porter's Algol/Starship, and Douglas Fratz's Thrust/Quantum, which have occasionally approached the same adventurous feel). Maybe Inside SF/Riverside Quarterly as well...if your magazine lasts any length of time, it has to change names (SF Eye began as Science Fiction Eye).
If you pick up the facsimile volume, or the original issues, today, you'll have access to some of James Blish's criticism (collected since in volumes from Advent: Publishers), but in its natural environment, cheek by jowl with an excellent interview with C. S. Lewis and Kingsley Amis conducted by Brian Aldiss, and a good one with William Burroughs conducted anonymously (but by someone, I'm told possibly James Blish, who met Burroughs at a meeting of the New York City-based Hydra Club, a periodical gathering of writers and fans that flourished in the 1950s into the '60s); Burroughs is quick to note how much he admires the work of Theodore Sturgeon, Eric Frank Russell (rather unsurprisingly) and (perhaps more surprisingly) C. S. Lewis, in whose work Burroughs sees a strong kinship with his own. I'm not sure the Aldiss essays here (as by him and by "C. C. Shackleton," a regular pseudonym of his often for more satirical writing) have all been collected elsewhere, but one hopes so (the long take on three contemporary UK writers--Lan Wright, Donald Malcolm and J. G. Ballard--is utterly engaging); the editorial in the second issue, attributed to both Harrison and Aldiss, is a particularly acute brief analysis of the great appeal of what has come to be known as the technothriller, albeit ranging as far as Advise and Consent in the then-current crop, and tracing their roots through John Buchan's espionage novels as well as Ian Fleming's incidentally tech-obsessed entries. Harrison's close reading of an F. L. Wallace novel, and issue-taking with Blish's criticism of Aldiss's "Hothouse" stories in the first issue, seems unlikely to have been reprinted elsewhere so far, and that's a pity. Okuno Takeo and Francesco Biamonti's short surveys of sf in Japan and Italy are useful snapshots (Biamonte notes that Umberto Eco had devoted a chapter in a then recent book to how he felt Italian sf should be developed), the kind of coverage that Charles Brown was later keen to continue in Locus magazine, in dealing with international sf and fantasy worldwide.
For those who seek out the Arno Press reprint: be aware that the text pages are on acid-free paper, but for some reason the endpapers are not. That atop not reprinting the magazine covers in the book, for no obvious reason, and slapping on what I suspect is a slightly expensively embossed and cutesy cover, perhaps one used on all the Arno SF line at the time; their books were clearly meant for the library trade, and before recently purchasing this copy, I'd first read a copy I borrowed and reasonably promptly returned to the Hawaii State Library's central branch, all those years ago.
Images and indices courtesy ISFDB:
- Publication: SF Horizons, No. 1
- Editors: Harry Harrison , Brian Aldiss
- Year: 1964-00-00
- 3 • A Statement of Policy • essay by Harry Harrison and Brian W. Aldiss [as by The Editors ]
- 5 • C. S. Lewis Discusses Science Fiction with Kingsley Amis • essay by Brian W. Aldiss and Kingsley Amis and C. S. Lewis (variant of Unreal Estates) [as byKingsley Amis and C. S. Lewis and Brian Aldiss ]
- 13 • Judgment at Jonbar • essay by Brian W. Aldiss [as by Brian Aldiss ]
- 38 • For the 1956 Opposition of Mars • (1962) • poem by Robert Conquest
- 39 • We Are Sitting on Our... • essay by Harry Harrison
- 43 • The Use of Language in SF • essay by G. D. Doherty
- 54 • Is This Thinking? • essay by James Blish
- 58 • "Give Me Excess of It, That Something Snaps..." • essay by Brian W. Aldiss [as by C. C. Shackleton ]
- Publication: SF Horizons, No. 2
- Editors: Brian Aldiss , Harry Harrison
- Year: 1965-00-00
- 1 • Megadunits • essay by Harry Harrison and Brian W. Aldiss [as by The Editors ]
- 3 • The Hallucinatory Operators Are Real • interview of William S. Burroughs • interview by SFH
- 13 • British Science Fiction Now • essay by Brian W. Aldiss [as by Brian Aldiss ]
- 38 • S.F.: The Critical Literature • essay by James Blish
- 48 • Other Critical Works: The Issue at Hand • essay by Harry Harrison and Brian W. Aldiss [as by The Editors ]
- 51 • Japanese SF • essay by Okuno Takeo
- 52 • Italian Science-Fiction: A Difficult Coming of Age • essay by Francesco Biamonti
- 55 • With a Piece of Twisted Wire... • essay by Harry Harrison
- 61 • "How Are They All on Deneb IV?" • essay by Brian W. Aldiss [as by C. C. Shackleton ]
- 64 • On the Atomic Bomb • poem by C. S. Lewis
Publisher: Arno Press
Notes: Photographic reprint of the two issues of the British journal/fanzine, originally published in 1964 and 1965.
