This week's books, unfairly (or sometimes fairly) neglected, or simply those the reviewers below think you might find of some interest (or, infrequently, you should be warned away from); certainly, most weeks we have a few not at all forgotten titles. Founder Patti Abbott is taking a break from listmaking for a if I've missed yours or someone else's, please let me know in comments...
Yvette Banek: The Yellow Room by Mary Roberts Rinehart
Les Blatt: The Case of the Murdered Major by Christopher Bush
John Boston: Amazing: Fact and Science Fiction Stories, August 1963, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli
Brian Busby: Rebound by Dick Diespecker
Martin Edwards: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall by Stanley Ellin
Peter Enfantino & Jack Seabrook: EC Comics, June 1955
Barry Ergang (hosted by Kevin Tipple): Kirinyaga: A Fable of Utopia by Mike Resnick
Will Errickson: Let's Go Play at the Adams' by Mendal W. Johnson
Curtis Evans: The Pocket Book of True Crime Stories edited by "Anthony Boucher" (William A. P. White)
Paul Fraser: Astounding Science-Fiction, September 1942, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.
John Grant: Pretty, Lovely, Nasty by Rosalind Noonan
Rich Horton: By Ian R. MacLeod: The Light Ages; Voyages by Starlight; some short fiction
Jerry House: Rockets to Nowhere by "Philip St. John" ("Lester del Rey"/Leonard Knapp)
Kate Jackson: From Information Received by E. and M. A. Radford
Tracy K: White Sky, Black Ice by Stan Jones
Colman Keane: Dread: The Art of Serial Killing by Mark Ramsden
George Kelley: A Redhead for Mike Shayne by "Brett Halliday" (in this case, author possibly unknown)
Joe Kenney: The Man from Planet X #2: Tiger by the Tail by "Hunter Adams" (James D. Lawrence)
Margot Kinberg: Funeral Sites by Jessica Mann
Rob Kitchin: Lamentation by Joe Clifford
B.V. Lawson: Murderous Schemes edited by J. Madison Davis and Donald Westlake
Evan Lewis: The Search for My Great-Uncle's Head by "Peter Coffin" (Jonathan Latimer)
Steve Lewis: Beyond the Dark by Kieran Abbey; Snare in the Dark by Frank Parrish; Dead in the Morning by Margaret Yorke
Gideon Marcus: Ellison Wonderland by Harlan Ellison
Todd Mason: Devil's Scrapbook by Jerome Bixby; The Case Against Satan by Ray Russell
John F. Norris: The Midnight Mystery by Bertram Atkey
John O'Neill: Conquerors from the Darkness by Robert Silverberg
Matt Paust: Two by Martin Cruz Smith: Stalin's Ghost and Three Stations
Mildred Perkins: The Courier by Gerald Brandt
James Reasoner: Renegade by "Ramsay Thorne" (Lou Cameron)
Richard Robinson: A Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir of Lady Trent by Marie Brennan; Chasing A Blond Moon by Joseph Heywood; The Double-Jack Murders by Patrick McManus; The Age of Myth and The Age of Swords by Michael J. Sullivan
Gerard Saylor: By the Time You Read This by Giles Blunt
Jack Seabrook: "One Way Out" by Clark Howard; "I'll Cut Your Throat Again, Kathleen" by Fredric Brown
Kerrie Smith: Motives for Murder edited by Martin Edwards
Steven Silver: "Rebel" by Ward Moore; "Just Another Perfect Day" by John Varley; "The Adventure of the Snowing Globe" by "F. Anstey" (Thomas Anstey Guthrie)
Victoria Silverwolf: Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, August 1963, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli
"TomCat": This is the House by "Shelley Smith" (Nancy Bodington)
Danielle Torres: How to Find Love in a Bookshop by Veronica Henry
David Vineyard: Countess Cagliostro by Maurice Leblanc (translated by Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier)
Yvette Banek: The Yellow Room by Mary Roberts Rinehart
Les Blatt: The Case of the Murdered Major by Christopher Bush

Brian Busby: Rebound by Dick Diespecker
Martin Edwards: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall by Stanley Ellin
Peter Enfantino & Jack Seabrook: EC Comics, June 1955
Barry Ergang (hosted by Kevin Tipple): Kirinyaga: A Fable of Utopia by Mike Resnick
Will Errickson: Let's Go Play at the Adams' by Mendal W. Johnson
Curtis Evans: The Pocket Book of True Crime Stories edited by "Anthony Boucher" (William A. P. White)
Paul Fraser: Astounding Science-Fiction, September 1942, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.
