Thursday, March 6, 2025

Short Story Wednesday: the links to 4 March and further reviews

Brian Busby: The Contrast and Other Stories by Elinor Glyn

Jerry House: "Wanderers in Time" by John Benyon Harris (John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris, best known for his later work signed John Wyndham), Wonder Stories, March 1933, edited by David Lasser (this issue online)

Tracy K: Not to Be Taken at Bed-Time and Other Strange Stories by Rosa Mulholland; Bending to Earth: Strange Stories by Irish Women, edited by Maria Giakaniki and Brian J. Showers; Ghosts of the Chit-Chat, edited by Robert Lloyd Parry

George Kelley: The Wild Adventures of Cthulhu, Volume 3, by Will Murray

Todd Mason: new stories by Bill Pronzini: "The Back End of Nowhere" Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, March/April 2025, edited by Linda Landrigan; "Tangled Web" Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, edited by Janet Hutchings and Jackie Sherbow; citations of the revivals of Worlds of If and Galaxy sf magazines, and the fantasist-in-chief

Jessica Dylan Miele: Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet, edited by Gavin Grant and Kelly Link; Joyland Magazine, edited by Devin Kawailani Barricklow and Walker Caplan (et al.); The Ekphrastic Review, edited by Kare Copeland, Lorette C. Luzajic and Sandi Stromberg; Black Fox Literary Magazine, edited by Racquel  Henry, Elizabeth Sheets, et al.; Weird Lit Magazine, edited by September Herrin, et al.; Baffling Magazine, edited by dave ring and Aun-Juli Riddle, et al.; CALYX, edited by Brenna Crotty, et al.; Del Soul Review, edited by Kara De Folo, et al.; edited by Scott T. Barnes and Susan Shell Winston, et al.

MWA: Ballots for Edgar and other Awards

J. F. Norris: The Half-Pint Flask by DuBose Heyward

Jack Seabrook: "The Children of Alda Nuova" by Robert Wallsten, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, edited by Fredric Dannay, August 1961; adapted by Wallsten for Alfred Hitchcock Presents: (first broadcast 5 June 1961)  the episode (free with ads) on Roku

Kevin Tipple: Shaken: Stories for Japan edited by Timothy Hallinan

TomCat:"The Problem of the Pink Post Office" by Edward D. Hoch, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, June 1981, edited by Fredric Dannay


Jack Seabrook said...

Thanks, Todd!

Todd Mason said...

Thanks for your consistent work on these! And the pain of wading through Tin Age DC comics (and not a few of their contemporaries').