Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tuesday's Overlooked Films and/or Other A/V: more links

With Thanksgiving two days away in the U.S., as opposed to Canadian T-day, the temptation to baste some turkeys was resisted by most of the contributors (not all!) in today's roundup of insufficiently attended-to items (and in Jerry's case, one Entirely too attended). Thanks as always to our contributors and to you readers, and if I've missed your or someone else's review or citation, please let me know in comments. And may your holiday be festive...

Bill Crider: Casino Royale (1967); trailer

Brian Arnold: Mego-brand superhero doll/action figure commercials; "The Thanksgiving That Almost Wasn't"

Brian Busby: The Kidnapping of the President

Ed Gorman: The 25th Hour

Elizabeth Foxwell: "Private Eye Popeye"

Evan Lewis: Dick Tracy (1937) and other early Tracy films and serials

George Kelley: Do The Movies Have a Future? by David Denby; Emily Owens, MD

I Love You Again
Iba Dawson: I Love You Again

Ivan G. Shreve, Jr.: My Favorite Brunette and other p.d. films in good new dvd packages

Jack Seabrook: Ray Bradbury on Alfred Hitchcock Presents: and The Alfred Hitchcock Hour

James Reasoner: The "Slap" Maxwell Story

Jerry House: response to the obscure indy release Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Part 2
The Falcon and the Co-Eds

John Charles: Super Fuzz

Juri Nummelin: KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park

Kate Laity: NoirCon

Laura: The Falcon and the Co-Eds 

Lawrence Person: Night Gallery: "Ruin"

Patti Abbott: A Day of Thanks on Walton's Mountain

Peter Rozovsky: Since Enter the Dragon...
Tennessee Nights

Prashant Trikannad: Tennessee Nights; The Mating Game; Fargo

Randy Johnson: Eyes in the Night

Rick: Judge Dee and the Monastery Murders

Rod Lott: Calamity of Snakes

Ron Scheer: The Young Land

Scott Cupp: The Devil’s Bride (aka The Devil Rides Out)

Sergio Angelini: Telefon

Todd Mason: "You're No Good" (please see below)

Yvette Banek Seven Days in May (1964)  The Ghost Breakers

A 1965 Canadian short film, both like and unlike Nobody Waved Good-Bye in some of its earnest awkwardness, yet much more indulgent in the emerging "mainstreaming" of surrealist technique in film, particularly angry young person film, of the mid 1960s. An early role for Michael Sarrazin, not looking 18 (he was in his mid-twenties) at a time when (I guess) Canada, like the States, still had legal majority beginning at age 21. Interesting, and actually almost good, and worth seeing once...particularly for students of this kind of film-making. It would make a good double-feature with The White Bus as well as with the other NFB production.
You're No Good by George Kaczender, National Film Board of Canada


pattinase (abbott) said...

Always liked Michael S. I wonder what happened to him. Will look him up.

Todd Mason said...

Odd to think that he died at the not Too surprising age of 70 (for passing, that is) not too long ago. Just in case we needed another reminder that it ain't 1975 any longer.

Prashant C. Trikannad said...

Todd, thanks very much for the inclusion of my previous reviews. That's really nice of you. I'm giving finish touches to a short piece ON FARGO. Should have it ready inside of an hour.

Brian Busby said...

Todd, if you're in the mood, here's a Canadian turkey, with American stuffing: The Kidnapping of the President.

Yvette said...

The film post for today is up and running now, Todd. It's SEVEN DAYS IN MAY. Don't know where you got THE GHOSTBREAKERS from...that's an old post. But thanks.

Todd Mason said...

I go looking, Yvette. Thanks, to all three of you.

Ron Scheer said...

Used to enjoy NFB films back in the day. They were so proudly noncommercial. This one also shows the influence of the New Wave from France.

Todd Mason said...

Exactly, though so does NOBODY WAVED GOOD-BYE...albeit the latter in being the grandchild of Italian neo-realism, much as was the likes of THE 400 BLOWS or FORBIDDEN GAMES, while this one is almost as much the sibling of Richard Lester movies...though not trying to be too funny...

Juri said...

You didn't notice my entry on the Kiss film, Todd!

Todd Mason said...

Sorry, Juri! An aversion to KISS might've contributed...will include it next week, as well.

Todd Mason said...

You're welcome!