This week's books and more, unfairly (or sometimes fairly) neglected, or simply those the reviewers below think you might find of some interest (or, infrequently, you should be warned away from); certainly, most weeks we have a few not at all forgotten titles...if I've missed your review or someone else's, please let me know in comments.
Karen/"Kaggsy": The 1944 Books Club
Colman Keane: All the Young Warriors by Anthony Neil Smith
George Kelley: Sleep No More: Six Murderous Tales by P. D. James
Joe Kenney: Hammerhead by "James Mayo" (Stephen Coulter)
Rob Kitchin: 2011 books
B. V. Lawson: May 2019 CF magazines
Des/D. F. Lewis: Teatro Grottesco by Thomas Ligotti
Evan Lewis: The film Roadhouse Nights (script based on a story by Ben Hecht) and Red Harvest by Dashiell Hammett; Nero Wolfe, the comic strip
Steve Lewis: "Message in the Sand" by John L. French, from Past Sins: The Matthew Grace Casebook; The Hour of the Oxrun Dead by C[harles]. L. Grant; "Shambleau" by C[atherine]. L. Moore, Weird Tales, November 1933, edited by Farnsworth Wright; The Decent Inn of Death by Rennie Airth
Library of America: "Christmas Tree: A Christmas Circular Letter" by Robert Frost, from Mountain Interval
Robert Lopresti: "Blue Skies" by Keith Snyder, Black Cat Mystery Magazine, #5/2019, edited by John Gregory Betancourt & Carla Coupe
Gary Lovisi: Royce Publishing's two-title Trophy Books line: Smile, Brother, Smile edited anonymously and The Pilditch Puzzle by W. B. M. Ferguson, abridged
Gideon Marcus et al.: the best fantastic fiction (and related work) in 1964
Todd Mason: 1950 US newsstand fantasy, sf and horror fiction magazines, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5; Midcentury Literary Ferment: some best-ofs from magazines and movements: Triquarterly, If, Venture Science Fiction, Short Story International and other bohemian expressions; The 1965 US Annuals of fiction and drama, further augmented...
John F. Norris: The Haunted River by Charlotte Riddell
John O'Neill: The Year's Best Fantasy Stories (DAW Books annual) edited by Lin Carter and Arthur Saha; Flashing Swords! edited by Lin Carter; The Space Anthologies edited by David Drake, Charles G. Waugh and Martin H. Greenberg
Matt Paust: The Constant Gardener by "John le Carré" (David Cornwell)
Mildred Perkins: Dead of Night by Jonathan Maberry
Jordan Prejean: The Twilight Zone Magazine, February 1982, edited by T. E. D. Klein
James Reasoner: Barbary Gold by H. Bedford-Jones, People's Favorite Magazine, 25 March 1919, editors uncredited; Texas Rangers, September 1952, edited by Jim Hendryx, Jr.
Richard Robinson: The Life and Works of Bernie Fuchs by David Apatoff
Janet Rudolph: New Year's mysteries
Sandra Ruttan: The Bloomsday Dead by Adrian McKinty
Gerard Saylor: Wyatt by Gary Disher; Clash of the Demons by Joseph Delaney; How the Dead Live by Derek Raymond
Scott: A Cat and a King by Diana Forbes-Robertson; Footsteps in the Night by Cicely Fraser-Simson
Steve Scott: "Path of Glory" by John D. MacDonald, Adventure, July 1951, edited by Kendall Goodwyn; text of "Path of Glory" (
Victoria Silverwolf: Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, December 1964, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli
Kerrie Smith: The Sounds of Crime edited by Maxim Jakubowski
Marina Sofia: The True Deceivers by Tove Jannson (translated by Thomas Teal); Scarred Hearts by Max Blecher (translated by Henry Howard); Barracuda by Christos Tsiolkas
Dan Stumpf: Sundown Jim (aka Red Harvest Rides the Range) by Ernest Haycox; East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Kevin Tipple: Outrage at Blanco by Bill Crider; "The Empty Manger" by Bill Crider, from Murder, Mayhem, Mistletoe: Four Novellas by Bill Crider, Wendi Lee, Aileen Schumacher and Terence Faherty
"TomCat": Plain Sailing by Douglas Clark
James Van Pelt: "The Story of a True Artist" by Dominica Phetteplace, Zyzzyva, Winter 2015, edited by Laura Cogan; "An Awfully Big Adventure" by Barbara Krasnoff, from A History of Soul 2065
David Vineyard: 5 seasonal crime fictions: Thou Shell of Death by "Nicholas Blake" (Cecil Day-Lewis); Appleby's End by Michael Innes; The Finishing Stroke by "Ellery Queen" (Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee); Winter of Madness by David Walker; On Her Majesty's Secret Service by Ian Fleming
Bill Wallace: The Secret History of the Jersey Devil by Brian Regal
A. J. Wright: The Drama in Pokerville by Joseph M. Field
