This week's books, unfairly (or sometimes fairly) neglected, or simply those the reviewers below think you might find of some interest (or, infrequently, you should be warned away from); certainly, most weeks we have a few not at all forgotten titles. Founder Patti Abbott is attending to other business, and I will be taking up the list regularly for at least a while (very glad to see an FFB entry from her this week)...if I've missed your review or someone else's, please let me know in comments...
Patti Abbott: Rogue Males: Conversations and Confrontations About the Writing Life interviews by Craig McDonald

Elizabeth Bear: Eight classic fantasy and sf novels of the 1970s: by Phyllis Eisenstein, Diane Duane, Phyllis Ann Karr, Jo Clayton, Joy Chant, Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Suzy McKee Charnas, Vonda McIntyre
Paul Bishop: the Webb Carrick series by Bill Knox
Les Blatt: Frequent Hearses (aka Sudden Vengeance) by Edmund Crispin
Elgin Bleecker: They Don't Dance Much by James Ross
John Boston: Amazing: Fact and Science Fiction Stories, February 1964, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli
Ben Boulden: "A Real Nice Guy" by William F. Nolan, Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine, April 1980, edited by Charles Fritch
Brian Busby: 10 Years of the Dusty Bookcase blog
Martin Edwards: The Strange Case of Harriet Hall by "Moray Dalton" (Katherine Dalton Renoir)
Peter Enfantino: Atlas (pre-Marvel) Horror Comics January 1952
Peter Enfantino and Jack Seabrook: DC War Comics, June 1974
Barry Ergang: God Save the Mark by Donald Westlake (hosted by Kevin Tipple)
Will Errickson: Shadows 4, edited by Charles Grant; Richard Matheson, interviewed by Douglas Winter, Faces of Fear
Curtis Evans: The Capital Murder by "James Z. Alner" (James Alner Tobey)
Paul Fraser: Astounding Science-Fiction, June 1943, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.; Future Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1943, edited by Robert W. Lowndes (the W squad)
John Grant: Blue Night by Simone Buchholz (translated by Rachel Ward); Tequila Blue by Rolo Diez (translated by Nick Caistor)
Aubrey Hamilton: The Red Castle Women by Margaret Widdemer

Rich Horton: Gun, with Occasional Music by Jonathan Lethem; Use of Weapons by Iain M. Banks; stories of David D. Levine; Move Under Ground and stories of Nick Mamatas; The Best of Xero edited by Pat and Dick Lupoff
Jerry House: The Barker, #8, Summer 1948
Kate Jackson: Cat and Mouse by Christianna Brand; There's Trouble Brewing by "Nicholas Blake" (Cecil Day-Lewis)
Nick Jones: Six from Sirius by Doug Moench and Paul Gulacy
Tracy K: The Unsuspected by Charlotte Armstrong
Colman Keane: Dispatches from the Cold and Fade to Clear by Leonard Chang
George Kelley: The Great SF Stories #6 (1944) edited by Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg
Joe Kenney: The Scene by "Mike Jahn" (Joseph Michael Jahn)
Margot Kinberg: The Blue Hour by Alonso Cueto (translated by Frank Wynne)

Rob Kitchin: Loitering with Intent by Muriel Spark
B. V. Lawson: Death Watch by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
Evan Lewis: Los Tejanos by Jack Jackson; Frank Frazetta Happy Comics art
Steve Lewis: Stamped for Death by Emmett McDowell; Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year: Second Annual Edition edited by Lester Del Rey; Winner Take All by James McKimmey; "The Giving Plague" by David Brin, Interzone, Spring 1988, edited by David Pringle and Simon Oursley

Jess Nevins: 20th Century African-American Horror Fiction
John F. Norris: The Silent Murders by "Neil Gordon" (Archibald Gordon Macdonnell)
Juri Nummelin: Missing by Sam Hawken
John O'Neill: The Passing of the Dragons by Keith Roberts
Matt Paust: Miami Blues by Charles Willeford
James Reasoner: The Galaxy Raiders by William P. McGivern
Richard Robinson: The Kelloggs, The Battling Brothers of Battle Creek by Howard Markel
Gerard Saylor: The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
Scott: A Step Out of Time by Betty Askwith
Victoria Silverwolf: Worlds of Tomorrow, April 1964, edited by Frederik Pohl; Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, January 1964, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli
Kerrie Smith: As the Crow Flies by Damien Boyd
Kevin Tipple: A Time to Scatter Stones by Lawrence Block
"TomCat": The Kindaichi Case Files: The Legendary Vampire Murders by Saimura Amagi et al.
Danielle Torres: Stillmeadow Calendar by Gladys Tabor
David Vineyard: Levkas Man by Hammond Innes; "The Blue Sweetheart" by David Goodis, Manhunt, April 1953, edited by Scott Meredith
Lisa Yaszek: "The Jest" by Dorothy Parker
Patti Abbott: Rogue Males: Conversations and Confrontations About the Writing Life interviews by Craig McDonald

