Thanks, as always, to the contributors of these reviews and citations (and links to the complete works online), and to you readers...there might well be additions to this list over the course of the day (I haven't yet written up my own item for this week).
If I've missed your or someone else's Overlooked A/V item, please let me know in comments, and thanks again.
Bill Crider: Wake Me When It's Over
Brian Arnold: Home for the Holidays (aka Deadly Desires)
Ed Gorman: Story of Women; Libeled Lady
Elizabeth Foxwell: Deadly Harvest (1972)

George Kelley: Elvis: Prince from Another Planet; The Ides of March
Iba Dawson: Don't Bother to Knock
James Reasoner: discount public domain dvds: The Cisco Kid and more
Jeff Flugel: Mysterious Island (1961)
Jerry House: The Werewolf of Washington

John Charles: Italian answers to Raiders of the Lost Ark
Juri Nummelin: KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park; Smokin' Aces
Kate Laity: NoirCon and donkeys and more; "Rook"
Laura: Rails into Laramie
Lawrence Person: Vampire Effect
Marty McKee: The Time Tunnel: "The Day the Sky Fell In"
Michael Shonk: Cool Million
Patti Abbott: Magic Town
Peter Rozovsky: Red Cliff
Prashant Trikannad: The Ross Sisters in Broadway Rhythm
Randy Johnson: early silent films; The Unholy Four; Eyes in the Night
Rick: Avanti; The Goodbye Girl; Harold and Maude
Rod Lott: Hell House (2001, the documentary)
Ron Scheer: El Dorado (1967)
Scott Cupp: Mongolian Death Worm
Sergio Angelini: top 20 spy movies
Todd Mason: The Crimson Petal and the White
Vicki Hendricks: NoirCon 2012
Yvette Banek: A New Leaf
usionWo 28Thanks for posting my review of A NEW LEAF, Todd. I think I'll let that be for today. My mind was blanker than usual yesterday - all my forgotten films forgotten. :)
Oops, looks like the goofy 'please prove you're not a robot' word showed up as well. Sorry about that.
That's A-OK, Yvette. I know the feeling, and A NEW LEAF is definitely overlooked (that verges on a pun, in itself)...
I just put a new one up, Todd.
I did finally sort of do a TOAV post. Behind as usual, counting down to the end of the semester and freedom, sweet freedom in Dundee.
Cool. Kate, yours might be the first of someone presenting their own dramatic work.
Thanks as always, Todd!
Nice job, again. I enjoy checking to see what everybody has posted.
Thank you, gentlemen. It is always a pleasure, isn't it, Ron?
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