Les Blatt: The Monkey and the Tiger by Robert Van Gulik; The Murder in the Vicarage by Agatha Christie
Joachim Boaz: "Thirteen to Centaurus" by J. G. Ballard, Amazing: Fact and Science Fiction Stories, April 1962, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli; The Space-Born by E. C. Tubb
John Boston: Amazing: Fact and Science Fiction Stories, December 1964, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli
Ben Boulden: HARM by Brian W. Aldiss
Michael R. Brown: The Argosy Library, Series V
Brian Busby: Best Reads, the Year in Reviews; "A Christmas Fantasy" by Bernard Freeman Trotter
Douglas Cohen: Realms of Fantasy, February 1995, edited by Shawna McCarthy
Don D'Ammassa: fantasy reviews
Hector DeJean: The Black Echo by Michael Connelly
Liz Dexter: A Woman's Place 1910-1975 by Ruth Adam; The Two Mrs. Abbotts by D. E. Stevenson
Martin Edwards: The Unfinished Crime by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
Peter Enfantino: Atlas (proto-Marvel) horror comics; January 1953
Barry Ergang: Outrage at Blanco by Bill Crider
Will Errickson: Twelve Tales of Suspense and the Supernatural by Davis Grubb
José Ignacio Escribano: The Crimson Circle by Edgar Wallace
Curtis Evans: The Ten Carrs of Christmas, Continued: John Dickson Carr: The Dead Man's Knock; The Department of Queer Complaints and March, Merrivale and Murder: the Colonel March stories; The 9 Wrong Answers
"Olman Feelyus": The Case of the Gilded Fly by Edmund Crispin
Paul Fraser: Keith Roberts, writer, illustrator, editor
John Grant: Invisible City by Julia Dahl
Aubrey Hamilton: Murder on a Bad Hair Day by Anne George; Chaser by Dharma Kelleher
Bev Hankins: 52 books in 52 weeks
James Wallace Harris: The Night Land by William Hope Hodgson
Lesa Heseltine: A Darcy Christmas, 3 novellas by Carolyn Eberhart, Amanda Grange and Sharon Lathan
Rich Horton: Robert Charles Wilson short fiction; Fritz Leiber: You're All Alone and its variant The Sinful Ones
Jerry House: Some Things Dark and Dangerous edited by Joan Kahn
Kate Jackson: Murder of Olympia by Margot Neville; books for Xmas
Joachim Boaz: "Thirteen to Centaurus" by J. G. Ballard, Amazing: Fact and Science Fiction Stories, April 1962, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli; The Space-Born by E. C. Tubb
John Boston: Amazing: Fact and Science Fiction Stories, December 1964, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli
Ben Boulden: HARM by Brian W. Aldiss
Michael R. Brown: The Argosy Library, Series V
Brian Busby: Best Reads, the Year in Reviews; "A Christmas Fantasy" by Bernard Freeman Trotter
Douglas Cohen: Realms of Fantasy, February 1995, edited by Shawna McCarthy
Don D'Ammassa: fantasy reviews
Hector DeJean: The Black Echo by Michael Connelly
Martin Edwards: The Unfinished Crime by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
Peter Enfantino: Atlas (proto-Marvel) horror comics; January 1953
Barry Ergang: Outrage at Blanco by Bill Crider
Will Errickson: Twelve Tales of Suspense and the Supernatural by Davis Grubb
José Ignacio Escribano: The Crimson Circle by Edgar Wallace
Curtis Evans: The Ten Carrs of Christmas, Continued: John Dickson Carr: The Dead Man's Knock; The Department of Queer Complaints and March, Merrivale and Murder: the Colonel March stories; The 9 Wrong Answers
"Olman Feelyus": The Case of the Gilded Fly by Edmund Crispin
Paul Fraser: Keith Roberts, writer, illustrator, editor
John Grant: Invisible City by Julia Dahl
Aubrey Hamilton: Murder on a Bad Hair Day by Anne George; Chaser by Dharma Kelleher
Bev Hankins: 52 books in 52 weeks
James Wallace Harris: The Night Land by William Hope Hodgson
Lesa Heseltine: A Darcy Christmas, 3 novellas by Carolyn Eberhart, Amanda Grange and Sharon Lathan

Jerry House: Some Things Dark and Dangerous edited by Joan Kahn
Kate Jackson: Murder of Olympia by Margot Neville; books for Xmas
Karen/"Kaggsy": The 1944 Books Club
Colman Keane: All the Young Warriors by Anthony Neil Smith
George Kelley: Sleep No More: Six Murderous Tales by P. D. James
Joe Kenney: Hammerhead by "James Mayo" (Stephen Coulter)
Rob Kitchin: 2011 books
Richard Kostelanetz: "Neglected Classics of Experimental Fiction"
Kate Laity: The Burnt Orange Heresy by Charles Willeford; The Long Drop by Denise Mina; The Driver's Seat by Muriel Spark, in this case as read by Judi Dench
Kate Laity: The Burnt Orange Heresy by Charles Willeford; The Long Drop by Denise Mina; The Driver's Seat by Muriel Spark, in this case as read by Judi Dench