John Grant: Pretty, Lovely, Nasty by Rosalind Noonan
Rich Horton: By Ian R. MacLeod: The Light Ages; Voyages by Starlight; some short fiction
Jerry House: Rockets to Nowhere by "Philip St. John" ("Lester del Rey"/Leonard Knapp)
Kate Jackson: From Information Received by E. and M. A. Radford
Tracy K: White Sky, Black Ice by Stan Jones
Colman Keane: Dread: The Art of Serial Killing by Mark Ramsden
George Kelley: A Redhead for Mike Shayne by "Brett Halliday" (in this case, author possibly unknown)
Joe Kenney: The Man from Planet X #2: Tiger by the Tail by "Hunter Adams" (James D. Lawrence)
Margot Kinberg: Funeral Sites by Jessica Mann
Rob Kitchin: Lamentation by Joe Clifford
B.V. Lawson: Murderous Schemes edited by J. Madison Davis and Donald Westlake
Evan Lewis: The Search for My Great-Uncle's Head by "Peter Coffin" (Jonathan Latimer)
Steve Lewis: Beyond the Dark by Kieran Abbey; Snare in the Dark by Frank Parrish; Dead in the Morning by Margaret Yorke
Gideon Marcus: Ellison Wonderland by Harlan Ellison
Todd Mason: Devil's Scrapbook by Jerome Bixby; The Case Against Satan by Ray Russell
John F. Norris: The Midnight Mystery by Bertram Atkey
John O'Neill: Conquerors from the Darkness by Robert Silverberg
Matt Paust: Two by Martin Cruz Smith: Stalin's Ghost and Three Stations
Mildred Perkins: The Courier by Gerald Brandt
James Reasoner: Renegade by "Ramsay Thorne" (Lou Cameron)
Richard Robinson: A Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir of Lady Trent by Marie Brennan; Chasing A Blond Moon by Joseph Heywood; The Double-Jack Murders by Patrick McManus; The Age of Myth and The Age of Swords by Michael J. Sullivan
Gerard Saylor: By the Time You Read This by Giles Blunt
Jack Seabrook: "One Way Out" by Clark Howard; "I'll Cut Your Throat Again, Kathleen" by Fredric Brown
Kerrie Smith: Motives for Murder edited by Martin Edwards
Steven Silver: "Rebel" by Ward Moore; "Just Another Perfect Day" by John Varley; "The Adventure of the Snowing Globe" by "F. Anstey" (Thomas Anstey Guthrie)

"TomCat": This is the House by "Shelley Smith" (Nancy Bodington)
Danielle Torres: How to Find Love in a Bookshop by Veronica Henry
David Vineyard: Countess Cagliostro by Maurice Leblanc (translated by Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier)
Thanks for the link, Todd.
Mine is posted, Todd. Thanks for doing hosting duties once again.
Thank you folks.
Will you please add my post to the roster,Todd?
The Midnight Mystery by Bertram Atkey
Thanks for filling in for Patti in her time of trouble.
Done! Thank you.
Thanks for the link! LET’S GO PLAY is an obscure book that’s slowly getting some recognition. It’s one of those novels that’s a whole experience—you don’t just read it you kind of endure it. Unique and unsettling!
I had heard of it previously, but as far as I know had never seen a copy...probably did read it in conjunction with the mention of THE GIRL NEXT DOOR. Thanks for the entry!
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