Elizabeth Bear: Eight classic fantasy and sf novels of the 1970s: by Phyllis Eisenstein, Diane Duane, Phyllis Ann Karr, Jo Clayton, Joy Chant, Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Suzy McKee Charnas, Vonda McIntyre
Paul Bishop: the Webb Carrick series by Bill Knox
Les Blatt: Frequent Hearses (aka Sudden Vengeance) by Edmund Crispin
Elgin Bleecker: They Don't Dance Much by James Ross
John Boston: Amazing: Fact and Science Fiction Stories, February 1964, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli
Ben Boulden: "A Real Nice Guy" by William F. Nolan, Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine, April 1980, edited by Charles Fritch
Brian Busby: 10 Years of the Dusty Bookcase blog
Martin Edwards: The Strange Case of Harriet Hall by "Moray Dalton" (Katherine Dalton Renoir)
Peter Enfantino: Atlas (pre-Marvel) Horror Comics January 1952
Peter Enfantino and Jack Seabrook: DC War Comics, June 1974
Barry Ergang: God Save the Mark by Donald Westlake (hosted by Kevin Tipple)
Will Errickson: Shadows 4, edited by Charles Grant; Richard Matheson, interviewed by Douglas Winter, Faces of Fear
Curtis Evans: The Capital Murder by "James Z. Alner" (James Alner Tobey)
Paul Fraser: Astounding Science-Fiction, June 1943, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.; Future Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1943, edited by Robert W. Lowndes (the W squad)
John Grant: Blue Night by Simone Buchholz (translated by Rachel Ward); Tequila Blue by Rolo Diez (translated by Nick Caistor)
Aubrey Hamilton: The Red Castle Women by Margaret Widdemer

Rich Horton: Gun, with Occasional Music by Jonathan Lethem; Use of Weapons by Iain M. Banks; stories of David D. Levine; Move Under Ground and stories of Nick Mamatas; The Best of Xero edited by Pat and Dick Lupoff
Jerry House: The Barker, #8, Summer 1948
Kate Jackson: Cat and Mouse by Christianna Brand; There's Trouble Brewing by "Nicholas Blake" (Cecil Day-Lewis)
Nick Jones: Six from Sirius by Doug Moench and Paul Gulacy
Tracy K: The Unsuspected by Charlotte Armstrong
Colman Keane: Dispatches from the Cold and Fade to Clear by Leonard Chang
George Kelley: The Great SF Stories #6 (1944) edited by Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg
Joe Kenney: The Scene by "Mike Jahn" (Joseph Michael Jahn)
Margot Kinberg: The Blue Hour by Alonso Cueto (translated by Frank Wynne)

Rob Kitchin: Loitering with Intent by Muriel Spark
B. V. Lawson: Death Watch by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
Evan Lewis: Los Tejanos by Jack Jackson; Frank Frazetta Happy Comics art
Steve Lewis: Stamped for Death by Emmett McDowell; Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year: Second Annual Edition edited by Lester Del Rey; Winner Take All by James McKimmey; "The Giving Plague" by David Brin, Interzone, Spring 1988, edited by David Pringle and Simon Oursley

Jess Nevins: 20th Century African-American Horror Fiction
John F. Norris: The Silent Murders by "Neil Gordon" (Archibald Gordon Macdonnell)
Juri Nummelin: Missing by Sam Hawken
John O'Neill: The Passing of the Dragons by Keith Roberts
Matt Paust: Miami Blues by Charles Willeford
James Reasoner: The Galaxy Raiders by William P. McGivern
Richard Robinson: The Kelloggs, The Battling Brothers of Battle Creek by Howard Markel

Scott: A Step Out of Time by Betty Askwith
Victoria Silverwolf: Worlds of Tomorrow, April 1964, edited by Frederik Pohl; Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, January 1964, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli
Kerrie Smith: As the Crow Flies by Damien Boyd
Kevin Tipple: A Time to Scatter Stones by Lawrence Block
"TomCat": The Kindaichi Case Files: The Legendary Vampire Murders by Saimura Amagi et al.
Danielle Torres: Stillmeadow Calendar by Gladys Tabor
David Vineyard: Levkas Man by Hammond Innes; "The Blue Sweetheart" by David Goodis, Manhunt, April 1953, edited by Scott Meredith
Lisa Yaszek: "The Jest" by Dorothy Parker