B. V. Lawson: May 2019 CF magazines
Des/D. F. Lewis: Teatro Grottesco by Thomas Ligotti
Evan Lewis: The film Roadhouse Nights (script based on a story by Ben Hecht) and Red Harvest by Dashiell Hammett; Nero Wolfe, the comic strip
Steve Lewis: "Message in the Sand" by John L. French, from Past Sins: The Matthew Grace Casebook; The Hour of the Oxrun Dead by C[harles]. L. Grant; "Shambleau" by C[atherine]. L. Moore, Weird Tales, November 1933, edited by Farnsworth Wright; The Decent Inn of Death by Rennie Airth
Library of America: "Christmas Tree: A Christmas Circular Letter" by Robert Frost, from Mountain Interval
Robert Lopresti: "Blue Skies" by Keith Snyder, Black Cat Mystery Magazine, #5/2019, edited by John Gregory Betancourt & Carla Coupe
Gary Lovisi: Royce Publishing's two-title Trophy Books line: Smile, Brother, Smile edited anonymously and The Pilditch Puzzle by W. B. M. Ferguson, abridged
Gideon Marcus et al.: the best fantastic fiction (and related work) in 1964
Todd Mason: 1950 US newsstand fantasy, sf and horror fiction magazines, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5; Midcentury Literary Ferment: some best-ofs from magazines and movements: Triquarterly, If, Venture Science Fiction, Short Story International and other bohemian expressions; The 1965 US Annuals of fiction and drama, further augmented...
John F. Norris: The Haunted River by Charlotte Riddell
John O'Neill: The Year's Best Fantasy Stories (DAW Books annual) edited by Lin Carter and Arthur Saha; Flashing Swords! edited by Lin Carter; The Space Anthologies edited by David Drake, Charles G. Waugh and Martin H. Greenberg
Matt Paust: The Constant Gardener by "John le Carré" (David Cornwell)
Mildred Perkins: Dead of Night by Jonathan Maberry
Jordan Prejean: The Twilight Zone Magazine, February 1982, edited by T. E. D. Klein
James Reasoner: Barbary Gold by H. Bedford-Jones, People's Favorite Magazine, 25 March 1919, editors uncredited; Texas Rangers, September 1952, edited by Jim Hendryx, Jr.
Richard Robinson: The Life and Works of Bernie Fuchs by David Apatoff
Janet Rudolph: New Year's mysteries
Sandra Ruttan: The Bloomsday Dead by Adrian McKinty
Gerard Saylor: Wyatt by Gary Disher; Clash of the Demons by Joseph Delaney; How the Dead Live by Derek Raymond
Scott: A Cat and a King by Diana Forbes-Robertson; Footsteps in the Night by Cicely Fraser-Simson
Steve Scott: "Path of Glory" by John D. MacDonald, Adventure, July 1951, edited by Kendall Goodwyn; text of "Path of Glory" (
Victoria Silverwolf: Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, December 1964, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli
Kerrie Smith: The Sounds of Crime edited by Maxim Jakubowski
Marina Sofia: The True Deceivers by Tove Jannson (translated by Thomas Teal); Scarred Hearts by Max Blecher (translated by Henry Howard); Barracuda by Christos Tsiolkas
Dan Stumpf: Sundown Jim (aka Red Harvest Rides the Range) by Ernest Haycox; East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Kevin Tipple: Outrage at Blanco by Bill Crider; "The Empty Manger" by Bill Crider, from Murder, Mayhem, Mistletoe: Four Novellas by Bill Crider, Wendi Lee, Aileen Schumacher and Terence Faherty
"TomCat": Plain Sailing by Douglas Clark
James Van Pelt: "The Story of a True Artist" by Dominica Phetteplace, Zyzzyva, Winter 2015, edited by Laura Cogan; "An Awfully Big Adventure" by Barbara Krasnoff, from A History of Soul 2065
David Vineyard: 5 seasonal crime fictions: Thou Shell of Death by "Nicholas Blake" (Cecil Day-Lewis); Appleby's End by Michael Innes; The Finishing Stroke by "Ellery Queen" (Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee); Winter of Madness by David Walker; On Her Majesty's Secret Service by Ian Fleming
Bill Wallace: The Secret History of the Jersey Devil by Brian Regal
A. J. Wright: The Drama in Pokerville by Joseph M. Field
My actual FFB Review was on THE EMPTY MANGER by Bill Crider.
Now added! Thanks, and sorry I missed it on first pass.
As always, many thanks!
And, always, those thanks reciprocated!
Thank you for including my posts!
Thanks for sharing them with us!
Todd – Thanks for compiling this big list. And hope you are over whatever ailment had you down.
Todd - The above comment was intended for the Jan. 13
FFB. Don't know how it landed here.
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