Thursday, August 1, 2024

New Jersey federal ballot so far, Statewide/1st Congressional District (and what happened in 2020...)

How things are going in NJ politics...

And did go nationally last time...Courtesy
Fair Vote

2020 Presidential Election

States where the third party vote was higher than the margin of 

victory between Biden and Trump: [TM: note who won each:]

2000 Presidential Election

States where the third party vote was higher than the margin of

victory between Bush and Gore [TM: and note that Gore won most of

these states...Florida used a misleading two-sided hole-punch 

ballot, which somehow became Nader's fault; even Pat Buchanan, the

Reform Party candidate in Florida, was quite certain the confusion

caused by that intentionally clumsy ballot format led to him getting

more votes than he was intended to get, by voters flummoxed by the 

requirements and set-up...]


*indicates Will win in NJ and/or NJ 1st Congressional



Todd Mason said...

Brownfield, who is an impressive person, has an almost-perfect surname for a Green candidate.

Todd Mason said...