Yvette Banek: Hide My Eyes by Margery Allingham
Les Blatt: All Things Impossible: The Impossible Files of Dr. Sam Hawthorne by Edward D. Hoch
John Boston: Amazing: Fact and Science Fiction Stories, April 1963, edited by Cele Goldsmith
Brian Busby: The Pyx by John Buell...and censorship

Jose Cruz, Peter Enfantino and Jack Seabrook: EC Comics, November 1954

Jose Cruz, Peter Enfantino and Jack Seabrook: EC Comics, November 1954
Martin Edwards: The West Pier by Patrick Hamilton
Barry Ergang (hosted by Kevin Tipple): No Chance in Hell by "Nick Quarry" (Marvin H. Albert)
Will Errickson: The Burning Ground by Madeena Spray Nolan; Satyr by Linda Crockett Gray; Satan's Mistress by Brian McNaughton
Barry Ergang (hosted by Kevin Tipple): No Chance in Hell by "Nick Quarry" (Marvin H. Albert)
Will Errickson: The Burning Ground by Madeena Spray Nolan; Satyr by Linda Crockett Gray; Satan's Mistress by Brian McNaughton
Curtis Evans: Wings of Mystery by William Gavine; Murder Fantastical by Patricia Moyes
Paul Fraser: New Worlds, July-August 1964, edited by Michael Moorcock

Barry Gardner: Sunburn by Laurence Shames
John Grant: Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay
Bev Hankins: Payoff for the Banker by Frances and Richard Lockridge
John Grant: Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay
Bev Hankins: Payoff for the Banker by Frances and Richard Lockridge
Rich Horton: Mercenary from Tomorrow by Mack Reynolds; The Key to Venudine by Kenneth Bulmer; The Planet Strappers by Raymond Z. Gallun
Jerry House: Spacial Delivery by Gordon R. Dickson
Janet Hutchings: Donald A. Yates
Jerry House: Spacial Delivery by Gordon R. Dickson
Janet Hutchings: Donald A. Yates
George Kelley: The Best Science-Fiction Stories: 1950 edited by Everett F. Bleiler and T. E. Ditky
Joe Kenney: Ian Fleming's Incredible Creation by Paul Anthony and Jacquelyn Friedman
Joe Kenney: Ian Fleming's Incredible Creation by Paul Anthony and Jacquelyn Friedman
Rob Kitchin: The Strange Death of Fiona Griffiths by Harry Bingham
D. F. Lewis: All the Fabulous Beasts by Priya Sharma
D. F. Lewis: All the Fabulous Beasts by Priya Sharma
Steve Lewis: Cast for Death by Margaret Yorke
Barry N. Malzberg: New American Review/American Review, edited by Theodore Solotaroff
Gideon Marcus: Galaxy Science Fiction, April 1963, edited by Frederik Pohl
Barry N. Malzberg: New American Review/American Review, edited by Theodore Solotaroff
Gideon Marcus: Galaxy Science Fiction, April 1963, edited by Frederik Pohl
Todd Mason: early reading; the Futurians as critics: Damon Knight, James Blish, Donald A. Wollheim, Robert A. W. Lowndes
John F. Norris: I Met Murder by Selwyn Jepson
John O'Neill: The Clingerman Files by Mildred Clingerman
John F. Norris: I Met Murder by Selwyn Jepson
John O'Neill: The Clingerman Files by Mildred Clingerman
Mathew Paust: The Case of the Gilded Fly by Edmund Crispin
Mildred Perkins: The Death and Life of Schneider Wrack by Nate Crowley
Mildred Perkins: The Death and Life of Schneider Wrack by Nate Crowley
Gerard Saylor: Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson; The Secret Keepers by Trenton Lee Stewart
Steven Silver: "Transformer" by Chad Oliver; "Calypso in Berlin" by Elizabeth Hand; "Planet of Ill Repute" by A. Bertram Chandler
Victoria Silverwolf: Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, April 1963, edited by Cele Goldsmith
Vandana Singh, et al.: A Year without a Winter edited by Dehlia Hannah
Steven Silver: "Transformer" by Chad Oliver; "Calypso in Berlin" by Elizabeth Hand; "Planet of Ill Repute" by A. Bertram Chandler
Victoria Silverwolf: Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, April 1963, edited by Cele Goldsmith
Vandana Singh, et al.: A Year without a Winter edited by Dehlia Hannah
Looks like Barry's review on my blog got left off the list. His review of NO CHANCE IN HELL by Nick Quarry can be found here: https://kevintipplescorner.blogspot.com/2018/03/ffb-review-no-chance-in-hell-by-nick.html
Thanks, Kevin. Working on very few ergs this morning.
Thanks for stepping in for Patti once again, Todd. Would you be kind enough to add me to the roster?
I Met Murder by Selwyn Jepson
Done! Thanks.
Thanks for filling in, Todd.
Mine is up now. SPACIAL DELIVERY by Gordon R. Dickson.
Thanks, Jerry! Sorry for several sorts of delay.
Todd, thanks again for hosting FFB! Have a Happy Easter!
Thank you, George...enjoy your holiday weekend, as well...
My post is up and running, Todd. Thanks again.
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