It's a troubled time at FFB, with various afflictions and even an occasional bit of good news mixed in for a number of contributors to the weekly go-round, including Patti Abbott's connectivity being cut at home, so I host today...Patti will probably be hosting again next week...
Mark Baker: Indigo Slam by Robert Crais
Joe Barone: An Owl Too Many by Charlotte MacLeod
Bernadette: Gin and Murder by Josephine Pullein-Thompson
John Boston: Amazing Stories: Fact and Science Fiction, January 1962, edited by Cele Goldsmith
Brian Busby: early Harlequin paperbacks (crime fiction, romance, etc.)

Bill Crider: Scaramouche by Rafael Sabatini
Martin Edwards: The Viper by Roy Homiman
Peter Enfantino and Jack Seabrook: DC war comics, August/September 1967
Will Errickson: Razored Saddles edited by Joe R. Lansdale and Pat LoBrutto; Yellow Fog by Les Daniels
Fred Fitch: A Good Story and Other Stories by Donald Westlake
Paul Fraser: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1951, edited by Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas
Barry Gardner: Primal Fear by William Diehl
John Grant: Net of Cobwebs by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
Rich Horton: By the Good Sainte Anne by Anna Chapin Ray; 200 Years to Christmas by J. T. McIntosh; Rebels of the Red Planet by Charles L. Fontenay

Jerry House: Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction #6: Neanderthals edited by Robert Silverberg, Martin H. Greenberg, & Charles G. Waugh
Tracy K.: The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon
George Kelley: The Knife Slipped by Erle Stanley Gardner
Joe Kenney: The James Bond Dossier by Kingsley Amis
Margot Kinberg: Burial Rites by Hannah Kent
Kate Laity: The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper
B. V. Lawson: Cast for Death by Margaret Yorke
Jonathan Lewis: "Pressure" by Morris Hershman
Steve Lewis: A Country Kind of Death by Mary McMullen; Dogs of the Captain by Max Brand; Black Death by Thomas H. Stone
Todd Mason: Crime fiction magazines in English: August/September 1964; Robert Silverberg in my early reading
John F. Norris: Within the Maze by Ellen Wood
Juri Nummelin: Summer of Night by Dan Simmons
Matt Paust: On Top of Spoon Mountain by John Nichols
James Reasoner: Dead Men Singing: The Men Who Fought for Texas by H. Bedford Jones

Richard Robinson: Cooking for Jeffrey by Ina Garten
Gerard Saylor: The Black Beetle in "No Way Out" by Francesco Francavilla
Steve Scott: "Honeymoon in the Off Season" by John D. MacDonald
Victoria Silverwolf: Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, November 1961, edited by Cele Goldsmith
Kerrie Smith: Summertime Death by Mons Kallentoft (translated by Neil Smith)
"TomCat": The Sleuth Patrol by Manly Wade Wellman
Mike Tooney: Motives for Murder edited by Martin Edwards
Prashant Trikannad: With Great Truth & Regard: The Story of the Typewriter in India edited by Sidharth Bhatia
Mark Baker: Indigo Slam by Robert Crais
Joe Barone: An Owl Too Many by Charlotte MacLeod
Bernadette: Gin and Murder by Josephine Pullein-Thompson
John Boston: Amazing Stories: Fact and Science Fiction, January 1962, edited by Cele Goldsmith
Brian Busby: early Harlequin paperbacks (crime fiction, romance, etc.)

Bill Crider: Scaramouche by Rafael Sabatini
Martin Edwards: The Viper by Roy Homiman
Peter Enfantino and Jack Seabrook: DC war comics, August/September 1967
Will Errickson: Razored Saddles edited by Joe R. Lansdale and Pat LoBrutto; Yellow Fog by Les Daniels
Fred Fitch: A Good Story and Other Stories by Donald Westlake
Paul Fraser: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1951, edited by Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas
Barry Gardner: Primal Fear by William Diehl
John Grant: Net of Cobwebs by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
Rich Horton: By the Good Sainte Anne by Anna Chapin Ray; 200 Years to Christmas by J. T. McIntosh; Rebels of the Red Planet by Charles L. Fontenay

Jerry House: Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction #6: Neanderthals edited by Robert Silverberg, Martin H. Greenberg, & Charles G. Waugh
Tracy K.: The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon
Joe Kenney: The James Bond Dossier by Kingsley Amis
Margot Kinberg: Burial Rites by Hannah Kent
Kate Laity: The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper
B. V. Lawson: Cast for Death by Margaret Yorke
Jonathan Lewis: "Pressure" by Morris Hershman
Steve Lewis: A Country Kind of Death by Mary McMullen; Dogs of the Captain by Max Brand; Black Death by Thomas H. Stone
Todd Mason: Crime fiction magazines in English: August/September 1964; Robert Silverberg in my early reading
John F. Norris: Within the Maze by Ellen Wood
Juri Nummelin: Summer of Night by Dan Simmons
Matt Paust: On Top of Spoon Mountain by John Nichols
James Reasoner: Dead Men Singing: The Men Who Fought for Texas by H. Bedford Jones

Richard Robinson: Cooking for Jeffrey by Ina Garten
Gerard Saylor: The Black Beetle in "No Way Out" by Francesco Francavilla
Steve Scott: "Honeymoon in the Off Season" by John D. MacDonald
Victoria Silverwolf: Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, November 1961, edited by Cele Goldsmith
Kerrie Smith: Summertime Death by Mons Kallentoft (translated by Neil Smith)
"TomCat": The Sleuth Patrol by Manly Wade Wellman
Mike Tooney: Motives for Murder edited by Martin Edwards
Prashant Trikannad: With Great Truth & Regard: The Story of the Typewriter in India edited by Sidharth Bhatia
Thanks for the link, Todd.
Thank you, Jack.
Thanks for picking up the ball and running with it, Todd.
Thank you, Jerry.
Bonus: Graham Andrews's 10 favorite SF novels, in alphabetical order of author:
1. Hothouse (aka The Long Afternoon of Earth). Brian W. Aldiss.
2. The Crystal World. J. G. Ballard.
3. The Demolished Man. Alfred Bester.
4. The Songs of Distant Earth. Arthur C. Clarke.
5. The Man in the High Castle. Philip K. Dick.
6. Gather, Darkness! Fritz Leiber.
7. City. Clifford D. Simak.
8. The War Against the Rull. A. E. van Vogt.
9. The Chrysalids (aka Re-birth). John Wyndham.
10. The Dream Master. Roger Zelazny.
Thanks for substituting for Patti on such short notice, Todd! You're the best!
No, but thanks. Perhaps the most pleasant aspect of a crisis-riddled day.
Ah you did get this up on Friday the 13th. I did not check until today. A lovely group of books featured here.
I agree...thanks for contributing.
Thanks for the inclusion, Todd. Always an honour to be a part of FFB.
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