Library binding on acid-free paper, less than five hundred copies printed.
No price or pub month in book.
Book cover artist not credited.
Please see a recollection of the first set of FFB links, and the rest of this week's ttiles, on this celebration of the first seven years of Friday Books at Patti Abbott's blog.
Todd, I read Amis and Lewis a long time ago though I never thought of them as sf writers. My most recent brush with Amis's sf was his short story "Hemingway in Space" which first appeared in PUNCH and later was included in the 6th Annual Edition: The Year's Best S-F. You were generous with your comments to my post. I know C.S. Lewis mainly through his Narnia series which, while being fantasy, has elements of sf depending on how the reader looks at it.
Thanks Todd - and I would certainly not disagree with Aldiss' statement, 50 years on. Though if you consider the recent kerfuffle over the Hugo there has been a genuine shift of late and clearly in the wrong direction ...
Prashant--Amis had only begun to write a little sf by the mid '60s, had written more about sf, but would eventually write the likes of the altenrate history sf novel THE ALTERATION in the 1970s, along with such fantasy fiction as THE GREEN MAN. Lewis's Narnia books were very much his Xian fantasy work (some folks have a problem with that combination, but they are at best confused), and the Perelandra novels, such as OUT OF THE SILENT PLANET, are the sf work...Lewis very much considered himself an sf writer with that work. I was once at my ex Donna's family's house when her father, a Mormon who no longer attended services, was vistied by two young men on their LDS missionary duty. One of them was quite happy about having discovered this great LDS writer, C. S. Lewis...I told him that Lewis was actually Anglican, to which the missionary said next to nothing. After he left, Donna, amused, told me, "He didn't believe you."
Sergio, the recent Hugo bloc-voting hassles have more to do with people putting their perceptions of what is Politically Correct, from the right wing much more than from the center or the left, but across the board to a limited extent, ahead of all else other than their resentment of perceived slights. It would be less of a problem if enough convention members cared about the Hugos to nominate work, but bloc voting would still tend to be effective. The award has always been too much of a popularity contest, too little about even a demotic sense of literary excellence, and the only Hugo ceremony I've been present for saw the novel award go to a Harry Potter novel...perhaps it was the best fantastic-fiction novel of its year, but since I couldn't make it through the cod-Roald Dahl of the first one, I had my doubts (I gather they improve as they go along). And I certainly barely voted for the Hugos that year, the only year I've joined, since I was particularly behind in my reading in the fields. I wondered,, Sergio, if that note about the Eco volume, or the state of the mid-'60s Italian field, mighht've caught your eye at all...
The greatest consensus choice for Most Undeserving Hugo-winning novel so far is the second winner of that award, THEY'D RATHER BE RIGHT...the title was prophetic. Too many people who'd rather be right (as well as in this case Rightist) than judicious or good sports, not that some of the buzz that got the various Puppies' dander up was necessariy too unreflexive, either. But people don't have to be thinking solely in political terms to not like one's work, something the Tea Puppies have greater problem comprehending than anyone else involved.
It's a funny thing about Eco - I have probably read more of his stuff while studying at University in the UK, than in Italy - I haven;t kept up with his really since the early 90s, but I do respect a lot fo what he say
Todd, I wasn't aware of Lewis' Perelandra novels. I'll look them up including OUT OF THE SILENT PLANET. I wonder if Roald Dahl, too, considered himself a major sf writer considering his work in television. Besides, I always felt his GREMLINS was a pseudo-sf story.
Prashant--some of Dahl's other horror, such as "Royal Jelly", also comes close to sf without quite reaching it...
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