Les Blatt: The Allingham Minibus (aka Mr. Campion's Lucky Day and Other Stories) by Margery Allingham; Death on the High C's by Robert Barnard
Elgin Bleecker: Defending Jacob by William Landay
Joachim Boaz: Rogue Moon aka The Death Machine by "Algis" Budrys (Algirdas J. Budrys); Syzygy by Michael G. Coney (and do see the comments)
Brian Busby: The Three Marys and (or vs.) The Flying Years by Frederick Niven; "In Flanders Now" by Edna Jacques
José Ignacio Escribano: Clouds of Witness by Dorothy L. Sayers; The Seventh Hypothesis by Paul Halter (translated by John Pugmire)
"Olman Feelyus": The Dragon Masters by Jack Vance; Sunday by Georges Simenon (translated by Nigel Ryan)
Audrey Hamilton: The Godwulf Manuscript by Robert B. Parker; Wyatt by Gary Disher; The Worm of Death by "Nicholas Blake" (Cecil Day-Lewis)
Kate Jackson: Night Call and Other Stories of Suspense by Charlotte Armstrong; A Rising Man by Abir Mukherjee; Left-Handed Death by Richard Hull; The Case of the Haven Hotel by Christopher Bush
Tracy K: Death after Breakfast by "Hugh Pentecost" (Judson Phillips); The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
Joe Kenney: The Cosmozoids by Robert Tralins; CyberNarc 5: Shark Bait by "Robert Cain" (William H. Keith)
Evan Lewis: The Bigger They Come by "A. A. Fair" (Erle Stanley Gardner); Nero Wolfe, the comic strip
Steve Lewis: The Lasko Tangent by Richard North Patterson; "The Sentimentalists" by "Murray Leinster" (Will Jenkins), Galaxy Science Fiction, April 1953, edited by H. L. Gold; "The Art of Deduction" by Richard Deming, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, June 1973, edited by Ernest Hutter; "Kali" by Eric Taylor, All Star Detective Stories, November 1929, edited by Carl Happel; The Herring in the Library by L. C. Tyler; "Another Wandering Daughter Job" by Gerald Tomlinson, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, March 1978, edited by Frederic Dannay
Todd Mason: What If? (Vols. 1-3) edited by Richard Lupoff; Masters of the Maze by Avram Davidson; Cold Chills by Robert Bloch; Starlight: The Great Short FIction of Alfred Bester; Ship of Shadows (the collection) by Fritz Leiber; The Fantastic Pulps edited by Peter Haining; What Did Miss Darrington See? edited by Jessica Amanda Salmonson; How to Suppress Women's Writing, To Write Like a Woman and The Country You Have Never Seen by Joanna Russ; The Men in My Life by Vivian Gornick; Benchmarks Continued by Algis Budrys
Steven H Silver: "Mackintosh Willy" by Ramsey Campbell, in Shadows 2 edited by Charles L. Grant; Joan Hanke-Woods
"TomCat": The Case of Black Twenty-Two by Brian Flynn; The Flying Boat Mystery by Franco Vailati (translated by Igor Longo); The Perfect Alibi by Christopher St. John Sprigg
David Ullen: "Quiet Days in Malibu" by Joan Didion, adapted from essays in Esquire, April and June 1976
Dang! I think I just missed the boat this week.
Nope! I'm just recovering from Alice's flu and various things happening with friends and family, and I forgot to check your, Elgin. Thanks.
Thanks, Todd. Hope you feel better.
I'm mostly just trying to keep up with others needing help or an ear!
Thanks, Todd! That Manhunt book looks tempting.
It does!
Many thanks for yet another mouthwatering roundup, Todd, and of course for the links to my own stumbling notes. Incidentally, the Crider link leads to the Sieber piece. (The Sieber link works just fine.)
Still recovering from Philcon . . .
Thanks, Paul (I'm guessing!)
You're guessing right, Todd. Google is screwing me over, and I've decided that this time I'm not going to spend hours struggling to sign back into my account with them . . .
Yikes. I hope this isn't complicating your own blogging.
No problems with WordPress. It's just commenting on blogspot/blogger that's now a bit of a fiddle, while I've lost my gmail account -- no great loss, to be honest, because the only things I really used it for were checking follow-ups to blogspot/blogger comments!
Well, do consider commenting with Name/URL, so that your blog can be reached by those intrigued by your comments (sorry I let it slip my mind that yours was on WordPress).
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